Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 432: Blood Sacrifice To Heaven And Earth, Gods And Demons Buried Together!


Different from the sound of water heard before, as the stone tablet opened a gap in the space, the sound of water still became extremely loud, like a muffled thunder exploding in everyone's ears, stirring between heaven and earth.

If you can be baptized in this Yaochi, it will definitely be transformed from the inside out, including the flesh and blood and the soul.

At this moment, even Su Changsheng couldn't help but look happy, and his eyes became bright and fiery.

"If you can successfully obtain baptism and understand the original rules of heaven and earth that you have never understood before, you will definitely lay a solid foundation for your subsequent breakthrough to the Immortal King realm."

Su Changsheng whispered to himself, turning to look at Changyue Ji Huang and others.

Several people also looked at Su Changsheng in tacit understanding, with faces full of joy and anticipation.

"What are you waiting for? I will definitely break through to the Emperor Realm this time!"

Ji Huang rose directly into the sky and turned into a fiery red stream of light, speeding towards the crack.

Upon seeing this, the others shot out in unison and headed straight for the crack in the seal.

The Yaochi is right in front of us, and with such a huge opportunity, who can remain calm.


Su Changsheng and others set off, and in the blink of an eye they fell into the gap one after another.

The space behind him became dead again as everyone left.

The difference from before is that the originally vibrant land has now turned into a barren land of ruins...

In the Blood Phoenix Immortal Realm, in an ancient and mottled ancient palace.

"I can already see the blood-stained land, and countless lives are dying."

When a person spoke, his whole body was enveloped in chaos, and the aura of immortality filled the air, and he spoke calmly.

"It's just the miserable life of a bunch of ants. This is their honor."

Another figure also spoke, his voice like thunder, with deep disdain and contempt.

"The road is made of blood and bones. Everyone, prepare to take action and open the cracks in space!"

A middle-aged man with surging blood and chaotic energy spoke, with a cold and proud smile on his face, his eyes bright, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"This time, I will definitely get the Phoenix Magic!"

The middle-aged man muttered fiercely to himself, and in an instant, a terrifying aura swept over him, and the mist filled the air, hazy and strange!


Lower realm, Jingyu, Tianhuang Academy.

This is a Sacred Land that is famous throughout the capital. Every year, countless talented young people want to join Tianhuang Academy.

Because as long as you join here, even an ordinary outer disciple will become a big shot in the future.

Even just being an outer disciple of Tianhuang Academy is enough to make most forces respect and fear him.

The entire Tianhuang Academy is located in Tianhuang City. The entire Tianhuang City is extremely crowded because of the Tianhuang Academy.

People come and go, rubbing shoulders one after another. In addition to monks, there are countless traders and mortals living here.

A group of children were playing, the older ones were running around in the alley, and the younger ones were following behind the older children, chasing happily. In the end, they accidentally fell directly to the ground, feeling aggrieved. It was still painful, and I started to cry while wiping away my tears.

"Erdan, don't you know how to wait for your brother?!"

Behind him, a woman complained and shouted with dissatisfaction.

The woman walked over quickly and gently, picked up the child, and held a candied haws in her hand.

The child who was still crying at first burst into laughter the moment he saw the candied haws.

There were even tears on his face, but he was smiling brightly and happily.

That is the purest smile, carefree and without any thoughts.

Seeing the child laughing happily, the woman also had an excited smile on her face.


At this moment, the originally bright sky suddenly dimmed.

Women and children, including the entire Tianhuang City, looked up in confusion.

"This will change no matter how you say it..."

Women are mortals. They only feel that the sky is dim and inexplicably depressed, and they do not notice anything wrong.

However, the monks in the city were not calm anymore.

In their eyes, the sky above their heads suddenly turned red!

The bloody barrier quickly enveloped the entire Tianhuang City.

"This is?! Spiritual Array?!"

"Who? What do you want to do? How dare you act so recklessly in Tianhuang City!"

"Who is behind this? This is Tianhuang City. Are you seeking death for disturbing the ancestor of Tianhuang?"

Someone shouted loudly. The person who came was wearing white clothes and had a seal hanging on his chest.

The seal is blood red, extremely bright, as lifelike as a bloody phoenix.

He was an outer disciple of Tianhuang Academy.

The entire city was in panic at the moment, but it didn't last long before everyone calmed down.

Because this is Tianhuang City, with Tianhuang Academy in charge, no one dares to act arrogantly!

Even if there is any accident, Tianhuang Academy will solve it.


Then many disciples and elders rushed out of the sect, trying to find the instigator behind it.


What they don't know is that at this moment, they are in the forbidden area deep in Tianhuang Academy.

The mist drifted away, and the yin energy and evil energy almost turned into substance, entangled with each other and rolled into waves of storms.

In the center of the storm, there was an altar, anomaly and dark, completely black, flashing with a heart-stopping luster, and engraved with dense and complex runes, as if it could penetrate the Nine Netherworlds.

If you look carefully, the altar itself is not black, but blood!

It was just because it had been stained with too much blood for too long that it had turned black.

Several figures descended on the altar, all exuding an extremely fishy aura.

There is even an old man among them who has reached the True Immortal realm.

You know, in this lower world, True Immortal is such a distant and unreachable legend.

As for the other people, except for the two Great Emperors, the rest are all Supreme Realm!

This kind of lineup can almost sweep the entire lower realm.

Several figures descended on the altar, and they all looked at each other. They were silent and speechless, with serious and cold expressions. They each stood in a corner of the altar, and their spiritual consciousness surged out, carefully examining the incense and runes on the altar. .

Finally, after a long time, the old man spoke, his voice hoarse.

"let's start!"

The cold voice fell, and at the same time, they stamped their toes on the ground, and all of them flew away from the altar in unison and stood high in the sky.

"Blood sacrifice to heaven and earth, gods and demons buried together, opening the way to the Kingdom of God!"

The True Immortal old man frowned, his expression was extremely solemn and solemn, his hands quickly formed seals, and he whispered in his mouth, echoing throughout the entire open space like a magic spell.

Even the people in the entire Tianhuang City could hear it clearly.


Next second!

As the seals in the hands of the five people were formed, they all raised their hands and shot five beams of light towards the altar.

The beam of light blasted like an altar, and in an instant, thousands of trees roared, and the aura of death spread crazily like a nine-nether hell...

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