Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 410 The Yaochi Opens, With Terrifying Details!

"Let's get going. Although these light beams are dangerous, just be careful to avoid them."

Su Changsheng looked at the four people and said, then he took the lead and swept forward, but the speed was not very fast.

"Yes." The three women and the golden-winged roc nodded slightly and followed Su Changsheng out.

When approaching the light beam, avoid it directly and be cautious.

But those beams of light that were enough to penetrate True Immortal were motionless and showed no pursuit. Obviously, after tens of millions of years passed, this defensive formation also had some flaws.

When the four of them saw that the light pillar did not move, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying a formation of this level would be after it is fully activated!

We shuttled carefully all the way. The area covered by the spiritual jade was extremely vast, which slowed everyone down a lot. However, with Su Changsheng's leadership, we were able to pass smoothly.

After passing through the spiritual cloud zone, everyone continued to move forward for ten minutes, and then the speed slowed down.

Because they have heard strange sounds echoing between heaven and earth.

Blah blah blah...

That's the sound of waterfalls!

"'s the sound of water!!!"

Ji Huang suddenly exclaimed, his face full of excitement.

The sound of water that fell on everyone's ears actually made everyone feel that the spiritual power in their bodies was instantly aroused, their blood boiled, and every cell was cheering for joy!

That feeling is like a person who is about to die of thirst in the desert and suddenly encounters the rain falling from the sky, it is crazy!

Su Changsheng was also slightly surprised, with a flash of light in his eyes.

This Yaochi baptism seemed to be more worth looking forward to than he imagined.

The three women and the golden-winged roc noticed that the spiritual power in their bodies was boiling uncontrollably, and they quickly suppressed it. After a while, the flush on their faces slowly dissipated.

However, the look of shock on everyone's faces did not diminish at all.


This is definitely a place of great fortune!

Just the sound of some water can actually activate the spiritual power in their bodies. If they were really bathing in this Yaochi, it would be so incredible!

I'm afraid even True Immortal can break through!

Everyone's eyes lit up in an instant, and a rare look of excitement appeared on Su Changsheng's face.

Without any hesitation, their speed suddenly increased and they quickly rushed towards the source of the sound.

After dozens of breaths, he climbed over the huge mountain tens of millions of feet high in front of him.

The mountain peaks that seemed to separate the world in front disappeared, and the line of sight brightened almost instantly and became extremely wide. At the same time, an extremely dazzling light came, accompanied by a stronger and monstrous spiritual power, rushing towards the face.

It actually made the three women involuntarily feel their eyes stinging.

You know, their eyes are protected by spiritual power. Ordinary light cannot affect them at all, but at this moment, they are really stung.

She couldn't help but squint her eyes slightly. The light lasted for a while. As her spiritual power surged, Qi Nu gradually adapted to it.


When the sight in front of them began to become clearer, the beautiful eyes of the three women slowly tightened, with shock on their faces!

What appeared in front of them was a majestic sea with no end in sight!

The sea is azure, deep and intoxicating, as if it is the boundless starry sky!

In the deep darkness, the sea water is crystal clear, shining with amazing aura, like stars!

Occasionally, there would be waves, and when the waves surged, the drops of liquid were like pink crystals, exuding extremely dazzling brilliance under the sunlight.

That crystal stone was apparently made of spiritual power that had been condensed to the extreme!

And when these dust crystals fell into the sea, they turned into liquid...

The entire blue sea is covered with a thick layer of mist, in which you can even see some dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and thousands of beasts rushing around, which is extremely mysterious!!

What was even more shocking was that everyone took a breath of cold air.

This sea with no end in sight is actually suspended in the sky!


"Is this Yaochi?! It's really incredible!!"

Gu Hongchen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and exclaimed in disbelief.

The strange and fantastic sight in front of her really shocked her.

The sea in front of us seems to be very close, but in fact it is completely out of reach.

At the edge of the ocean, broken spaces are constantly piling up. With the waves, the space metal breaks.

Obviously, ordinary space cannot bear such a level of spiritual energy.

………Please give me flowers…

When the waves crashed over, everyone felt like the space around them was rippling with the waves.


"This is not in this space..."

The golden-winged roc stretched out his hand in surprise, wanting to touch the vast ocean, but he couldn't touch it at all. His fingers were blocked by an invisible barrier.

"We are in different spaces, and we should need Jiufu tokens to enter..."

Su Changsheng spoke in a deep voice, looking at Wang Yang Yaochi in front of him, he couldn't help but feel shocked!

What kind of extremely powerful existence is this that can use such terrifying means to seal this Yaochi in the opened space.

At the very least, Su Changsheng asked himself that he couldn't do it now.

Su Changsheng, who had always felt nothing even when he saw the Immortal Spirit Weapon, could not help but sigh in admiration at this moment.

Because they all know how much benefit they will get if they can enter the space in front of them to practice!

"It is indeed the cornerstone of the growth of the first power in ancient times. It is indeed terrifying..."

The Yaochi in front of us is definitely a great opportunity for the Transcendent Level!

And those so-called immortals, the so-called Immortal King, must not be able to do it.

Maybe you’ve already touched that level!

I think the person who created it should be a terrifying existence that has reached the pinnacle of Immortal King realm.

It’s simply unimaginable!!

But soon, this shock turned into ecstasy!

"Yaochi! Is this a pool? This is clearly the sea!!"

And this is the foundation!

The background of being the first overlord of the Xuanhuang Great World is really amazing! and!.

Everyone was shocked by the Wang Yaochi in front of them. After a while, they slowly came back to their senses, and their expressions were all a bit shocked.


No wonder the ancient heaven would attract several great realms to besiege it, and they would destroy it at such a high price.

And it must have paid an extremely terrifying price. These prices are the Myriad Worlds, and I am afraid that not many big worlds can afford it.

Golden-winged Dapeng complained with ecstasy. It was his first time here and he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

If the Ancient Heavenly Court was allowed to develop to this point, let alone a mere Blood Phoenix Immortal Realm, even if ten or eight other major realms were to attack together, there would probably be nothing that could be done to defeat the Ancient Heavenly Palace.

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