Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 324: A Prophecy Comes True, The Lord Of Fengli Palace Is Eroded By Darkness!

At the end of the steps, a man in green robe was domineering and majestic, sitting on the throne.

An extremely powerful wave of spiritual power suddenly spread out from his body.

Gu Hongchen, Changyue and the others looked at the middle-aged man in green robes, and the corners of their eyes suddenly twitched.

Judging from its position and such aura, the identity of the person in front of him is already obvious.

The master of Fengli Palace, one of the nine ancient palaces in heaven!

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly fell into dead silence.

Gu Hongchen and Ji Huang Changyue were frozen in place, not daring to move at all.

They stared at the Lord of Fengli Palace with fear and a trace of expectation in their eyes.

It is expected that the master of Fengli Palace, like the disciples before him, has long since died and will return to dust with just a breeze.

"Could it be that...the Lord of Fengli Palace was really infected by the dark aura and lost his mind?"

Ji Huang spoke again, somewhat timidly.

But in the next second, he realized something was wrong and immediately shut his mouth.

But there is still no escape from bad luck.

Under their gaze, the body of the middle-aged man in green robe seemed to shake slightly for a few moments.

Then, the scene that Ji, Huang, Changyue and others least wanted to see happened.

I saw that the Lord of Fengli Palace's eyes, which seemed to have been closed for tens of thousands of years, slowly opened them while trembling.

There was darkness in his eyes, as if 570 contained endless darkness!

There is also a faint hint of red, which is extremely evil!

It has obviously been eroded by darkness and has completely turned into a monster that only knows how to kill!

When Ji Huang saw this, he immediately became ashamed, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes with his big, clear and lively eyes.

Who would have thought that one of his words would actually come true!

Su Changsheng and Chang Yue also looked at Ji Huang with an annoyed look on their faces.

"You are such a crow's mouth!"

Before entering this place, Ji Huang said casually, but he did not expect that after entering, it actually developed according to Ji Huang's script.

"Then...that means I have foresight, okay?!"

Ji Huang pouted her rosy little mouth and muttered timidly to herself.

Su Changsheng and Chang Yue looked helpless.

"who is it.…………"

"If you dare to invade the Heavenly Palace and kill my disciples, I will make you pay with blood!"


A deep voice with endless killing intent and hatred came from the mouth of the Lord of Fengli Palace.

There was a faint echo, and there was no sound in the empty valley, as if the endless river of time had been transmigrated, echoing in this hall.

Hearing this, Su (chca) Changsheng was moved.

With his brows slightly furrowed, he looked at that figure again and felt admiration.

Perhaps his strength is not enough. In front of the supreme power of the dark immortal world, he is as weak as an ant and cannot protect his disciples.

But even after tens of thousands of years, when everything returns to dust, that obsession still cannot be let go.

Even if he transforms into this dark monster, he still wants to kill all his enemies!


What he didn't know was that he had turned into the person he hated most.

"Help him, Tomoe!"

Su Changsheng's expression was calm, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to be suppressing endless killing intent, and he spoke in a deep voice.


Gu Hongchen and Chang Yue both nodded slightly, and Ji Huang also showed his Spirit Weapon.

Rather than turning into a monster and existing here forever, it would be better to be killed completely by them, which would be considered a good death.

Just when a few people reached a consensus, the master of Fengli Palace on the high platform had his dark and terrifying eyes like black holes locked on Su Changsheng.

It seems that he realized that Su Changsheng was the greatest threat to him, so he designated him as the first target of attack.


Before anyone could react, they heard a buzz in the space.

Then the cyan figure disappeared from everyone's sight anomaly.

"So fast!"

Gu Hongchen suddenly cried out in horror, and she could barely see the cyan figure's movements.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared above Su Changsheng's head and stamped its feet!


A blue-black storm suddenly burst out from under the soles of his feet, tearing apart the space and sweeping towards Su Changsheng as fast as lightning.

Wherever the storm passed, all space collapsed!

This power is actually more terrifying than the broken formation outside Fengli Palace!

But alas...

He clearly chose the wrong opponent.

I saw Su Changsheng's eyes flashing, and then he raised his hand and waved!


It was just a simple waving motion, but the space suddenly let out an overwhelming sound of shattering.

I saw a ray of chaotic energy directly turning into a bolt, rushing out violently, and collided with the blue-black storm.

In an instant, the storm intensified!

The entire hall was shaking, and the terrible wind was raging, seeming to destroy the entire hall.

A powerful shock wave visible to the naked eye raged, causing the shaking space to continuously make terrifying sounds like thick thunder.

"Your opponent should not be me..."

A calm voice came from Su Changsheng's mouth, and then he waved his arms brazenly.


Only another loud noise was heard, and the blue-black storm was directly exploded by the Chaos Pinning.

The Lord of Fengli Palace was also bombarded by this terrifying force and flew backwards.


The body of the Lord of Fengli Palace suddenly shook, and under the terrifying power of Su Changsheng's blow, he flew out directly and hit a huge stone pillar hard.

The stone pillar was instantly filled with cracks and exploded in the blink of an eye, turning into rubble and dust all over the sky!

With just one move, the master of Fengli Palace, whose strength was comparable to the peak of the True Immortal realm, was easily repelled by Su Changsheng.

Looking at this scene, Hongchen's expression suddenly couldn't help but change.

This guy...….….

What a strong pervert!

She couldn't help but marvel again, but at the same time, she was also horrified by the strength of the Lord of Fengli Palace.

That guy turned out to be at the peak of the True Immortal realm!

This was obviously beyond their expectations.

According to her estimation, even though the Lord of Fengli Palace might have been at the peak of the True Immortal Realm before, he could be corroded by the dark aura. Even if he retained his body, after all, after tens of thousands of years of erosion, his own strength would inevitably be greatly reduced. !

But she didn't expect that even after being weakened, the power possessed by the Lord of Fengli Palace was still far beyond that of ordinary True Immortal realm experts.

After casually repelling the master of Fengli Palace, Su Changsheng did not pursue the victory.

Instead, he tapped his toes on the ground, jumped directly, and sat on the throne where the Lord of Fengli Palace had just sat.

Leaning here, eating fruit and talking leisurely.

"It's just a True Immortal realm, a puppet without intelligence. I leave it to you. There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

The long words came from Su Changsheng's mouth and echoed in the ears of Gu Hongchen and others. All three of them couldn't help but look speechless...

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