Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 441: One Drop Weighs More Than A Thousand Kilograms, And The Golden Dragon Transforms Into A

"Boom! Boom!"

The moment he stepped into the ancient monument, his ears were filled with a loud roar.

The ancient atmosphere comes with the extremely rich spiritual energy pavement, and the water mist in front of you turns into an ancient charming picture.

"The pressure in this world is so strong!"

Ji Huang frowned. She felt great pressure coming from all directions, squeezing herself.

It's as if the gravity of this world is stronger than that of the outside world.

"It should be because the spiritual power in this world is too strong. It will be good for you to get used to it.

Chang Yue naturally felt the strangeness of this world, looked at Ji Huang gently and said calmly.

"Yes." Ji Huang nodded slightly, summoned up his spiritual power, and began to adapt to resist this special world.

At this moment, everyone looked up and looked at this special "450" ​​Yaochi space.

In front of them, there is an endless vast lake. The lake is crystal clear and can't be seen to the end. It seems to be condensed with infinite power. Whenever the water surges and the waves hit, everyone can even see in horror that even the space is faint. Somewhat twisted.

It can be seen that every drop of water here is condensed with extremely pure and terrifying spiritual power, as if it weighs as much as a thousand catties.

In addition to the majestic Yao Pond in the center, there is a circle of land around it. Various ancient and vigorous ancient trees stand on the land, spiritual grass and flowers are in bloom, and there are even the sounds of birds singing and beasts singing.

The sky is blue, and the water reflected in the pool is also extremely blue and clear. It looks like there are two skies, like a real fairyland, so beautiful!

"What to do now? Jump directly into this pool of water?"

Ji Huang asked excitedly, looking at the strange Yaochi in front of him with a pair of beautiful eyes, extremely eager.

She couldn't wait to break through here.

As long as you successfully break through to the Great Emperor Realm and absorb the energy of the Dragon-Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit Seed, your level of strength will definitely skyrocket!


"The water in this Yaochi contains extremely terrifying power. Even if a True Immortal master jumps in hastily, he will not be able to withstand it at all. He will be crushed directly into bloody water and seek death!"

Chang Yue on the side spoke in time, stopping the Golden Winged Dapeng and Ji Huang who were already moving towards the rock.

The pupils of several people suddenly shrank slightly, and they all turned to look at Chang Yue in disbelief.

"Ah? Is it so terrifying? Even the strongest in the True Immortal realm can't bear it?"

Ji Huang asked in horror, his eyebrows furrowed and his face suddenly fell.

"What do you think? Every drop of this pool water is condensed with immeasurable spiritual power. A single drop may be nothing, but such a huge amount of spiritual power gathered together, just a seemingly inconspicuous wave, is enough to kill a True Immortal realm expert. It will cause serious injuries or even be crushed directly!"

Chang Yue glanced at Ji Huang and threatened with a doting smile.

Hearing this, everyone took a breath of cold air. No one thought that this seemingly fairyland-like Yaochi actually hid such a terrifying murderous intention.

If it weren't for Chang Yue's reminder, most people who could withstand the temptation of this Yao Chi would probably jump right in if they came here.

Naturally, there will be no surprises in the result. It is undoubtedly seeking death.

"What should we do?"

The golden-winged Dapeng also frowned and asked urgently, looking at Chang Qie.

Chang Yue smiled, then clenched her hands, and with a flash of spiritual light, the Golden Dragon Disciple token, which symbolized her identity, suddenly appeared in her hand.

"This is..…………"

Everyone was immediately surprised when they saw Chang Yue suddenly taking out the Golden Dragon Token. However, Chang Yue ignored everyone's surprised expressions and threw the token in her hand into the Yaochi.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, [when the golden dragon token came to the sky above Yaochi, a burst of piercing golden light suddenly erupted.

During the burst of golden light, the Golden Dragon Token rapidly expanded and enlarged, forming a golden Dao Lotus in the blink of an eye, and landed on the Yaochi with a thud.

The originally calm Yaochi suddenly started to ripple, rippling slightly, but the golden lotus floated steadily on the Yaochi in the eyes of everyone in amazement.

A moon-shy smile appeared on Chang Yue's beautiful face, then her toes tapped the ground, and her delicate body flew out lightly, landing gracefully and gently on the golden lotus.

The golden lotus is swaying, extremely delicate, and there is a lifelike golden dragon entrenched on the lotus base, which is majestic and domineering!

As Chang Yue's delicate body landed on the Golden Dao Lotus, a golden light suddenly burst out from the Golden Dragon Dao Lotus. The golden light turned into a mask, completely covering Chang Yue...

Seeing this strange scene, everyone suddenly realized it and showed surprise.

"I didn't expect this identity token to have such a mysterious effect!"

Gu Hongchen spoke in surprise, his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the scene in front of him, and then he followed Chang Yue's example and threw out his identity token.

It's just that her identity token is just the White Dragon Token, which is one level lower than Chang Yue's and Ji Huang's.

However, the effect was the same. When the token flew over Yaochi, it suddenly zoomed in. A burst of dazzling white light flashed, and it turned into a white Taoist lotus that was completely white and landed steadily on Chizie.

A flash of light flashed in Gu Hongchen's beautiful eyes, and his figure suddenly flew out, landed firmly on Daolian, and was immediately wrapped in a white barrier.

She carefully looked at the white lotus under her feet. There was also a giant dragon entrenched on the base of the lotus, but it was white.

Moreover, the degree of protection of my own spiritual barrier is obviously different from that of Chang Yue's golden barrier.

With just a slight touch, you can tell the difference between the two.

Its protection level is far inferior to Chang Yue's Golden Dao Lotus.

"Haha, I originally thought this token was of no use, but I didn't expect it to be of great use here!"

Ji Huang showed an excited smile when he saw Chang Yue and Gu Hongchen already standing in the Yaochi. Without hesitation, he threw away his golden dragon token with a flash of golden light in his hand.


Ji Huang jumped up and stood in the Yaochi.

Ji Huang was lively by nature and was extremely curious about the golden lotus at his feet. He kept poking at the mask with his fingers. He even got close to Gu Hongchen and poked at Gu Hongchen's white mask. A happy look appeared on his face. .

"My golden mask seems to be much stronger than your white mask!"

Gu Hongchen's face was calm and he didn't care about Ji Huang's lack of emotional intelligence. He just nodded slightly.

"Well, the protective masks corresponding to different levels of tokens should have different strengths. The higher the level of the identity token, the stronger the protection strength should be.

Gu Hongchen calmly analyzed and said...

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