Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 446 The Embarrassed Ji Huang, The Power Of The Great Golden Bird And Phoenix Sword!


The Lotus of the Yao Pond was constantly vibrating, but at this moment, it no longer had the momentum it had before. As the light burst out, it was constantly being blown away by Gu Hongchen.

Gu Hongchen also felt uncomfortable. He consumed a lot of spiritual energy. Fortunately, the spiritual energy here was too abundant. He could absorb it and attack at the same time, so he would not be exhausted.

Otherwise, there is really no guarantee that one of her and the Yaochi Lotus can defeat the other.


Another sword stabbed the lotus in the Yaochi hard. It was already at the end of its powerful oar and was blown away hundreds of feet. Several lotus leaves on it fell off at once.

"call out!!"

However, what Gu Hongchen didn't expect was that Yaochi Lotus, who was repulsed this time, did not choose to continue charging towards Gu Hongchen without fear of death. Instead, he suddenly turned around and headed towards the distance "Three or Four" at top speed. Zero" flew away.

He actually escaped!

Obviously, although this Yaochi Lotus is only in energy form, it still has some simple intelligence.

It knew that its spiritual power had been exhausted, and if it continued to fight, it would only be captured, so it turned around and jumped.


How could Gu Hongchen, who had exhausted so much energy, watch the cooked duck fly away?!

"Escape there?!"

Gu Hongchen's eyes flashed with rainbow light, and his spiritual power immediately surged into his feet. The whole person jumped up suddenly, and in a flash, he stood in front of the Yaochi Lotus almost instantly.

Her speed is already faster than Yaochi Lotus, and this guy is already at the end of his life, so it is not difficult to catch up.


A sword penetrated the void, slashed out diagonally, and drew a beautiful arc in the air.

Then, a red line suddenly appeared on the lotus of Yaochi. The red line was dazzling, and the next second, it was divided into two halves!


Gu Hongchen fell steadily onto the White Dragon Daolian. Looking at the spiritual light floating in the air in the distance, he stretched out his hand and a spiritual suction force burst out from his palm, pulling the wolf out.

"Finally it worked!"

Gu Hongchen's face was filled with joy, and his eyes were slightly bright as he looked at the ball of light in his palm that was still struggling crazily but had become as big as a baby.

The light of spiritual power condensed, and after struggling for a few times, the light began to materialize, condensing into a crystal in the blink of an eye!

The spiritual crystal is crystal clear, and there is a magnificent and extremely delicate lotus floating in it. You can even see the water in the pool flowing slightly, and an extremely pure and vast spiritual power fluctuation.

Disseminated quietly.

"It seems that this crystal stone is the source of power for the final spiritual empowerment..."

Gu Hongchen looked at the crystal in his hand curiously, and couldn't help but exclaimed and sighed.

This was just a small crystal jade lotus, but it made her so embarrassed.

The lowest level of spiritual power initiation requires a hundred Yao Lotus. How difficult is this?!

However, Gu Hongchen was not overly depressed, after all, he had a trump card that he had yet to reveal.

If we had used the True Immortal High Grade Immortal Spirit Weapon Heavenly Cold Water Sword we had obtained before, it would definitely not be so embarrassing and difficult.

The first Yaolian was just a trial.

However, this result doubled Gu Hongchen's pressure!

Turning his palm, he put away the spiritual crystal that he had finally obtained. However, Gu Hongchen's face did not show much joy. Instead, he became more solemn and serious, looking at the core area of ​​Yaochi.

This kind of efficiency is really too slow, and you have to go into the core area.

It's been almost half an hour before I managed to get a single spiritual crystal, and it cost so much. If I continue to collect like this, I'm afraid it will take several days to collect a hundred crystals.

And a hundred pills are just the worst Low Level spiritual power initiation.

Although Gu Hongchen didn't expect the Perfect Level of spiritual empowerment, he was definitely not willing to be just the Lowest Level.

At the very least, it should be a High Level spiritual power initiation.

Fortunately, Chang Yue didn't say before whether there was a time limit for collecting the spiritual crystals, so even if it was a little slower, it wouldn't be a big problem as long as the Daolian barrier under her feet was not destroyed.

Thinking in his mind, Gu Hongchen immediately headed towards the core area in the distance.

Although there is no time limit, what will happen if she fails to keep it all, so to be on the safe side, she must collect more Yaochi Lotus as quickly as possible.

With a flash of cold light in his hand, the Red Dust Immortal sword immediately disappeared, replaced by a crystal clear ice sword that exuded a chill that made the soul tremble.

It is the Tianhan Water Sword!

Gu Hongchen no longer held back and took action with all his strength, intending to quickly collect the Lotus of Yaochi.

At this moment, when Gu Hongchen was quickly heading towards the core area of ​​Yaochi, Ji Huang also encountered a lotus of Yaochi.

Due to his curious nature, Ji Huang decided to take action against the Lotus of Yaochi.

And the result is naturally extremely embarrassing.

Even if she finally took out the Great Golden Bird Phoenix Sword, this True Immortal Supreme Grade Immortal Spirit Weapon, she was unable to do anything to the Lotus of Yaochi for a while.

Instead, it was hit hard on the token barrier by its terrifying power again and again.

Fortunately, Ji Huang's token is the Golden Dragon token, otherwise he would not be able to bear it.

"Damn it! How can the power of Yaochi Lotus be so terrifying!"

Ji Huang said with an ugly expression on his face while resisting the impact of Yaochi Lotus with great difficulty.


The golden lotus beneath his feet shook violently, and a huge force struck him, knocking Ji Huang hundreds of meters away.

The terrifying power directly caused the golden barrier in front of Ji Huang to vibrate crazily, the ripples spread rapidly, and the aura dimmed a bit.

Looking at this scene, Ji Huang's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

If this continues, I am afraid that I will not be able to collect even one Yaochi Lotus, and will be smashed by the Yaolian token barrier and killed here.

"Asshole! How dare a lotus flower bully my aunt!"

Ji Huang is angry!

1.1 A red light burst out in his eyes, and then a loud and high-pitched phoenix cry suddenly spread around him, shaking the whole world!

A holy phoenix shadow appeared from behind Ji Huang, faintly exuding extremely terrifying fluctuations.

At the same time, the big golden bird and phoenix sword held in Ji Huang's hand seemed to have received some kind of summons, and began to tremble slightly, making sword sounds that seemed to be excited and eager.

"Holy Phoenix Sword Light!"

Ji Huang shouted angrily, and then the surging spiritual power poured into the Great Golden Bird and Phoenix Sword in his hand like a river.

Suddenly, an extremely blazing and sacred aura suddenly surged from the Phoenix Sword in Ji Huang's hand.


Ji Huang's eyes turned red, as if they were burning like fire. He stared at the Yaochi Lotus that was attacking fiercely again, and stabbed out with a sword...

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