Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 345: Entering Longyan Palace, The Red True Dragon? !

The dim sunset appears, and a sword shines in the cold sky!

As Chang Yue and Gu Hongchen cooperated, this shocking sword strike was launched, and the black dragon immediately collapsed.

Only the dragon blood bead was left floating leisurely in the mid-air, exuding overwhelming power of blood and traces of dragon energy.

"A very beautiful sword."

Su Changsheng looked at Gu Hongchen floating down and praised with a smile on his face.

That sword is so beautiful, like the ray of sunset!

This is the embodiment of his own Sword Intent sword power, symbolizing that Gu Hongchen’s attainments in the field of Sword Dao have become Transcendent!

Listening to Su Changsheng's praise, Gu Hongchen was slightly startled, but then he nodded coldly and said: "Yes."

Seeing this, Su Changsheng was speechless for a while. He couldn't help but wonder, what kind of prejudice does this guy have against him?!

Isn’t it just that she has more wives? Then she takes in the genius of the younger generation in her clan!

As for that?

He complained secretly in his heart and ignored Gu Hongchen. He raised his hand and the dragon blood bead floated into Su Changsheng's palm.

Looking at the dragon blood beads in front of him, Su Changsheng's brows furrowed slightly and his expression darkened.


"This dragon blood bead has been contaminated."

Su Changsheng sighed with some pity.

This dragon blood bead is a rare treasure. It not only contains extremely strong spiritual power and qi and blood power, but also contains the precious blood of a real dragon!

How precious is the precious blood of the ten evil men from ancient times?!

Being able to get even one drop is an incredible opportunity!

It's a pity that it is contaminated and has dark aura mixed in it. Without special means, it is impossible to absorb it and practice it.

"It is indeed a pity, but it is also a rare treasure."

When Gu Hongchen heard this, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, his expression became serious, and he said with some pity.

"In that case, I'll give it to you."

Su Changsheng raised his hand and threw the dragon blood bead to Gu Hongchen with an indifferent smile on his face.

It was as if a piece of trash had been thrown away at random.

You must know that even if this dragon blood bead is contaminated by the dark atmosphere, it is not impossible to purify it.

And even if it cannot be purified, this dragon blood bead also has other wonderful uses.

If it were left to the outside world, it would probably be snatched away by countless strong men, but in front of Su Changsheng, it was like garbage.

And looking at this guy's appearance, he seems to have a look of disgust on his face.

Catching the dragon blood bead in a daze, Gu Hongchen turned to look at Chang Yue.

After all, this was what she and Chang Yue got from killing the black dragon, so she didn't have to ask Chang Mu for her opinion.

When Chang Yue saw Gu Hongchen's eyes turned towards her, she immediately showed a gentle smile.

"It's useless for me to ask for it. Immortality is given to you, so just keep it."

Chang Yue would naturally not compete with Gu Hongchen for this mere dragon blood bead.

But in those words, it sounded like a husband singing and a wife accompanying her.

Su Changsheng also looked at Chang Yue after hearing this. The two looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

When Gu Hongchen saw this, his expression suddenly froze. Without saying a word, he put away the dragon blood beads and turned around to leave.

This directly made Ji Huang and Chang Yue laugh.

"Let's go and see the Longyan Palace."

Su Changsheng smiled slightly and looked at Longyan Palace in the distance, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

There are treasures like dragon blood beads in the periphery, so there must be a lot of treasures in Longyan Palace.

Maybe you can still find a few dragon blood beads that are not contaminated.

But compared to the Dragon Blood Pearl, what Su Changsheng is more looking forward to is the True Dragon Treasure Technique!

Ji Huang Changyue also nodded when she heard the words, followed Su Changsheng into the sky, broke through the heavy fog, and flew towards the Longyan Palace not far away.

Going all the way, when everyone emerged through the heavy fog, they had already arrived in front of Longyan Palace.

This Longyan Palace seems to be even more magnificent than the previous Fengli Palace.

The majestic aura is still terrifying even after tens of thousands of years. It is worthy of being the abode of a real dragon, one of the ten evils in ancient times.

I just didn't expect that there was a real dragon in this ancient heavenly palace, and he was also an elder. This surprised Su Changsheng.

The huge door towered in front of the four of them, as if it were towering over the sky.

The golden dragon is flying above the door, and the carvings on it are lifelike, exuding the invisible power of the dragon, which makes people feel fearful.

Su Changsheng's eyes flashed with aura. He looked at the closed Dragon Gate in front of him. He raised his hand and shot out a stream of aura, trying to push it away.


Just when the spiritual light bombarded the Dragon Gate, an unexpected change occurred.

The Dragon Gate, which was originally dead and motionless, suddenly seemed to be activated, shooting out a golden light.

The golden light collided with Su Changsheng's spiritual light and exploded immediately!

There was a loud bang, accompanied by the raging spiritual energy waves, and the golden dragon carved on the Dragon Gate seemed to come alive!


"This is……………"

"There is a real dragon here?!"

Ji Huang was shocked, his beautiful eyes filled with unbelievable horror, staring at the strangely moving golden dragon in front of him.

Su Changsheng looked at the golden dragon, his eyes flashed with fairy light, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Huh?! This is really a dragon. It seems to be wrapped with the pure spirit of a real dragon, unlike the dead thing before!"

Su Changsheng's eyes welled up with joy, and he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

At this moment, the golden dragon had already flown out of the door, soared up and entrenched itself in the sky.

It's strong!

Ji Huang, Chang Yue, and even Gu Hongchen all felt a sense of oppression!

The golden dragon rises and falls in the void. The dragon's body is strong and powerful, as if it is made of divine gold. But at this moment, it is no longer golden, but crimson red, with red clouds lingering outside the body, like blood!

In addition, Gu Hongchen was even more horrified to discover that the red dragon was surrounded by a rich chaos energy, making it even more extraordinary.


This red dragon seems to be much smaller than the previous black dragon, with only a body of ten feet.

But even though the body is not big, the aura and power are impressive. It is many times more powerful than the previous black dragon.

People can't help but feel that this is the real dragon, one of the ten ancient evils!

Even at this moment, Su Changsheng felt something strange about the sealed fallen blood phoenix in the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron.

Obviously, as one of the ten evil spirits, the fallen blood phoenix is ​​also extremely sensitive to real dragons.


The red dragon manifested and roared at Su Changsheng and others!

The dragon's roar shook the heavens!

Immediately, the void trembled, roared continuously, and the terrifying air waves turned into substantial shock waves, which were about to shatter people's internal organs!

But obviously, Su Changsheng and others have nothing to fear!

I saw Su Changsheng standing quietly in the distance, squinting at the red dragon with a bright smile on his face.

An invisible barrier appeared and immediately enveloped all four people.

The Dragon's Roar impact couldn't shake it at all.

That casual and calm look made the red dragon in the air slightly startled.

I don't even know why, but looking at the bright smile on the face of the human in front of me and the evil eyes, it actually has a vague feeling of something bad...

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