Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 450: Lian Lian Takes The Bait And Collects The Spiritual Crystal!

A spiritual crystal was floating in the sky above Yaochi. There was a crack in the spiritual crystal, and extremely pure and rich spiritual power continued to permeate out of it, making the space around the place become hazy.

This is because the spiritual power is too strong.

Of course, where there is bait, there must be a fishing net, otherwise it will not be fishing, but feeding the fish.

Su Changsheng looked at the hazy space, smiled slightly, and then waved his arm, and the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron was immediately sacrificed by him.

Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron was conceived in chaos and is extremely strong and strong. It is not difficult to withstand the pressure of spiritual power here.

Su Changsheng sacrificed the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, and then hid it thousands of meters in the air, gathering its divinity and aura and quietly letting it blend into the mist.

With the strength of the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, even though the power of these Yaochi Lotus is extremely terrifying, once it is absorbed into it, it is absolutely difficult to escape.

After doing all this, a smile suddenly appeared on Su Changsheng's face. This place seemed peaceful, and the spiritual energy was so strong that it was almost impossible to dissolve it. But only he knew that anyone who dared to break into this place would definitely not be able to escape!

"Next, just wait for the prey to come to your door.

There was a look of expectation in Su Changsheng's eyes, and then he popped out a finger again and shot it on the spiritual crystal. Immediately, the spiritual light surged, and a more majestic and rich spiritual power burst out.

However, in just a few dozen breaths, the river water around the space where the spiritual crystal was located showed faint signs of condensing into broken spiritual crystals.

A trace of spiritual mist filled the air, rippling on the surface of Yaochi like mist.

The mist is rumbling and the spiritual power is majestic, making this place feel like a fairyland!

The spiritual power here is already purer and richer than any other place in Yaochi.

After all, Su Changsheng paid the price of a spiritual crystal, and the majestic spiritual power contained in it is enough for a True Immortal monk to absorb and practice normally for a month!

Su Changsheng looked at the scene in front of him, stepped back slightly, gathered his aura and spiritual power, and hid not far away.

The bait has been laid out and everything is ready. The next step is to see whether the fish will take the bait. If it fails, then he can only use the most primitive but least efficient method to collect it as before.

But it's not difficult for him, it just takes a little effort.

Su Changsheng sat quietly cross-legged on the sapphire boat, with his eyes slightly closed, restraining his breath fluctuations to avoid being noticed by the Lotus of Yaochi, and waited quietly.

The central area of ​​Yaochi was completely silent. Occasionally, one or two Yaochi lotuses flew past, creating ripples on the water surface.

Time passed slowly, but there was still no movement around, meaning that no Yaochi Lotus was attracted.

Su Changsheng frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Isn't this method feasible? It shouldn't be!"

Su Changsheng was surprised, but in an instant he suppressed his impatience again.

"Wait a minute, after all, there is no Yaochi Lotus passing by within a radius of more than ten miles..."

Su Changsheng is ready to continue waiting.

In his opinion, it was impossible for the lotus in Yaochi to resist the temptation of the spiritual crystal. The reason why no fish entered the net was probably because no fish had smelled the fishy smell of the bait yet.

Su Changsheng suppressed the impatience in his heart and continued to wait with his eyes closed.

Time passed minute by minute, and it was another ten minutes. There was still no movement around, which made Su Changsheng somewhat disappointed.

Just when Su Changsheng was considering whether to give up and look for them one by one, Su Changsheng's expression suddenly changed and he suddenly looked towards the water surface of Yaochi not far away.

There, it finally came


I saw the river water fluctuating slightly, a flash of white light appearing from a distance, and then rushing towards this side quickly.

Su Changsheng's eyes immediately showed a look of joy, because the white light turned out to be a jade pond lotus.

In addition, Su Changsheng was even more surprised to find that the fluctuations did not stop there.

In the other direction, there was actually a Yaochi Lotus flying towards this side quickly.

Two lotuses from the Yao Pond, one behind the other, rushed toward them at extremely high speeds. The light around them was erratic, and they seemed to be in a hurry, heading straight for the spiritual crystal on the water of the pond.

Seeing this scene, Su Changsheng couldn't help but feel happy. His guess was indeed right.

Two Yaochi lotuses shot out from two directions and quickly appeared outside the spiritual crystal, greedily sucking in the spiritual power that spread out.

However, these two guys seemed to be extremely cautious and did not pounce directly on the most majestic and rich spiritual crystal in the center.


This made Su Changsheng's heart beat slightly.

However, Su Changsheng was not in a hurry, but continued to wait slowly, until the two lotuses of Yaochi absorbed all the spiritual power in the periphery, and could no longer be satisfied, finally!

After all, a Yaochi Lotus couldn't give up the temptation in front of her. Unable to bear it, she rushed in and pounced on the spiritual crystal.

The other Yaochi Lotus was still hesitating, but it could be seen that the spiritual crystal was about to be caught first, so it suddenly became anxious and rushed out at the same speed, heading towards the spiritual crystal.


The two jade pond lotuses crazily devoured the rich spiritual power released from the spiritual crystals, and looked extremely happy as they puffed out light.

At this moment, there is one person who is more joyful than them, and that is Su Changsheng.

Looking at the two Yaochi Lotuses that had completely entered the range of the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, a smile suddenly appeared on Su Changsheng's face.


I saw Su Changsheng's thoughts, and the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron hidden above a thousand meters in the sky suddenly exploded. For a while, countless runes accompanied by chaotic energy crashed down like a giant hammer, smashing two flowers. The lotus of Yaochi envelops and enters.

The sudden burst of spiritual power fluctuations immediately startled the two Yaochi lotuses that were still immersed in joy, and immediately turned into a stream of light and shot out, trying to escape.


It's too late!

The endless mother energy of chaos crashed down, directly suppressing and imprisoning this area of ​​space, let alone the Lotus of Yaochi. "Even a true True Immortal realm powerhouse will never escape.

But it has to be said that the reaction speed of the Lotus of Yaochi is also extremely fast. If Su Changsheng hadn't struck quickly enough, the Lotus of Yaochi might have been able to escape the scope of the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron in an instant.

If he really escaped, then Su Changsheng would really lose his wife and his troops.

But fortunately, he succeeded and caught two Yaochi lotuses in one go.

Su Changsheng's face showed joy, and then with a thought in his mind, several chaotic thunders suddenly blasted out from the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, hitting the two Yaochi Lotuses hard.

At this moment, Yao Chi Zhilian couldn't even move, let alone dodge, and could only use her spiritual power to resist.

But unfortunately, under this chaotic thunder, how many can they resist?


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