Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 413: Five-Colored Feather Fan, The Proud One Of Heaven!

A fierce battle was about to break out. The golden-winged roc's combat power was terrifying. With one blow, a corpse puppet was smashed and flew away.

Although these corpse puppets are all in the True Immortal realm, they are still corpse puppets after all. Compared with the spiritually perfect Golden-winged Roc, they are naturally at a disadvantage.


Seeing their companions being knocked away by a punch, the remaining corpse puppets still showed no intention of retreating. Instead, they continued to surround no one as if they didn't see them at all.

At this time, Chang Yue looked at the black-clothed corpse puppet with the most terrifying aura in the periphery, and suddenly said in shock.

"This is... the chief disciple of the ancient heaven, Zhen Jiuyuan!!"

From the moment this black-clothed corpse puppet appeared, Chang Yue felt that this guy looked a little familiar, but after thousands of years, these corpse puppets had changed drastically.

The nine corpse puppets in front of her were even more skinny, as if they had already been turned into skeletons, and then a trace of flesh and skin was made out by the powerful life sacrifice. Therefore, relying only on the bones, Chang Yue was unable to recognize the person in front of her for a while.

After this close observation, I suddenly realized that this person was actually Xia Jiuyuan from back then!

Looking at the other eight corpse puppets, they still look familiar. They were all disciples of the ancient heaven, and their strength and status were not low.

They are all at the level of core disciples!

Su Changsheng's eyes flashed, his brows furrowed slightly, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"These people have been dead for thousands of years. It is estimated that their corpses were sacrificed using secret methods to become corpse puppets. It is probably Yun Lingxiao's job to protect this place."

Su Changsheng pondered for a moment and expressed his guess.


Just when everyone was surprised by the identities of these nine corpse puppets, a terrifying wave suddenly came from not far away.

I saw the energy of the world rioting, and the endless spiritual power turned into a tide, which actually fell out of the Yaochi space and was directly absorbed into the body by the corpse puppet that had just been blasted away.

The originally sunken face returned to its original state at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he stood up straight again stiffly. The scarlet light in his eyes once again blazed, and he looked at the golden-winged roc.

"Isn't it? Can't this guy be beaten to death?.々!"

The golden-winged roc looked at the corpse that was standing up again safely, and suddenly frowned and his face became extremely ugly.

And this was just the beginning. In the next second, the corpse puppet seemed to know that the person in front of him was difficult to deal with, so he took action decisively, and five colors of light suddenly burst out. "A feather fan suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand!"

The feather fan showed a colorful look, extremely magnificent, and the five-color brilliance suddenly bloomed like fireworks!

What was even more shocking was that the terrifying energy fluctuation turned out to be an immortal Spirit Weapon, and its grade was probably not much different from the Wind Spirit Li Yufan that Gu Hongchen had obtained from the Lord of Feng Mansion before.

The corpse puppet held a colorful feather fan and did not attack immediately. He stood with his hands behind his back. Although he was already emaciated and unrecognizable, like a dead corpse, he still gave people the elegant temperament of a handsome young man at this moment.

Obviously, this zombie must have been extraordinary in his life.

It's a pity that fate has played a trick on people, and now they have fallen into this state.

"Do you think you are the only one with the Immortal Spirit Weapon?"

The golden-winged roc looked at the colorful feather fan in the hand of the corpse puppet in front of him. The golden light flashed in his hand, and the euphorbia was immediately grasped tightly in his hand. He danced out a burst of halberd flowers, and suddenly shook, with terrifying power, which directly filled the void. Split.


The Corpse Puppet holding the colorful feather fan took action boldly, and when he fanned his feather fan, the five-color brilliance suddenly rushed out, blooming like a beautiful light curtain, illuminating the entire sky magnificently, and swept towards the golden-winged roc.

This colorful feather fan looks extremely magnificent, but it also conceals extremely terrifying power and is extremely dangerous!

The golden-winged roc didn't dare to be careless. This blow was enough to easily kill an ordinary True Immortal monk.

The big halberd in his hand suddenly shook, and the wings behind the golden-winged roc flickered slightly. The whole person moved directly sideways, dodging the corpse puppet's attack in an instant, and appeared beside him in the blink of an eye.


The halberd in his hand swung out boldly, the void exploded, and terrifying power swept across, as if it would split the corpse puppet in half in the next second.


However, the Golden-winged Dapeng obviously underestimated the corpse puppet holding the Fairy Spirit Weapon. He turned back suddenly, waved his arm, and the colorful feather fan suddenly erupted into a terrifying colorful whirlwind!

The whirlwind swept out and directly collided with the golden-winged roc's halberd.


The violent energy explosion spread loudly, the golden-winged roc frowned slightly, his face became fierce, and he immediately let out an angry shout!

"Break it for me!"

As soon as the words came out, the halberd in his hand burst out with immeasurable brilliance, directly splitting the whirlwind. When the halberd fell, the void was immediately split!

A terrifying and dark space crack was revealed, like an abyss.

However, this blow did not hit the corpse puppet. With the help of this brief pause, the corpse puppet had already moved sideways and escaped.

"Hmph! Is this all you have?"

The golden-winged roc was still arrogant, with a curved corner of his mouth and a sneer.

And the next second, the leading black-clothed corpse puppet seemed to have noticed the terror of the golden-winged roc. A scarlet light flashed in his eyes, and then something that shocked everyone suddenly happened.

As the red light flashed in the eyes of the black-clothed corpse puppets, two of the other seven corpse puppets surrounding Su Changsheng and the four people suddenly flashed out and appeared in front of the golden-winged roc.

Obviously, they planned to besiege the Golden-winged Dapeng.

"These guys...are they intelligent?!"

Looking at this scene, Ji Huang was immediately shocked, and Hong Chen on the side also had his pupils narrowed.

It was obvious just now that the black-clothed corpse puppet had given instructions.

"It seems these guys are difficult to deal with! Everyone, please be careful!"

Su Changsheng's calm face showed an interesting smile, and he lightly reminded.

"Okay, okay, if you can't defeat it, then besiege it, right? What a pity, your grandpa Peng is not afraid of how many people come!" (Good money)

The Golden-winged Dapeng saw the three corpse puppets surrounding him, looking like they were about to attack him, and immediately sneered. He was not afraid but his eyes were full of high fighting spirit.

These guys were all the best in the ancient heaven, peerless geniuses with natural talents!

Among them, Xia Jiuyuan is even more famous throughout the Xuanhuang Great World!

Known as the number one genius in the ancient heaven and even the entire Xuanhuang Great World for thousands of years!

At a young age, he has already entered the realm of True Immortal and has never failed in his life!

Although he has never seen it, he has also seen related carrier pigeons in some books left in Dan's Immortal Palace.

And how can the person who can be sacrificed and turned into a corpse puppet together with this guy and guard the Yaochi here can be an ordinary person.

These guys must have been the proud ones who were all-powerful back then.

It's a pity that we encountered that catastrophe, otherwise if we had survived, our achievements would have been immeasurable!

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