Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 396: Stepping On The Corpses Of The Real Dragon And The Blood Phoenix!

On the desolate and vicissitudes of blood-colored ancient land, life is cut off.

But at this moment, in front of everyone, a golden sapling appeared. This was simply a miracle!

Ji Huang felt that the blood in his body was boiling!

Every cell in her body seemed to be cheering for joy and eager, urging her to immediately swallow the fruit from the sapling.

The golden-winged roc also felt a strong desire and was attracted by the strange fruit in front of him.

However, his desire is not as strong as Ji Huang's, but more of the coercion!

Even with Su Changsheng's spiritual barrier blocking him, he could still feel the terror of the pressure here!

The fruit hanging on the small sapling in front of you is about the size of a palm, and is golden and red in color. If you look closely, you will find that the golden fruit is winding and twisted, and it looks like a shrunken "eight" fruit. Ninety-three" the five-clawed golden dragon countless times!

On the other side of the bloody place, there is an extremely coquettish and beautiful blood phoenix dancing with its wings spread out!!

That's right! That is the fallen blood phoenix!

"This... what kind of sapling is this? It was born here, and this fruit seems to have given birth to a heavy dragon and a blood phoenix?!"

Looking at this extremely strange and terrifying fruit, the Golden-winged Dapeng was already shocked beyond measure.

Based on his experience in the Divine Medicine Garden, he couldn't even recognize that there could be such a rare treasure in this world!

"The pressure seems to come from that fruit..."

Gu Hongchen was also shocked. He stared at the fruit and whispered, with the same look of disbelief in his eyes.

This scene is really amazing!

After hearing this, Ji Huang, Chang Yue and others were also shocked, and then they discovered that the terrifying pressure here actually came from this strange fruit.

It's just a fruit, and it exudes a coercive aura that makes even True Immortal feel uncomfortable!!

This had to make everyone extremely shocked!

"This seems to be the Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit..."

"The heaven-defying divine fruit that only exists in legends is more precious than ordinary elixirs!"

Gu Hongchen seemed to suddenly remember something, and suddenly exclaimed in shock.

"Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit?!"

Everyone murmured in unison, their eyes filled with disbelief.

"Yes! That's right! It's the Dragon-Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit! I didn't expect that I would be able to see this fruit with my own eyes in this life..."

Gu Hongchen's eyes burst out with bright light, and he whispered excitedly.

"This Dragon-Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit needs to absorb the original power and blood essence of Dragon Race and Phoenix Clan at the same time. Only then can it have a chance of birth of no more than 1 in 10,000. It is extremely rare!

It only appears twice in ancient records, and this is the third time..."

Gu Hongchen stared blankly at the Dragon-Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit that only existed in legends. After a moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked around, and was shocked!

When I overlooked this deserted place from a high altitude before, I felt that the terrain here was strange. Now that I think about it, from a distance, the entire vast land vaguely outlines an extremely large blood phoenix and Real dragon corpse!

"It seems that here... a Quasi-Immortal King-level fallen blood phoenix and a five-clawed golden dragon really died at the same time!"

Su Changsheng's eyes flashed, and he said slightly shocked.

The giant dragon's huge bones were connected end to end, forming a huge raised ring on the outside, surrounding this bloody plain.

And under this plain, if nothing else, there is only a fallen blood phoenix in the Quasi-Immortal King realm!


It was horrifying to think about it carefully. When everyone noticed this, they all took a breath of air-conditioning.

The fallen blood phoenix at the Quasi-Immortal King level, the five-clawed golden dragon that can fight with it and finally die together, these two ferocious beasts are both powerful existences that defy the heavens!

If they were still alive, just a look could kill them instantly.

But now, they are actually stepping on their bones. How can this not shock everyone!

"No wonder the Dragon-Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit was born..."

Chang Yue murmured, feeling a little worried about Xiao Zhilong.

If nothing else goes wrong, the only real dragon in the entire ancient heaven who can die together with the quasi-Immortal Level fallen blood phoenix is ​​Little Red Dragon's father.

"It seems that in ancient times, Little Red Dragon's father fought here with the fallen blood phoenix in the realm of Quasi-Immortal King. In the end, both of them were injured and died. Finally, the real dragon returned to the dragon's lair with its last strength to protect Little Red Dragon's birth. , otherwise it would be impossible for this place to be dominated only by the aura of the fallen blood phoenix..."

Gu Hongchen frowned and analyzed, and couldn't help but admire Xiao Chilong's father!

Just looking at the vast plains that turned into blood, one can imagine how terrifying and dangerous that battle was...

But at the last moment, the real dragon still used up his last bit of vitality to protect Xiao Zhilong...


Gu Hongchen couldn't help but feel sad, sighed softly, and fell silent.

"Little Red Dragon can be born safe and sound, and I believe his father has no regrets either..."

At this time, Su Changsheng said calmly that he did not want Ji Huang to feel pressure and burden.

This will be a huge opportunity for her!

Once you take this Dragon-Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit, your breakthrough to the Emperor Realm will almost be a matter of course!

What's more important is that the bloodline may awaken and transform as a result!

Not only will your strength be greatly enhanced, but your qualifications and talent potential will also surge!

Completely reborn!

"What are you going to do?"

Gu Hongchen looked at Su Changsheng and asked.

The preciousness of this Dragon-Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit cannot be described in words. Even many Immortal King-level experts have never seen this kind of thing, let alone everyone present.

"Of course they are taken away. Is it possible that they are left behind and someone else can get them?!"

"If it is obtained by someone from the fallen blood phoenix clan, the consequences will be disastrous. It will most likely create an extremely terrifying monster, and then the Xuanhuang Great World will also be threatened.

Su Changsheng said matter-of-factly.

If you don’t fight for such a heaven-defying opportunity, you would be truly ashamed of God!

And if the Dragon 3.7 Emperor Blood Origin Fruit is separated and half of the true dragon is refined by the Little Red Dragon, it might be possible to make it appear flawless.

No matter what, it is impossible to miss this opportunity!

"What do you think?"

Su Changsheng turned to look at Ji Huang.

Ji Huang originally had a psychological burden and was hesitating because he had seen the little red dragon and his father with his own eyes. It would be a bit cruel to eat this fruit condensed by his father's life...

But through Su Changsheng's words, she changed her mind.

She must become stronger, only in this way can she protect those who are still alive.

"Of course I'll take it away!"

The idea came to mind, Ji Huang suddenly said with a smile, his eyes flashed brightly, staring at the fruit with a strange luster, he raised his hand and performed a spiritual hand seal, "grab the fruit from the distance..."

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