Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 404: Refining The Ancient Ancestor Soul, And Obtaining The Dragon-Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit

Su Changsheng imprisoned the soul of the ancient blood phoenix ancestor in the palm of his hand, looking at it with cold eyes and murderous intent all over his body!

Upon hearing this, Ancient Blood Phoenix Ancestor, who had been a little happy that he might be able to escape, had not had time to smile, but now he was filled with deep fear and horror!


"Junior, how dare you!"

"If you dare to kill me, the Blood Phoenix Immortal Realm will come to this world again and kill you all!!!"

The fallen Blood Phoenix Ancestor felt Su Changsheng's endless murderous intention. He knew that even if he put down his dignity and begged for mercy, it would be of no avail.

This guy probably has a lot of grudges with the Blood Phoenix clan!

It is absolutely impossible to let yourself go!

Looking at the moody and repetitive villain in front of him, Su Changsheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and suddenly grasped the palm that imprisoned the soul of the ancient blood phoenix ancestor!


Chaos fairy light burst out in the palm of the hand, and the terrifying power gathered, and it directly crushed the soul of the fallen Ancient Phoenix Ancestor!


"Asshole! will pay the price with blood for what you have done..."

The fallen ancestor of the Blood Phoenix screamed in agony, not forgetting the vicious curse.

Su Changsheng snorted coldly when he heard this, and then his heart felt like the destruction of the Great Dao clan!

This flame 807 directly devoured the exploded remnant soul of the ancient ancestor of the fallen Blood Phoenix and refined it on the spot!

"Don't worry, the entire Blood Phoenix Immortal Domain will come down to accompany you soon, old man!"

The corner of Su Changsheng's mouth raised a sneer like a murderous god, the immortal power surged in the palm of his hand, and the fire of the Great Dao suddenly surged.

"Ah!! Don't kill"

The Ancient Blood Phoenix Ancestor screamed and howled, and finally his voice completely disappeared.

The soul, which was originally covered in gray mist, became scarleter under the continuous burning and refining of the fire of the Great Dao!

Su Changsheng looked at the remaining soul that had turned into a ball in his palm, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then the Great Dao fire in his palm became more intense.

"Boom boom......"

The fire of the Great Dao surged and rolled, and the terrifying temperature directly burned the void until it was distorted and deformed.

And the soul of the fallen Blood Phoenix Ancestor finally turned scarlet into a pure white soul body.

At this point, the Great Dao fire in Su Changsheng's palm gradually extinguished.

Although the fallen blood phoenix ancestor's body was destroyed, his soul has been tempered for tens of thousands of years, and it is quite powerful. Refining and absorbing it should be a big improvement for Ji Huang.

With his backhand, he put away the remnant soul that had been completely wiped out and refined, leaving only the power of the soul. Su Changsheng then looked at the four people who were not far away. They were stunned for a while.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Su Changsheng looked at everyone who was shocked and confused, and asked with a trace of doubt on his face.

When they heard Su Changsheng's words, everyone suddenly came back to their senses.


Dapeng swallowed hard and looked at Su Changsheng in shock, as if looking at a devil, with awe and a hint of fear!

This guy is so scary!

Faced with the sneak attack of the Quasi-Immortal King-level fallen blood phoenix ancestor, it was fine that he was safe and sound. In the blink of an eye, even his soul was refined!

How incredible is it to do this?!

At the very least, he asked himself that he couldn't do it. If he had gone to pick the dragon-phoenix blood fruit just now and was snatched away by the soul of the ancient blood phoenix ancestor, then there would only be one result for him, and that would be that his soul would be destroyed.

The body becomes a puppet!

That was an ancient Quasi-Immortal King-level terrifying powerhouse, who had been planning a terrifying killing plan for nearly ten thousand years!!

Even if they were the same Quasi-Immortal King, they would probably be robbed and lose their bodies in a surprise attack.

But this guy in front of me is really cruel!

Recalling that just now they were thinking about whether to escape or fight to the death, and they were prepared to die. Now it seems that it is too much!

Totally overthinking it!

From the beginning to the end, it was the Blood Phoenix Ancestor who was running for his life, not Su Changsheng.

For a moment, the four of them looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

The corner of the golden-winged roc's mouth twitched. He looked at the halberd in his hand, turned his hand over and put it away.


"I knew you were fine! scared me to death!"

When Ji Huang saw that Su Changsheng was safe and sound, the emotions that he had finally suppressed suddenly came back and he rushed towards Su Changsheng. Tears could no longer stop falling from his eyes.


Su Changsheng was still a little confused at this moment. He looked at Ji Huang who threw himself into his arms and kept sobbing, and then looked at Gu Hongchen who was waiting and even took out the Fengling Feather Fan and the Red Dust Immortal sword at the same time. He also guessed something. There was a moment of helplessness.

"Hey, isn't it?"

"You don't think that I will really be taken away from you, do you?"

Su Changsheng said with a helpless smile, these guys underestimated him too much, right?

It's just a remnant soul, and you want to take him away? Su Changsheng?

Idiot's dream!

"Who made you stand there motionless just now, and... and make that kind of noise? How can you not be worried?"

Ji Huang's eyes were red. He lay in Su Changsheng's arms, raised his little head, and pouted with tears in his eyes.

That look immediately made Su Changsheng feel soft.

This little girl is always looking for trouble for herself, but after all, she still cares about herself!

Su Changsheng had a doting smile on his face, stretched out his hand and slowly rubbed Ji Huang's little head.

"Aren't I afraid that the old ghost will run away? Don't worry, I'm fine."

Su Changsheng comforted Ji Huang. Only then did Ji Huang calm down his nervous, worried and guilty mood. He gave Su Changsheng a hard look, snorted arrogantly, and bounced away.

He looked like it was all your fault, which confused Su Changsheng again.

Alas...a woman's heart is as deep as a needle in the sea!

Su Changsheng sighed helplessly and complained in his heart.

"As long as it's okay......"

Chang Yue was still so gentle, the worry on her face disappeared, she walked up to Su Changsheng and said with a smile.

"Yes." Su Changsheng looked at Chang Yue and nodded slightly.

There was no need for unnecessary words between him and Chang Yue.

Turning to look at the Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit, Su Changsheng appeared directly in front of it in a flash. He reached out and picked it off without any hindrance.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were all focused on the Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit.

This thing is so precious!

There is no one who does not desire it, but the people present are not people who will be carried away by desire.

Some things are deserved, and some things are destined to be missed. You can't force it!

And this Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit must be the most suitable choice for Ji Huang and Little Red Dragon.

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