Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 342: Corpse Spirit Array, Black Dragon Of Death!

Su Changsheng didn't care about the complaints from the three women.

He just smiled nonchalantly, his eyes twinkling.

How could there be no danger in a place with such a treasure?

These three guys are really too relaxed, they need to be taught a long lesson.

With this in mind, Su Changsheng stood aside and quietly watched Ji Huang gradually approach the bones.

But at this moment, Gu Hongchen suddenly woke up.

"Wait a minute, there's something weird!"

Gu Hongchen's cold voice came out, and Ji Huang's steps suddenly froze.

His expression turned to horror.


Gu Hongchen flicked his arm, and a burst of red glow spiritual power spread out in ripples visible to the naked eye.

Bang bang bang!

Among the ruins, bursts of explosions were heard immediately, and many dead trees and boulders were shattered by the sound, and then the land seemed to begin to collapse.


A huge roar resounded throughout the wasteland, and the earth continued to shake violently.

Immediately after Ji Huang, Changyue and Ji Huang saw in horror that black auras emerged from the 27th Earth.

Then a sky-filling black mist emerged from the ground and began to swarm towards the dragon blood bead.

Soon! As the endless spiritual power was absorbed into the dragon blood bead, an extremely terrifying wave suddenly spread out from the dragon blood bead.

The earth collapsed, and what made Ji Huang's pupils shrink suddenly was that deep in the collapsed earth, there was actually a huge black dragon that was completely black!

The body of the black dragon is extremely huge. What's anomaly is that the body has not decayed. It is surrounded by a terrifying death aura, and the huge dragon eyes are lifeless and lifeless.

It was quietly entrenched under the humanoid skeleton, as if buried in this land, like a dead thing. Ji Huang and others were not aware of it at all.

If Su Changsheng hadn't reminded him before, Gu Hongchen might not have discovered it.

" this a corpse scam?!"

Ji Huang looked at the terrifying giant dragon in front of him, and his hair stood on end. He didn't care about the spirit beads. He immediately retreated behind Su Changsheng.

A helpless smile suddenly appeared on Su Changsheng's face and he shook his head.

This guy is really... quite smart...

"It seems like a spiritual formation!"

At this time, Chang Yue spoke, staring at the scene of sudden drastic changes in front of her.

I saw rays of spiritual power shooting out from the earth, and the rays were connected to each other, forming a huge existence similar to an array.

And the human-shaped withered bones just happened to fall at the center of the spiritual formation.

As the spiritual light continued to emerge, the dragon blood bead actually floated up on its own initiative, flying from the humanoid bones to the weight of mid-air.


A ray of blood suddenly shot out from the dragon blood bead and hit the black dragon corpse between the eyebrows.

In an instant, the ground seemed to shake!

Immediately afterwards, the huge dragon eyes that were originally closed suddenly opened, and their eyes were dark and glowing with a red light, which was extremely penetrating!

"What kind of spiritual formation is this?!"

Ji Huang asked in surprise, looking at him with some fear.

She had a hunch that if she had stepped into the spiritual formation so unprepared just now, she would have suffered a big loss.

"This seems to be a corpse spirit array. It is guided by the remaining life breath and spiritual power of the body. This array is set up. The dragon blood beads are used as the array eyes to seal the black dragon's body. Once someone steps in, the spiritual array will activate that Black dragon corpse!"

"And once you enter the range of the spiritual formation, your life breath will continue to flow away, and your strength will be suppressed."

Chang Yue frowned slightly and said with some fear and surprise.

She didn't expect that the legendary formation actually existed!

There are many restrictions on the layout of this corpse spirit formation. It almost requires the right time, place and people to succeed, which is extremely difficult!

Not only does the person setting up the formation need to sacrifice their life energy, but it also requires an extremely powerful formation eye and formation body.

It’s already very difficult to get these together!

But I didn't expect that the owner of this white skeleton actually did it.

And it was completed so perfectly, using the black dragon's blood beads as the formation's eyes and the black dragon's body as the formation's body, he directly sacrificed all his remaining vitality to this formation as a blood sacrifice!

There is no doubt that the power of this magic circle has reached an unprecedented level of terror!

"Now what?"

Ji Huang frowned, stared at the dragon blood bead with a pair of beautiful eyes, and asked with an ugly expression.

"What else can we do? Of course we have to break the formation and get the pearl!"

Changyue showed a gentle smile on her face, looked at Ji Huang and said lightly.

Gu Hongchen, who was on the side, did not hesitate. He grasped the Red Dust Immortal sword tightly in his hand. Qian Ying jumped and rushed towards the black dragon.

Seeing this, Chang Yue followed closely and jumped into the spiritual formation.

The moment he entered, an extremely strong death aura came over him.

Changyue suddenly felt a sharp increase in pressure, and the meaning of her spiritual power became somewhat obscure.

It seemed like he was constantly attracted to her

But the next second, as the power of Taiyin surged out, forming a soft white barrier on the body surface, the death energy was isolated.

But Gu Hongchen didn't feel so good.

Although her realm is stronger than Chang Yue, she can only isolate it with spiritual power.

The spiritual power has little effect on the death energy, and is directly penetrated and corroded.

Seeing this scene, Gu Hongchen's brows suddenly frowned.

Although this death energy does not pose a fatal threat to her for the time being, if it is corroded by it for too long, her vitality will be corroded bit by bit.


Then Gu Hongchen frowned and was about to take action quickly, facing this deadly aura and making a quick decision. 490, a ray of red light swept over from outside the formation.

Gu Hongchen raised his hand and picked it up, and it turned out to be the Spiritual Bead used by Ji Huang before!

Gu Hongchen looked at the extremely precious Fairy Spirit Weapon in his hand, and then looked at Ji Huang, his beautiful eyes suddenly trembled slightly.

This is the Immortal Spirit Weapon, and it is an auxiliary type, making it even rarer and more precious!

But this guy actually just left it to himself.

What a rich man!

"Come on! Kill that black dragon!"

Ji Huang waved his pink fist and hid behind Su Changsheng, cheering on Gu Hongchen.

Gu Hongchen couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw Ji Huang's funny look, and then nodded slightly, and the evil-proofing orb floated above Gu Hongchen's head even though it was wrapped in spiritual power.

Waves of soft spiritual power fell down like a river of stars, forming a barrier that enveloped Gu Hongchen, and the deathly energy was completely isolated from the outside.

True Immortal level evil-repelling fairy beads have almost a natural restraint effect on this kind of poisonous and dead energy!

The Red Dust Immortal sword in their hands shook, and the void shook. The two women looked at the black dragon, with sharp light flashing in their eyes.

And the black dragon seemed to be aware of the danger. Its huge body rose into the air, filled with deathly aura, and its huge and ferocious dragon head was facing the two women, with a fierce light in its eyes!

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