Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 455: Surrounded By Snakes And Dragons, Bloodline Awakens!


The sky and the earth roared, and the flames like the true fire of a phoenix rose up, directly engulfing the beautiful figure. At the same time, the runes were blazing and dense, surrounding Ji Huang.

If it were an ordinary bloodline body, let alone the Great Emperor Realm, even the True Immortal Realm would be instantly burned to ashes by the terrifying Phoenix Principle Flame, but Ji Huang was different.

In the midst of the ruin, almost all the blood in her body seemed to be half boiling and began to glow. Golden runes began to diffuse from the depths of her body, and then, a faint mark appeared between her eyebrows.

The mark was blood red. If you look closely, you can see that it is an extremely powerful and domineering phoenix, exuding terrifying coercion.

Obviously, this Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit is activating Ji Feng's bloodline little by little.

The clothes on the body have long been burned to ashes by the terrifying flames. At this moment, Ji Huang's white and seductive body is exposed to the flames. There is a red mark between the eyebrows, like a phoenix Vermilion Bird, flashing with rays of light and blazing runes.

At this moment, Ji Huang was extremely excited and happy.

"Sure enough, I can take this opportunity to completely awaken my bloodline!"

Ji Huang said to herself in surprise. From Su Changsheng's mouth, she had long known that her physique was special, it was the legendary Nine Phoenix Sacred Body, and she might even have the opportunity to evolve and transform into a fairy phoenix-body in the future!

That is the legendary supreme physique, and he will become an Immortal King in the future!

Thinking of this, Ji Huang was extremely happy. She knew very well that once her bloodline was fully awakened, how different it would become, and it would definitely soar into the sky in the future!

Like Chang Yue, she will undergo a qualitative transformation, and she will no longer have to hide behind others and be unable to help.

Even though she was suffering from unimaginable horrific torture and pain at this moment, Ji Huang didn't care at all. She clenched her teeth and persisted with extremely firm will.

She was wrapped in blood-red flames, and the rich spiritual energy was like a waterfall in a river, coming from all directions, all of which were instantly refined and purified by the flames and poured into Ji Huang's body.

At this moment, Ji Huang was like an elf rising and changing in the Phoenix True Fire. She was completely immersed in her body and mind, so she didn't know that her clothes had turned into ashes. At this time, her flawless, slender and sexy body was already in full view. .

It is white and crystal clear. Even if it turns red at this moment, you can still see how white, tender and attractive the skin is.


Compared with this dangerous transformation, a greater danger is approaching Ji Huang rapidly.

The snakes in the pool with a radius of hundreds of miles all shook violently at this moment, and flew madly in the same direction at high speed.

Their eyes turned scarlet, very quickly, as if they were extremely eager.

And their target is none other than Ji Huang!

Not to mention how strong the spiritual power of the world around Ji Huang is at this moment, just the breath of the Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit is enough to drive these snake dragons crazy!

With such a large number of snake dragons swarming up, not to mention Ji Huang, even the golden-winged roc of a peak True Immortal realm expert, I am afraid that they will not be able to hold on for long and will be directly torn into pieces.

"What are these things?!"

"Why so many!"

Ji Huang, who was immersed in the transformation, suddenly opened his eyes, frowned, and his face instantly became extremely ugly and nervous.

She instinctively sensed the danger, but at this moment she couldn't move at all. She could only watch as there were several undercurrents in the surrounding water, rushing toward her at extremely fast speeds.


The calm water surface suddenly stirred up a huge wave, and then a snake dragon rose into the sky from the water, opened its bloody mouth, and pounced on the unsuspecting Ji Huang like a hungry tiger.

Ji Huang's small body was so pitiful in front of that bloody mouth that he could swallow it in one bite.


"Why are there ferocious beasts here!"

Ji Huang couldn't even speak, he could only scream in terror in his heart.

Just as the snake's bloody mouth was about to swallow Ji Huang in one gulp, suddenly!

As soon as the heaven and earth became cold, a terrifying chill swept over people's souls as if they were about to be frozen.


The cold current burst out, and everything in the space it passed was frozen. Whether it was air or spiritual power, it was instantly frozen into ice crystals.

And the snake dragon was frozen into the air at a speed visible to the naked eye, and stopped only half an inch away from Ji Huang.

Ji Huang can even easily count how many fangs this guy has in his mouth.

"Sister Changyue!"

Ji Huang immediately sent a message and shouted in surprise.

.........Please give me flowers 00

The person who came was none other than Chang Yue.

" was such a close call, luckily I arrived!"

Chang Yue breathed a sigh of relief. The moment she sensed the breath of the Dragon Phoenix Blood Fruit, she ran towards Ji Huang quickly without any hesitation. She was almost ten o'clock late.

"You girl, why are you so reckless? You dare to refine and break through without anyone protecting you?!"

Chang Yue scolded with some annoyance.

She knew that Ji Huang desperately wanted to become stronger, but it was too imprudent.

"I was wrong, Sister Changyue, but I can't stop now. Help me protect the law!"

Ji Huang didn't waste any time at this moment [he explained a sentence, then turned off the power and concentrated on refining and breaking through.

She is at a critical moment at this moment. There has been a big mistake in the Spirit Partitioning just now. If it is delayed any longer, the consequences will be disastrous!



“It’s really annoying!”

Chang Yue sighed, shook her head helplessly, turned around and looked at the densely packed spiders around her, with more than a dozen spiders, and her face suddenly became extremely solemn.

Ji Huang is a girl who can save her worries and just leave it alone, but how can she cope with these dozens of snake dragons whose power is comparable to True Immortal perfection?!

"I must teach this girl a lesson when I go back!"

Chang Yue whispered to herself helplessly, and then formed seals with her hands. A heart-stopping chill suddenly spread, and the cold moon appeared again behind her.

The cold moon appeared, and Chang Yue's aura suddenly became extremely terrifying. She was as cold as an immortal, and the coldness filled the air, as if a god was dominating everything!


The ice crystals on the snake dragon that had been frozen by Chang Yue suddenly exploded, turning into broken ice and splattering across the sky.

This snake dragon had rough skin and thick flesh. If it could survive in such a terrifying pressure in the pool water, it would definitely not be killed so easily. At this moment, with the burst of spiritual power, it broke free from its confinement.

The cattail-like wings on its neck flapped slightly. This time it did not attack without thinking, but wandered around and looked at Chang Yue.

Those gray-white triangular snake eyes were filled with strange coldness and ferocity. Looking at Ji Huang behind Chang Yue, his eyes were filled with unparalleled madness and greed!

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Chang Yue suddenly shouted coldly, and with the terrifying pressure

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