Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 493: Entering The Bottom Of Yaochi Again!

The turbulent Yaochi gradually returned to calm as the Spirit Dragon King was beheaded.

It's just that on the Yaochi where there were originally five Daoist figures, now there is only one beautiful figure sitting there alone, with red lips pouting, and a pretty face full of grievances and displeasure.

"Damn it! You really left me alone!"

Ji Huang frowned slightly, with a grievance and anger on his pretty face, and punched the golden lotus with his fist, venting his dissatisfaction.

The water in front of her was now filled with ripples, spreading in all directions.

Just now, after discussion, Su Changsheng finally decided to take Gu Hongchen, Ge Kun and Chang Yue into the mineral deposit at the bottom of Yaochi.

It's not because of anger with Ji Huang, but because even with the protection of the ancient seal, the danger level at the bottom of the Yao Pond is far greater than the surface of the Pond.

Among the four, Ji Huang is the weakest, and if there is any accident, he will definitely be the most dangerous.

So for Ji Huang's safety, Su Changsheng asked Ji Huang to stay on the ground to meet them.

The four people, headed by Su Changsheng, were all shrouded in a sapphire-colored circular barrier, slowly sinking toward the bottom of the pool.

As soon as they entered the Yaochi water, the expressions of Gu Hongchen and the others immediately became solemn, and they carefully looked around, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

There was a deep dark blue light all around, and the light became dimmer as you went downwards. Finally, it was even pitch black and nothing could be seen.

Even if everyone's consciousness spreads, they can only feel the space of about ten meters around them.

But soon, this darkness was broken.

Because in the distance in front of everyone, a faint blue light suddenly appeared.

The bright light was extremely eye-catching in the pitch-black Yaochi, and bursts of extremely rich spiritual power fluctuations continued to spread out from it.

"That's where the mineral deposit area is..."

Su Changsheng looked at the bright light, with a slight smile on his face and spoke calmly.

After hearing this, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, staring closely at the faint blue light that was constantly enlarging in everyone's eyes, and couldn't help but become nervous.

Spirit crystal mineral deposits!

A crystal core more powerful than the Spiritual Dragon King's Spiritual Crystal!

This is all very exciting!

The light spots enlarged little by little, and soon, under the leadership of Su Changsheng, everyone arrived outside the spiritual light barrier.

At this moment, the barrier that had been forcibly split open by Su Changsheng had returned to its original state. Looking inside, there was no trace of the crystal core at all.

Su Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, without any hesitation, with a flash of inspiration in his hand, the Great Principle Fairy Sword appeared again, and directly cut out "Wolf Wolf" in front of everyone's horrified eyes, and landed on the aura barrier.


A huge noise instantly exploded at the bottom of the pool like lightning!

The terrifying spiritual shock wave surged wildly in an instant, setting off a raging torrent in the pool water that swept in all directions!

Gu Hongchen and others were suddenly startled. Their pupils shrank suddenly and they all used methods to resist this terrible impact. Their expressions changed slightly.

Ge Kun, the golden-winged roc, stared intently at the Great Principle fairy sword filled with gray mist in Su Changsheng's hand. His pupils suddenly shrank, filled with indescribable horror!

Although this sword looked ordinary and even covered with rust, it gave him an extremely terrifying feeling!

It made him almost instinctively afraid. The moment the sword appeared, he instinctively felt his soul tremble, and the fear came from his soul!


"What level of Spirit Treasure is this sword?!"

The hairs all over the body of Golden-winged Dapeng Ge Kun stood up, and he subconsciously screamed out in fear.

Although Gu Hongchen on the side had already seen the horror of the Great Principle sword, when he saw it again now, he was still extremely heartbroken and said in a deep voice without looking back.

"I'm afraid this sword has surpassed the scope of True Immortal Spirit Treasure, and...

"It seems to contain some extremely terrifying power!"

Hearing Gu Hongchen's answer, Ge Kun was suddenly shocked.

Beyond the scope of True Immortal Spirit Treasure, isn't it the legendary Immortal King weapon?

Immortal King's spiritual weapons, each one of them is an extremely heaven-defying existence!

Even the one with the poorest Middle Grade quality can easily destroy the world, and is simply not comparable to the True Immortal Spirit Treasure.

And he could feel that Su Changsheng's sword was extraordinary even among the Immortal King's spiritual weapons. There was an aura in it that made his soul tremble!

Although the aura is not very strong, it is frightening and has a creepy feeling!

"Let's go!"

Just when Ge Kun, the golden-winged roc, was still immersed in the terror of the Great Principle sword, Su Changsheng's voice came out.

Ge Kun looked closely and saw that the extremely strong spiritual barrier had a crack of more than two meters long, which was enough for one person to enter and exit.

This spiritual barrier was so strong that Ge Kun thought to himself that he would never be able to break it, but at this moment it was easily broken by Su Changsheng's sword, which clearly shows the terror of the sword in his hand!


At this moment, even though she had been using restraint all the time, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed!

Even if they don't actively absorb it, these spiritual powers will be forced by strong pressure to penetrate through their pores and skin because they are too strong.

These spiritual crystals seem to have grown naturally. Each one is extremely huge. Some are even more than ten meters high and several meters thick. They are so magnificent!

"What a strong spiritual power, it has reached this level!"

The intensity of spiritual power here is simply outrageous!


With these spiritual crystals, even he and Gu Hongchen would probably be able to meet the requirements for Perfect Level spiritual power initiation!

And when he looked around, he saw huge dark blue spiritual crystals scattered everywhere in front of him!

Looking at the spectacular deep blue spiritual crystal deposit in front of him, even the golden-winged roc Ge Kun, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, didn't know what to say at this moment.

And the most important thing is that these spiritual crystals are growing here naked, like wild fruits for people to pick. How can we not be excited and shocked!

I don’t know how many times more powerful than the common Spirit Communication dragon they hunted so hard!

The moment they entered the barrier, Ge Kun and the others were stunned!

At the thought of this, uncontrollable ecstasy suddenly surged into their hearts and filled their bodies. Gu Hongchen and Ge Quan felt that the blood in their bodies was boiling and their hearts were beating wildly!

After stammering for a long time, he spat out one word and looked at the countless spiritual crystals in front of him with extremely hot eyes.

Gu Hongchen's beautiful face showed a look of surprise, and he exclaimed in disbelief.

As soon as Su Changsheng moved, he immediately shot towards the crack, and Ge Kun and the others hurriedly followed.

After taking a breath, my whole body was suddenly shocked! My spiritual power increased unknowingly!

The spiritual power contained in it is so huge that it is unimaginable!

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