Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 470: Going Straight To The Spiritual Dragon Nest, The Spiritual Dragon King Appears!


The originally quiet gathering place suddenly became extremely lively with the violent intrusion of five people.

The four of them joined forces and cooperated tacitly. In just a few minutes, they killed five snake dragons.

This kind of efficiency is already extremely amazing for them.

Once they encountered a siege, the four of them took turns tearing apart the encirclement of the spiritual dragon, in order to reduce the consumption of their own spiritual power.

Otherwise, if only one person can hold on alone, his spiritual power will soon be exhausted, and then he will be torn apart by hundreds of spiritual dragons.

While the four of them were constantly clearing away the spiritual dragons around them, the roar of spiritual power explosions could be heard not far away.

Looking up, there were extremely violent spiritual energy fluctuations coming from the distance. It was obvious that an extremely fierce battle was taking place there.

"This guy has actually gotten there..."

Ji Huang couldn't help but show a look of shock when he looked at the battle in the depths.

The other three people looked at it with equally horrified expressions on their faces, as Changsheng rushed forward at an almost unstoppable speed.

Wherever it passed, any spirit dragon that didn't have eyes to rush towards was directly crushed and killed instantly. With one's own strength, it tore a passage in the wave of spirit dragons and quickly advanced towards the depths.

"Let's go after him too. Although we can't help much, we can still help share some of the pressure."

Gu Hongchen spoke calmly. Although his expression remained unchanged and indifferent, it was obviously different from his previous attitude.

"Well, don't be anxious, just follow the previous strategy and advance slowly."

Chang Yue glanced at Gu Hongchen, then nodded slightly and said.

"Well, let's go and see how strong that spiritual dragon king is!"

The golden-winged Dapeng Ge Kun showed an excited smile, nodded heavily, and then took the lead and chased in the direction of Su Changsheng.

However, as everyone continued to deepen, the pressure they felt gradually became stronger.

Although these spiritual dragons are not very intelligent, their numbers are really terrifying. When they sweep in, the majestic and terrifying power is definitely not weaker than a full blow from a True Immortal realm expert. And if you want such a dense impact now, it is absolutely impossible. not easy.

But fortunately, the four of them cooperated tacitly and were well prepared. They took turns and protected each other, so they persevered.

As time passed little by little, several people got deeper and deeper, and finally Su Changsheng also joined the team of four.

As it goes deeper and deeper, the spiritual dragon grows in intelligence, strength, and quantity.

Even Su Changsheng, facing dozens of spiritual dragons alone, was beginning to have a hard time.

Especially among these spiritual dragons, there are spiritual dragons with high intelligence under command. Under the siege, their combat effectiveness increased sharply.

It would be too exhausting to fight alone, and the four people behind him had obviously begun to be unable to hold on, and became difficult to move. Several times, they were almost completely surrounded.

So Su Changsheng simply joined the team of four people, with him as the forward, and the other four people cooperated, and the efficiency was greatly increased. Like an arrow, it cut through the blockade of these spiritual dragon groups and quickly advanced towards the depths.


Su Changsheng punched out, and the violent spiritual power roared out. The terrifying fist mark smashed past like a meteorite, directly smashing several spiritual dragons that came suddenly into pieces.

Several spiritual crystals were shot out, and Ji Huang quickly took action and put them all away.

After everyone killed countless spiritual dragons, the space in front of them suddenly began to feel empty.

Ge Kun, the golden-winged roc, frowned slightly when he looked at the scene in front of him, showing a hint of doubt.

Now they have almost reached the middle of this area, but the originally densely packed spiritual dragons have disappeared when they get here.

Looking back, they were all lingering behind the crowd, looking at them unwillingly, but none of them came after them.

It was as if there was an invisible barrier blocking these spiritual dragons.

In the space in front of them, the spiritual energy was so dense that it was terrifying. The spiritual light was so bright that even the heaven and earth were covered, making it impossible to see the depths clearly. However, everyone could vaguely feel a terrifying wave of pressure.

Perhaps it was this terrifying pressure that prevented the spiritual dragons behind them from approaching.

And apart from the Spiritual Dragon King, there is obviously no other person who can exude such terrifying spiritual pressure.

"Finally rushed in!"

The corner of Su Changsheng's mouth curved with excitement, and his eyes turned to look at the vast open area, and finally his eyes were locked directly in the deepest direction.

It was the direction from which the astonishing spiritual pressure came.

The Spiritual Dragon King is right there!

"What an astonishing spiritual pressure! The strength of this spiritual dragon king has probably surpassed the True Immortal realm!"

Gu Hongchen also looked in that direction, with a look of shock on his face, and his eyes were filled with deep horror.

"With such terrifying spiritual pressure, if we kill it, what high quality will the condensed spiritual crystal be?"

"I'm afraid it's worth hundreds of ordinary Spirit Communication crystals, right?!"

The golden-winged Dapeng Ge Kun's eyes were filled with fiery excitement and immense anticipation!

"Hua Hua"

Just as the five people were amazed, a low sound of water splashing came from the space in front of them.


Chang Yue's eyes suddenly froze, her expression became extremely solemn, and she stared straight ahead.


In the depths, there was a bright spiritual light that was constantly approaching them, and a terrifying pressure began to spread across the world.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, a huge figure about a hundred feet slowly swam out from the light of the spiritual mist.

That figure was covered with colorful crystals, covering its whole body like a thick layer of crystal armor.

It slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision, standing upright with a huge body, floating in mid-air, a pair of huge vertical pupils looking at the five people coldly, and an extremely cold and terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the five people, like falling ice. cave.

"What a terrifying and oppressive aura!"

Gu Hongchen cried out in horror. The guy stood there quietly, but he seemed to be a master, exuding terrifying power that could not be ignored.

"This is...Lingjiao King?!"

Ge Kun looked at the huge light and shadow, and the terrifying spiritual power fluctuations it emitted made him feel frightened and a little palpitated.

This level of spiritual power fluctuation is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary spiritual dragons.

It was countless times more powerful than any spiritual dragon they had encountered before!

And obviously, in this area, other than the Spiritual Dragon King, who else can have such an emperor-like pressure on the Qixi Festival?!

"Such a powerful spiritual power fluctuation, I'm afraid even the peak True Immortal realm powerhouse will have a hard time matching it, right?"

Su Changsheng murmured, but there was no fear at all on his face. Instead, there was a touch of excitement... Seven...

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