Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 352: True Dragon’S Instructions, Red Dragon Has A Shortage

A low dragon roar sounded in the minds of the four of them.

This was a sound transmission and was not heard by Little Red Dragon.


There was a loud noise, and in the chaos, the dragon's energy rippled and condensed a text in the void, which was an ancient immortal text.

"Is this the golden dragon recognizing us?"

Ji Huang looked at the ancient immortal text in front of him and spoke in surprise.

There was a fragmented consciousness of the real dragon in the dragon horn. After checking the four people's feet, they knew their origins.

Especially Chang Yue, Ao Jin felt relieved when he felt that there was no dark aura on her body.

After all, it is extremely difficult to see a familiar face after ten thousand years.

Those people who died in the battle and disappeared disappeared. He himself never thought that he could still see his old friends.

Although he had not had much contact with this old friend before, and had only met him a few times, he still made him feel at ease.

However, this is obviously not enough and is very cautious.


As the golden words appeared, the place suddenly became filled with golden light. A piece of bone flew up from the dragon's nest. The golden light was bright and crystal clear like an ancient mirror. It shot out a golden light that shone for eternity and directly enveloped the four people. 27 Su Changsheng was slightly aloof, realizing that there was no malicious intent, so he did not stop him, but he also hid some of his secrets.

If he guessed correctly, this golden ancient mirror should be the forehead bone of a real dragon!

It is also a rare treasure!

The power of the Soul Formation will be displayed here again, shining for eternity, illuminating all the secrets of the three people, and sensing them there.

Gu Hongchen frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

Although she also understood Jin Long's caution and was afraid that his only descendant would be persecuted, these repeated investigations made her feel as if she was transparent and had no secrets at all. This feeling was very unpleasant!

Chang Yue and Ji Huang did not change their expressions at all, allowing Lu Tie to explore.

Finally, a sigh came from the ancient mirror, and the remaining soul of the real dragon was completely relieved and recognized the four people.

And Jinlong no longer concealed anything, and a voice of vicissitudes of life came out from the mark. It was very frank, but this time only Changyue and Su Changsheng could hear it.

The golden dragon needs two people to help take care of the little red dragon in the future.

Of the five dragon eggs, four should have turned into stillborn fetuses by now, and only one survived, the little red dragon.

It was lucky that he survived. If the other four dragon eggs hadn't sacrificed their life essence and dragon energy to the little red dragon when they were about to die, the little red dragon might not have been able to escape death!

But fortunately, he managed to survive.

However, a change occurred as a result, and the original five-clawed golden dragon turned into the red color it is today.

The blood was monstrous and looked extremely strange. It was not so sacred, but instead had a terrifying evil aura!

And even after absorbing the essence and life breath of the other four dragon eggs, after tens of thousands of years of nourishment, the red dragon still failed to hatch successfully.

There are deficiencies in nature, but they are still not completed, and there are problems.

However, this guy is also surprisingly powerful. Even if it has not hatched yet, it has Primordial Spirit Astral Projection. It can have such power even if it is attached to the dead thing. It is really scary!

If he is successfully born, even if he has not obtained the inheritance of a true dragon, he will still defy heaven!

However, what surprised Changyue was that the text left by Ao Jin actually recorded how to help the little red dragon make up for Innate's shortcomings.

Ask the two of you to help.

Grind all the dragon horns, the dragon bone realm, and the other four stillborn eggs, sprinkle them on the red dragon eggs, and then supplement them with Divine Medicine.

Such as dragon scale grass, nine sun reincarnation flower, etc.

The front was fine, just a little cruel, but there was nothing we could do about it. I guess even those four little dragons were alive and willing to help their brothers.

But...where should I find this Nine Suns Reincarnation Grass?!

This is the legendary elixir, hard to find anywhere in the world!

If not, although the little red dragon can still be born, the Innate will be missing and the complete True Dragon Transmission may not be obtained.

Chang Yue looked solemn as she carefully read all the words in front of her and wrote them down. She secretly made up her mind to find the Nine Yang Reincarnation Flower!

Su Changsheng's face remained calm, without much emotional change.

The golden dragon transformed into a red dragon and absorbed the life essence of four brothers and sisters. This guy is destined to defy heaven in the future!

Even if it is currently lacking and cannot obtain the complete True Dragon inheritance, as long as it continues to grow and advance in Taoism, the marks remaining deep in the bloodline will inevitably be awakened, and then it can be completely restored!

There is no need to worry too much.

Of course, it would be even better if we could find the Nine-Yang Reincarnation Flower, so that it could be born perfectly, and its growth rate would be faster and even more heaven-defying!

The golden words dissipated, and Ao Jin's voice completely disappeared, leaving only a word of "please", which turned into three drops of blood essence, and accompanied by the dragon bone realm, the broken dragon horns, and the four dead dragon eggs, floated up , and then ground directly into powder.

The golden powder is crystal clear, mixed with three drops of true dragon essence and blood, attracting the endless dragon energy in the dragon's nest, and then poured directly into the red dragon egg!

Now we must devote everything we have to nourishing that little dragon!

Looking at this scene, even Su Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little moved, and sighed.

"Your father handed you over to me, let's go, I will take you out of here."

"Who are you lying to, monster?! I don't believe you..."

Neither the little red dragon Ji Huang nor Gu Hongchen heard the conversation just now, but at this moment the little dragon seemed to instinctively sense something, became extremely uneasy, and began to struggle.

"Be quiet, 170 it's not the time for you to be born yet! Don't waste your father's hard work in vain!"

Su Changsheng spoke again, somewhat harshly.

"Don't be afraid, we will protect you in the future. This is your father's last request..."

Chang Yue on the side said softly, her figure slowly flew out and landed in the dragon's nest, reaching out to stroke the restless red dragon egg.

The strange thing is that the red dragon egg did not resist, but surprisingly calmed down.

Immediately afterwards, as all the last divine essence was poured into the red dragon egg, the golden dragon mark also trembled, emitted a faint light, and flew into the red dragon egg.

Soon, the little red dragon calmed down, and then suddenly burst into tears.

The sound shook the sky, and the breath of sadness spread, making the entire space darken, as if it was also grieving.

Obviously, before the last mark dissipated, Na Ao Jin gave the little red dragon his last instructions and last words.

"Let's go, we can't stay here anymore. The dragon energy has disappeared, the spiritual energy has dispersed, the Chaos Cracks are unstable, and this small world will probably collapse!"

Su Changsheng said, without Ao Jin's mark, this place will be destroyed.

At the same time, the small world began to shake, the cliffs collapsed, and the dragon's nest began to collapse.

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