Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 336 Ji Huang Controls The Fengling Liyu Fan And Tries His Best!

When Gu Hongchen held her hand on the Fenglingli Feather Fan, the spiritual energy in her body suddenly boiled!

Even the space around her began to ripple. The technique was affected by the traction and started to operate automatically. The majestic True Immortal spiritual power seemed to turn into a vast ocean, with huge waves surging, and a dull roaring sound.

"Buzz buzz!"

Gu Hongchen's body was trembling slightly. She could feel that not only the spiritual power in the surrounding space, but also the spiritual power in her body was also pouring out crazily along her arms at this moment.

Like a raging river, everything was poured into the Feng Lingli Feather Fan.

And that seemingly small feather fan was actually like a bottomless pit at this moment. No matter how much spiritual power surged out of Gu Hongchen's body, all the children were swallowed up by Qian Qianjing without any pressure.

With such a devouring speed, even if Gu Hongchen had prepared "two-nine-seven", he was still a little frightened and vaguely uneasy.

If you let this guy devour you like this, even if you don't get drained, you will have very little spiritual power left, and there is a monster next to you, staring at you all the time.

Those scarlet eyes seemed to want to tear themselves into pieces immediately!

Ji Huang on the side was slightly surprised when he saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, Feng Lingli Yushan would be acquired by Gu Hongchen in the end.

Of course, she did not object to this result.

Along the way, she had a good impression of Gu Hongchen, not to mention that Gu Hongchen was Gu Wushuang's cousin.

Speaking of which, they are also a family, just a feather fan is the same for everyone at this moment.

It’s just that the current situation doesn’t seem very good!

Turning his head and looking to the side, the Lord of Feng Li Palace was caught off guard and thrown away by the spiritual storm. The guy was staring at Gu Hongchen. [Obviously, it was impossible for him to control Feng Ling Li Yufan so easily.


Dark aura surged all over his body, and the moment his feet touched the ground, they exploded.

The terrifying force directly caused the hard blue stone floor to burst open, and its figure was already like a cannonball, charging towards Gu Hongchen with incomparable ferocity.


"Looking for! Looking for death!"

A harsh and unpleasant sound, like sandpaper rubbing, came from the throat of the Lord of Fengli Palace.

This guy obviously still retains some instincts and wants to take back Feng Lingli Yufan.

But unfortunately, he is no longer him!

The dull buzzing sound kept echoing between Gu Hongchen and Feng Lingli's feather fan.

The majestic spiritual power roared around Gu Hongchen, almost turning into a spiritual storm that swept in all directions!

And with the infusion of more and more spiritual power, the already dim Feng Lingli Feather Fan became brighter and brighter!

What's even more strange is that ancient and mysterious rune patterns begin to appear on it, becoming increasingly clear.

What followed was an extremely powerful wave!

After all, Feng Lingli Feather Fan is just a weapon. It will be strongest only when it is controlled by others and has spiritual power as its foundation!

Although Gu Hongchen's level of strength is not yet able to fully exert the full power of Fenglingli Feather Fan, he can still activate 80% of it!

True Immortal High Grade Immortal Spirit Weapon is 80% powerful, enough to destroy the world!



Just when Gu Hongchen was still shocked by the power of Feng Lingli's feather fan, he felt a sudden chill coming from behind him.

Then the terrifying figure enveloped by the dark aura appeared behind her like a ghost.


Without any hesitation, the withered sharp claws like a corpse suddenly tore out!

The void was suddenly torn apart, and a terrifying dark aura surged, grabbing directly at the back of Gu Hongchen's heart.

If this claw hits, even if Gu Hongchen is in the True Immortal realm, he will die on the spot!

The pupils in Gu Hongchen's eyes shrank slightly, and a cold light flashed!

Time seemed to stand still for an instant, and cold sweat fell from his forehead.

She wanted to turn around and fight back, but she still couldn't fully control Feng Lingli Yufan at the moment. Once she forcibly withdrew her spiritual power, she would inevitably suffer backlash and her efforts would be in vain!

But if we continue, I'm will be too late!

"Damn it! It was almost!!"

"Just a little bit!!!"

Gu Hongchen was extremely troubled, and his expression was extremely ugly!

Sweat dripped down her extremely nervous face, and her pupils shrank suddenly. She felt that the attack that made her heart tremble was about to fall, and she was ready to force the wind spirit to leave the feather fan.

After all, backlash is only a serious injury, but if you don't fight back, you will die!

She can still tell the difference between what is light and what is serious!

At this critical moment of life and death, once he made a decision, Gu Hongchen did not hesitate at all and wanted to take action forcefully...

At this moment, a harsh sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from above the head.

"Ugly guy, what is yours?! Look at how you look like a human and a ghost now, get out of here!"

Accompanied by this cold and angry shout!

A gun shadow suddenly came through the sky and fell from the sky!

"Red Phoenix Burns the Sky!!"

Ji Huang's red spiritual power surged all over his body, and there was even fire in his eyes. The Red Phoenix Divine Spear in his hand was even more glowing. The spiritual power flowed through the mysterious lines on it, as hot and bright as magma.

A spear was stabbed out, and the void suddenly exploded!

What followed was a huge red blood phoenix!


The blood phoenix rushed out, let out a scream, spread its wings, and terrifying waves swept in all directions!

Falling from the sky, it stabbed straight at the clawed arm stretched out by the Lord of Fengli Palace!


A huge roar exploded immediately!

Just one step away from Gu Hongchen, smoke and dust were everywhere, the earth cracked, and terrifying shock waves swept in all directions!


The gap between Ji Huang and the master of Fengli Palace is too big!

There are two big realms, and the chasm is so vast that it is even indescribable and impossible to cross!

No matter how hard the Lord of Fengli Palace was hit, or how she made a surprise attack, she would not be able to pose much of a threat to 5.0.

I saw that the red phoenix was directly grabbed by the master of Fengli Palace, and then the dark aura surged, and it was crushed without any effort!

The moment he squeezed it, Ji Huang's face suddenly turned pale and his expression was painful. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot of backlash.


The movement was blocked, and the master of Fengli Palace became even more furious. He let out a sharp roar from his mouth, and then swiped his claws down at Ji Huang from the air.


Three jet-black claw marks tore through the void, and they wreaked havoc on Ji Tuan.

The speed was so fast that Ji Huang had no time to react at this moment.

His pupils suddenly tightened, and he watched the terrifying attack in his eyes continue to enlarge. At this moment, Ji Huang was directly shocked by the terrifying aura of the Lord of Fengli Palace, and stood blankly in the original place for a moment...

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