Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 458: Terrifying Efficiency, A Bold Idea!

"Hua Hua..."

The water in the pool splashed, and the crystal water droplets reflected extremely dazzling light in mid-air, filling the air with aura.

And under the waves, there is a snake dragon hidden!

The path of the snake dragon was blocked by Su Changsheng's punch. It was startled and turned around to run away in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, Su Changsheng could not give it this chance.


The black sword in his hand suddenly slashed out, and the terrifying sword light directly tore the air, and the wolf slashed towards the black dragon.


Seeing that he could not dodge, the black dragon immediately roared, opened its bloody mouth and shot out a water column, which collided with Su Changsheng's sword light, trying to block it.


However, its water column was as fragile as paper in front of Su Changsheng's sword light, and it was split into two and split in the middle.


The sword light split the water column and struck directly on the snake dragon. The snake dragon curled up its body in advance and used the hardest part of its body to resist, and it survived.

"Qiang Qiang!"

Only a few harsh metallic clangs were heard, a few scales shattered, and with blood splattering, the snake dragon was directly blasted away, but it was still alive.

"Huh? She's quite smart..."

Su Changsheng couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the snake's behavior.

This snake dragon is obviously much smarter than the Lotus of Yaochi. If I were not much stronger than them, I am afraid it would be really difficult to hunt.


While Su Changsheng was surprised, his figure flashed out, leaving an afterimage that appeared directly behind the snake dragon.


Su Changsheng punched out, and the violent and terrifying spiritual power roared out, just like the arrival of the Heavenly Emperor. The terrifying pressure alone made the hearts and spleens of all the snake dragons around him tremble.

There is no doubt that the snake dragon was directly blown into pieces by Su Changsheng's punch and condensed into a blue spiritual crystal.

"Eh?! It seems that the levels of spiritual crystals condensed by different snake dragons are also different..."

Su Changsheng grabbed the spiritual crystal that the snake dragon just exploded, his eyes immediately lit up, and he said to himself with a thoughtful look on his face.

The color of the spiritual crystal in front of me is deeper than the previous two spiritual crystals, and the spiritual power contained in it is also richer.

Obviously, the stronger the snake dragon is, the higher the quality of the spiritual crystal formed after death will be.


A smile appeared on Su Changsheng's lips, and she couldn't help but find it interesting.


The figure disappeared again in the next second, and quickly pursued a snake dragon not far away.

Most of these snake dragons have perfect strength in the True Immortal realm. For Su Changsheng, it is a massacre without any difficulty.

If these guys weren't able to swim freely in the Yaochi, they would have been killed by Su Changsheng long ago.

But at this moment, Su Changsheng looked at the eleven spiritual crystals emitting crystal blue light floating in front of him, and the smile on his face suddenly became extremely bright.

"Eleven blue spiritual crystals, according to the intensity of spiritual power, are even equivalent to nearly fifty white spiritual crystals!"

Su Changsheng exclaimed slightly.

Fifty white spiritual crystals, even if I use my previous method, it will probably take several hours to achieve.

But now it's only half an hour, and I can easily collect it.

It seems that killing the snake dragon is much easier than capturing the lotus in the Yaochi!

Su Changsheng thought to himself, put away the spiritual crystal, turned around and rushed back in the direction of Ji Huang.

At this moment, he already had a bold idea in his mind.

"Killed them all?"

Seeing Su Changsheng come back with a satisfied smile on his face and seemingly still unfinished business, Chang Yue immediately asked with a gentle smile.

"No, a few took the opportunity to run away and disappeared."

Su Changsheng said with some regret.

The most difficult thing about these snake dragons is that they can swim in the pond water. Once they get into the depths, they are completely invisible.

However, according to Su Changsheng's observation, these snake dragons do not dare to go deep into the interior of the Yaochi, but only swim on the surface, otherwise it is really difficult to kill!

He turned to look at Ji Huang. At this moment, Ji Huang's whole body was wrapped in rich spiritual power, and his whole body was surrounded by extremely domineering red flames.

Where the flames emanated, even the space was faintly distorted, as if it could not bear it at all, and the spiritual power was quietly annihilated at the moment of contact.

"Phoenix is ​​really hot?!"

Su Changsheng was slightly surprised and exclaimed.

The crimson flame was extremely extraordinary, and it was the legendary Phoenix True Fire.

It is said that it can melt all things in the world, but there is hidden vitality in it, which can make Nirvana reborn.

It can also be destroyed and reborn. It is an extremely magical flame.

At this moment, endless flames were burning, and Ji Huang was wrapped in it.

Around him, the extremely rich spiritual power condensed into a layer of ice crystals.

Red ice crystals wrap Ji Huang in the middle, forming a cavity, just like a big firefly.

And between the ice crystal and Ji Huang, there is a blazing phoenix true fire that is constantly burning.

Phoenix True Fire is like a furnace, helping Ji Huang melt and absorb the energy contained in the red ice crystals.


High in the clear sky, there was faint thunder.

At this moment, a vague sense of oppression began to emanate from Ji Huang's body.

Obviously, Ji Huang's bloodline is awakening, and there is nothing wrong.

Feeling this fluctuation of spiritual power, Chang Yue and Su Changsheng were both slightly startled.

Because this spiritual power fluctuation has reached the stage of the middle stage of the Great Emperor Realm.

You know, Ji Huang has just broken through to the Great Emperor Realm. In less than an hour, he has already broken through to the middle stage.

This speed of cultivation is simply astonishing!

"It seems that as long as he completely absorbs and refines the Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit, Ji Huang may really be able to reach the peak of the Great Emperor Realm, and there's no telling (Zhao) for sure..."

Su Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ji Huang with a flash of light in his eyes.

It is not difficult to reach perfection from the Great Emperor Realm First Layer, but it is rare to break through to the True Immortal realm.

In fact, every small realm within the big realm of First Layer is the accumulation of energy. Only the breakthrough of the big realm is sublimation and the real breakthrough of the shackles.

For example, from Great Emperor Realm First Layer to Ninth Layer, you only need to continuously absorb spiritual power, refine spiritual power, and the equivalent accumulation reaches a certain level before you can break through.

However, if you want to break through from the Great Emperor Realm Ninth Layer to the True Immortal realm, it is not just quantitative accumulation, but a qualitative breakthrough!

Only by truly stepping into the threshold of the original rules of the Great Dao can one break through the shackles and achieve True Immortal. Otherwise, even if one has practiced for tens of thousands of years, he will not be able to go any further.

And with the spiritual power contained in the Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit and Yaochi, it is not difficult for Ji Huang to reach the peak of the Great Emperor Realm.

As for whether he can break through that threshold, it depends on Ji Huang's own destiny...

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