Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 372 What About Me? I'm Not A Disciple

Everyone was surprised, looking at the Golden-winged Dapeng in disbelief, and became more and more curious about the elixir recipe.

"You mean you can break through my realm in seven days without any side effects?!"

Ji Huang immediately became excited when he heard this, and looked at the Golden Winged Dapeng with excitement.

"That's natural. It can help you achieve Supreme Consummation and even increase your probability of becoming the Great Emperor Realm. It's a pity..."

"The elixir recipe of the Great Emperor Realm is lost and the elixir recipe is incomplete. Otherwise, using the elixir recipe of the Great Emperor Realm to train yourself will give you one more chance to become the True Immortal realm!"

Golden-winged Dapeng was obviously very worried about the loss of Danfang, and he frowned and said again.

"It's just a medicinal pill. It's just a foreign object after all. It's believable that it's useful for Great Emperor Realm and below, but it would be too outrageous to increase the chance of becoming a True Immortal, right?"

"Even if it can be successful, this method is somewhat tricky and can easily make people's Taoist hearts unstable, which will have drawbacks."

Gu Hongchen looked calm and spoke.

"27 You don't understand. The elixir recipe is rumored to be handed down from ancient times. It can be used to make elixirs, but what's even more terrifying is that it can be made from liquid medicine instead of elixirs. You can practice it with others to stimulate your potential. At the same time, you can practice together, in the world of water, fire, yin and yang." Practice in the middle, temper your body and spirit, make them reach perfection, and achieve transformation. There will be no sequelae, and you will only become stronger!"

"Furthermore, the elixir recipe on the last page can even bring a person's body and spirit to a state of pro-Tao. He can realize more than a normal human body, and it is naturally easier to seize those ten rays of opportunity to become an immortal... ..

Gu Hongchen was completely shocked when he heard this!

His pupils could not help but shrink and he could not speak.

This elixir recipe is too heaven-defying. It treats people as a powerful medicine. The effect of this method is heaven-defying, but it is also definitely not something ordinary people can endure.

But even so, it is enough to defy the heavens. It can make the genius of the clan rise faster and raise the overall lower limit. It is indeed extremely precious to the sect's orthodoxy!

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go find it quickly!"

Ji Huang got excited when he saw this and shouted excitedly.

After hearing this, the golden-winged roc immediately became vigilant, looked at Ji Huang with an unkind expression, and said coldly.

"What do you want to do?! That is my ancient heavenly thing, and outsiders are not allowed to touch it!"

The golden-winged Dapeng spoke sternly, and the reason why he said this was entirely because of Chang Yue.

But if you want to get involved, it is naturally impossible. He will protect it even to death!

"What kind of outsider?! I am a disciple of the Golden Dragon of the Ancient Heaven?! Open your eyes and see clearly!"

Ji Huang was immediately unhappy when he heard this, then he directly raised his palm and took out the golden identity token engraved with dragon patterns.

With a dazzling golden light, the golden-winged roc suddenly froze, staring at Ji Huang in disbelief.

"What?! You are actually a disciple of the Golden Dragon?!"

Golden-winged Dapeng is shocked!

He had seen Golden Dragon disciples when he was a child, and all of them were extremely powerful and talented. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him was actually a Golden Dragon disciple.

"Tch! Is it difficult for a mere Golden Dragon disciple?"

Ji Huang was very satisfied when he saw the surprised look of the Golden-winged Dapeng. He raised his chin proudly and said.

"It's not difficult, but it's not bad. You're qualified to use ancient methods to train your body!"

When Golden Winged Dapeng saw Ji Huang take out the identity token of a Golden Dragon disciple, his attitude suddenly changed.

Make it clear that outsiders have one attitude, and you have another attitude.

"what about me?"

Gu Hongchen on the side also took out his White Dragon Disciple token and asked calmly.

Although the ancient prescription was probably useless for the True Immortal realm, she was still curious.

Moreover, if it can be brought back to the clan, then... the results will definitely be hard to estimate!

Even more precious than the few Fairy Spirit Weapons she brought back, the Gu Family will rise again and soar into the sky!

Even in a few hundred years, it would not be impossible to cultivate several True Immortals.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongchen suddenly became excited, but he didn't have high hopes.

After all, how could such a precious elixir be spread to the outside world so easily.

"Are you actually a disciple of my Ancient Heavenly Palace, or a white dragon?!"

The golden-winged roc was immediately pleasantly surprised!

He originally thought that all the disciples of the sect had long since withered away, but he didn't expect that there were two more disciples today, which made him extremely happy.

"You are a disciple of my sect, so of course you can!"

The golden-winged roc immediately spoke decisively.

At this moment, Su Changsheng, who was silent on the side, calmly and calmly took out the seal from the Spirit Sea.

"What about me? I'm not a disciple..."

Su Changsheng asked lightly while holding the jade seal that was forcibly given by Yun Lingxiao in his hand.

The moment he saw the jade seal, Golden-winged Dapeng was stunned, his pupils widened, his face full of shock and disbelief!

"This...this is the inheritance jade seal?!"

"Where...where did you get it?"

The golden-winged roc's face was full of horror and shock, and at the same time he was also extremely vigilant.

He naturally knows what this inherited jade seal means. The holder is the lord of the ancient heaven!

However, he was too unfamiliar with Su Changsheng and had never seen him before.

"Yun Lingxiao forced this on me. What, is there any problem?"

Su Changsheng said calmly.

"Yun Lingxiao? Empress!"

"Forced on you???"

Golden-winged Dapeng murmured and repeated several key words in Su Changsheng's life, and he could hardly close his mouth.

While shocked, I couldn't help but complain in my heart, this guy is really good at showing off!

At this moment, Gu Hongchen and Chang Yue couldn't stand it anymore. 21 This guy was too Versailles.

"It was indeed given to him by the Empress. In a sense, he is now the new master of the ancient heaven."

At this time Changyue spoke and confirmed Su Changsheng's identity.

It's just that in a sense, it is obvious that Su Changsheng was unable to use this to enter the Entering Spirit formation before the point.

This immediately made Gu Hongchen and Ji Huang burst into laughter.

Su Changsheng, who was still pretending to be serious and had a golden-winged Dapeng, suddenly lost his expression and wished he could throw away the jade seal in his hand.

"It's the Empress! You actually saw the Empress?! The Empress is still alive?!"

At this moment, the golden-winged roc no longer cared about the new lord of the ancient heaven, but stared at Chang Yue with a look of shock and ecstasy and shouted.

"Well, she is still alive, but she went to the depths of the world sea. You said before that you sensed that the formation was activated by someone, and you used it to wake up. It is probably the empress who came here..."

Chang Yue said with a soft smile on her face.

She could completely understand the mood of the golden-winged roc at this moment.

"Hahahaha... I knew that the Empress was so talented and beautiful that she could not fall so easily. She is still alive! It's great!"

The golden-winged roc laughed excitedly, obviously extremely happy!

This news is so exciting!

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