Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 357: Everyone Gained Something, The Arrogant Ji Huang


The sky is full of moonlight, and the power of the lunar moon, which is so rich that it cannot be dissolved, fills the sky.

The endless moonlight falls, covering the entire desolate land with a layer of crystal white gauze, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Chang Yue is suspended in the air, and the Taiyin Fairy Pearl is connected with the bright moon. The endless moonlight is pouring into it, and the power of Taiyin is vast and surging!

At this time, Chang Yue was flawless and unsullied, her flesh and blood were crystal white and transparent like white jade, even her bones had undergone transformation, and there was an air of hunger flowing from the world, like a real banished immortal coming into the world.

The infinite lunar power escaped, although it was just a wisp of residual power, it was still surging and terrifying, causing the void to freeze, shake, and crack quickly!

Chang Yue's aura at this moment is terrifying, and every move has a great pressure, triggering the rules of the world, and the runes are all over the sky, shocking the heaven and the earth!



As Chang Yue's aura reached its peak, her tightly closed beautiful eyes finally opened suddenly!

In an instant, two bright and bright moonlight shot out from his eyes, just hit!

The light flashed away and gradually disappeared. At the same time, the terrifying fluctuations that filled the sky and the earth gradually began to dissipate and converge.

The endless moonlight was absorbed into Chang Yue's body, and the lunar fairy pearl above her head also converged its brilliance and slowly merged into Chang Yue's body again.

Everything returned to calm, except for the bright moon in the sky.

At this time, Changyue has returned to normal, seemingly no different from before, but if you feel it carefully, you will only be surprised!

Chang Yue's aura at this moment contains a mysterious and mysterious fairy charm. With every movement of her hands and feet, she has completely transcended the world. She has crossed the threshold and become someone else!

"It seems that everyone has gained something..."

Behind Chang Yue, there was a bright full moon. She floated lightly towards the three of them, soft and elegant, with a faint gentle smile on her face. Even the moonlight dimmed a bit for a moment.

"What a beauty……………"

At this moment, Ji Huang was stunned.

He stared at Chang Yue in a daze, swallowed his saliva, and exclaimed blankly.

Gu Hongchen and Su Changsheng were also stunned for a while.

When they came back to their senses, the woman who looked like a banished immortal had already arrived in front of the three of them.

"You girl, are you so sweet?"

Chang Yue smiled even brighter when she heard this, her eyes curved into crescents, she raised her slender hand as white as jade, and gently scratched Ji Huang's upturned nose.

Ji Huang was slightly in pain, and then he came back to his senses. He was not annoyed at all, showed a very happy smile, and rushed towards Chang.

He grabbed Chang Yue's arm and started to act coquettishly.

Looking at this scene, Su Changsheng was envious and jealous!

However, due to his identity and character, he could only resist the urge to rush up and get close to Chang Yue, and stood there, gritting his teeth and smiling.

"Congratulations, Chang Yue, you have finally become an immortal!"

Su Changsheng glared at Ji Huang and said.

"Thank you, thanks to the Divine Medicine you handed over at the critical moment, otherwise it would probably take some time to do it.

Chang Yue looked at Ji Huang, her tender eyes seemed to sink a person's soul into them, and said softly.

It immediately made Su Changsheng's bones melt.

"By the way, I will compensate you for that Divine Medicine of yours..."

At this time, Gu Hongchen also reacted, turned to look at Su Changsheng, and said gratefully.

If Su Changsheng hadn't sacrificed the Divine Medicine without hesitation, he might have exhausted his spiritual power and failed to refine it.

That result was something she couldn't accept no matter what.

This is a great kindness and she must repay it.


Su Changsheng knew Gu Hongchen's temperament, so he did not refuse and nodded slightly in agreement.

"Now that everything is successful, let's set off and see what's in stock in the Divine Medicine of the ancient heaven. I hope they won't disappoint us..."

Su Changsheng raised a smile on his lips and said with some expectation.


Hearing this, the three women also nodded heavily, their eyes brightening.

As the first power in ancient times, the Divine Medicine Garden of Ancient Heaven must have a lot of amazing celestial beings called Divine Medicine.

There are definitely more opportunities than this Nine Palaces or something.

Of course, the premise is that it has not been poisoned or destroyed.

The four of them reached an agreement and immediately stopped delaying. They rose directly into the sky and then turned into streams of light and went straight into the distance.

At this time, Ji Huang also offered to fly by himself, and Su Changsheng readily agreed.

He also wanted to see how fast the Feng Shen Technique could make Ji Huang so happy.

I saw Ji Huang with her hands behind her back, a proud smile on her face, as if she was showing off, and then a strong wind appeared under her feet, directly turning into a wisp of breeze, and flew away hundreds of meters easily.

This speed seems to have exceeded the limit that Supreme Realm can achieve.

"It's indeed much faster than before, but it's just that..."

A smile appeared on Su Changsheng's lips, with a hint of yin and yang in his words. Then he took a light step, took one step forward, and opened a distance of hundreds of meters from Ji Huang!

Ji Huang, who was still a little proud at first, suddenly fell down when he saw this.

He frowned slightly, and the spiritual power around his body became more and more surging. The gorgeous phoenix wings behind him spread out, dozens of feet long, and the breeze suddenly flapped!


The terrifying violent wind suddenly raged out and swept across the world!

Ji Huang's figure disappeared instantly, disappearing in the blink of an eye!

Then he rushed directly to Chang Yue's side, took Chang Yue's arm, cried and acted coquettishly, and accused Su Changsheng...

"you you......"

He covered his butt in shame and anger and stared at Su Changsheng.

This 737 speed is extremely fast!


With one flap of the phoenix's wings, he had actually crossed nearly a hundred miles!

It even involves the rules of the time domain, how can it be compared to just a Divine Ability magic?!

Ji Huang became angry, covered his aching buttocks, pointed at Su Changsheng and threatened.

Even if Su Changsheng doesn't use any spiritual power, he can easily crush Ji Huang by just using this line of calligraphy power.


The crisp and sweet sound of flesh colliding suddenly resounded.

Ji Huang felt a pain in his butt, as if he was a kitten whose tail had been stepped on. He flapped his phoenix wings and quickly flew hundreds of meters away from Su Changsheng.

Just when Ji Huang stopped and was about to turn around and laugh at Su Changsheng, he was proud.

The illness's expression suddenly changed, and its beautiful eyes widened instantly.

She turned around in disbelief and wanted to resist, but she was Su Changsheng's opponent!

"You bully me! Wuwuwu...I will tell you to Sister Qing when I go back!"

One of the nine secrets, the secret word "行", was created by Xiaoyao Heavenly Venerable. It represents the ultimate speed between heaven and earth. If you practice to the extreme, you can leap up to the nine heavens and travel down to the nine netherworlds!

Suddenly I felt a familiar feeling on my butt.

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