Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 393: The Place Where The Quasi-Immortal King-Level Blood Phoenix Fell!

Countless ridges form a giant circle, like a triangular spear. Just the convex curvature is comparable to the majestic mountains.

The red land was stained with blood and had become extremely solid. It was bare and barren of grass.

Su Changsheng could even sense some aura of depravity that had not yet dissipated.

Obviously, the fallen True Phoenix does not seem to be a creature in the Xuanhuang Great World.

On the contrary, it was very similar to the aura of the fallen blood phoenix I encountered before.

As for the other aura, Su Changsheng also vaguely noticed that it was very similar to the aura of the dragon bone he encountered in the dragon's lair.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Su Changsheng looked towards the silent little red dragon egg in the storage space, and his expression became serious.

According to his speculation, one of the two great villains who fought here in ancient times should be a strong man from the fallen blood phoenix clan, and the other should be the father of Little Red Dragon.

And both of them apparently ended up here, which created this terrifying scene.

This place has almost evolved into a natural Jedi place, containing naturally generated terrifying runes, making it a natural Shura field.

If the most powerful person does not enter, he will be directly obliterated by the terrifying field here.

Su Changsheng's expression was solemn and he sighed slightly.

He could sense that Chi Long's mood was extremely low. Obviously, he should also sense his father's aura.

Although that aura has long been obliterated by the evil energy rising to the sky here, the induction from the bloodline still exists.

Everyone watched this dangerous place from a distance and did not dare to rush in.

Flying to a high altitude and looking down, everyone's expressions immediately changed drastically, and their pupils trembled.

Because they actually saw more than one plant in that Jedi.

A place of great danger must have great opportunities!

Anything that can grow safely in such a terrifying place, whether it is a plant or a ferocious beast, is absolutely terrifying.

These plants are definitely an incredible opportunity!

It might even become a fairy medicine!

For a moment, everyone's eyes became eager, and the previous fear of this place was also washed away. Only the few plants with a faint red glow were in their eyes.

"Unfortunately, the scene here is too terrifying. Even True Immortal cannot survive it unharmed...

Gu Hongchen was shocked and quickly regained his composure. Looking at the existence that might be the fairy medicine close at hand, he said with a serious expression.

The light in her eyes kept flickering as she looked at this deserted place, still unwilling to give in, looking for a way to enter.

The golden-winged roc fell slowly from high in the sky, trying to see if it could enter from directly above.

However, when he approached the fierce place for a while, his expression suddenly became serious. He carefully stretched out his palm and touched the void space half a foot in front of him. A blood-red light suddenly appeared out of thin air.

He was blocked directly from the outside. At the same time, an extremely strong evil spirit spread along the palm of his hand and quickly wrapped around his arm, attacking him.

"What the hell is this!?"

The golden-winged roc was immediately frightened, but fortunately he was prepared. He retracted his palm like lightning, and in a flash of golden light, he retreated thousands of meters in an instant.

Then the golden light all over his body turned into a golden flame, directly burning the bloody light on his arm into nothingness.

At this point, the golden-winged roc breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked at the fierce place again, there was already a hint of fear in his eyes.

Ji Huang and others looked at the sudden appearance of the blood-red light shield, with a flash of surprise in their eyes.

This bloody light formed an inverted bowl shape. It was previously hidden in nothingness and no one could detect it. However, it was immediately activated when touched by the golden-winged roc, covering the entire Jedi.

"What's this?!"

Chang Yue and others also flashed in front of the blood-colored light shield at this moment, their eyes filled with solemnity.

From the Anomaly's bloody light shield, they all felt a sense of depression.

This depressing feeling made the three women understand that even if the three of them joined forces, they might not be able to break this weird blood-colored light shield.

"This should be a blood spirit shield. Only a terrifying beast that was extremely powerful in life and reached the level of Immortal King can condense this kind of protective spirit shield when it is about to die to prevent the remains of its body from being obtained by others. .”

Su Changsheng looked at the blood-colored mask in front of him and said with a faint smile on his face.

Raising his hand to touch the blood spirit shield, he confirmed his previous speculation. This aura was that of the fallen blood phoenix!

What made Su Changsheng a little confused was that there was no aura of Xiao Chilong's father in it.

Thinking about it, when he was on the verge of death, he poured his last bit of power into the previous skull to protect the little red dragon.

Otherwise, this place would never be completely enveloped by the aura of the fallen blood phoenix.

"The Realm of the Immortal King?!"

"You mean an Immortal King once died here?!"

Hearing Su Changsheng's words, several people on the side were immediately shocked!

Immortal King, what a heaven-defying existence is that?!

He can destroy the world with a single movement of his hand and control an area. He is a true overlord-level power!

"I guess I haven't reached the true Immortal King realm yet, but I can get a glimpse of my true meaning. I think I am the Quasi-Immortal King!"

Su Changsheng said unhurriedly, while also somewhat admiring Xiao Chilong's father.

It was actually able to kill a fallen blood phoenix in the Quasi-Immortal King realm here. The combat power was so incredible!

Although he paid the price with his life in the end, it is enough to show how powerful he is!

After hearing that Quasi-Immortal King had died here, everyone's expressions changed again.

Looking at the several Spirit Medicine plants in the central area, they were all extremely jealous.

Those Spirit Medicine strains have absorbed the life essence of the Quasi-Immortal King and have probably transformed into elixirs!

"It is rumored that the blood spirit shield of this ferocious beast can only be opened with the blood of a person of the same race, otherwise it can only be broken through with brute force!"

Gu Hongchen frowned slightly and said with a serious expression, then turned his head and focused his gaze on Su Changsheng.

Accurate (winner is good) The blood spirit shield left by the terrifying powerhouse of the Immortal King level, who else here except Su Changsheng can do anything about it? Yin!

Seeing this, the other three people also focused their attention on Su Changsheng.

"If you and I join forces, can we break the restriction?"

Gu Hongchen asked. Based on her understanding of Su Changsheng, this guy was so powerful that he was probably already at the peak of True Immortal.

A few people working together should be able to break this barrier.

However, she obviously underestimated Su Changsheng's strength. He could kill the real Immortal King, let alone the Quasi-Immortal King. This mere restriction could be easily broken with a little effort.

However, it doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Su Changsheng did not answer Gu Hongchen's words, but a sneer appeared on his face, and then he waved his arm, and the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, Ji Huang and Chang Yue in front of them, their eyes suddenly lit up, as if they suddenly thought of something.

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