Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 499: Lingyu Hongqiao, Reaching The Other Side!

Red flames were steaming, and on top of a sea of ​​magma and fire, Su Changsheng hung in the void, waving his hands constantly, and seals poured out together with runes all over the sky.

The runes transformed, and the surrounding void suddenly shook slightly. A golden thread shot out from in front of Su Changsheng, passing through the feathers, linking them together, constantly resonating with the surrounding void.


The surrounding void buzzed with color, and Su Changsheng's consciousness almost covered the entire sea of ​​magma. As golden threads shot out, golden bells one after another suddenly appeared out of the air!

Those bells made a roaring sound, long and deafening, which also contained strange spatial fluctuations, condensed with those feathers, and then passed through by the golden silk thread.

At this moment, Su Changsheng's whole body was blooming with dazzling divine light. Chaos energy and fairy light filled the air at the same time, standing like an Immortal King Supreme in the void.

"This guy......"

The strength Su Changsheng displayed at this moment was more terrifying than any time before.

Although it was not a fierce battle, the understanding and control of the laws of space reached an extremely terrifying level. Jin Xia Li and others were extremely shocked!


A violent 967 space fluctuation spread. Su Changsheng's eyes turned bright gold at this moment, and his expression was extremely serious and solemn, concentrating on condensing these feathers.

The seals of his hands were constantly changing, and the sky around him was filled with small cauldrons emitting strange spatial fluctuations. Then those small cauldrons enveloped Fei Yu and began to fly in an orderly manner at high speeds, arranging in mid-air.

Faintly, a strange wave spread out throughout the space, as if it was activated by Su Changsheng's actions, and the entire space began to resonate.

"Is it going to succeed?!"

Gu Hongchen and others stared at the long bridge that began to appear in front of Su Changsheng. Their pupils trembled and they exclaimed in disbelief.

At this moment, in front of everyone, a bridge spreading towards Saint Emperor's Palace appeared.

The bridge shone with a rich crimson red, the surrounding runes were surging, and the space fluctuated violently, but now they were all connected together by a golden thread. "The link became ten bodies."

And it is still spreading towards the Holy Phoenix Palace in the distance, as if it is growing with life.

Su Changsheng's handsome face was still calm and his eyes were sharp. At this moment, he had clearly understood the true meaning of this space array.

You only need to follow the spatial traces of the formation and connect these feathers to form a spatial passage, which will lead you directly to the Holy Phoenix Palace.

It’s just that this requires a very high understanding of the laws of space. Su Changsheng was a little reluctant at first, but with constant attempts, his understanding of the laws of space has improved a bit.

"I'm afraid even the Immortal King can only have this kind of understanding of the laws of space, right?"

Gu Hongchen stared at Su Changsheng's back with his beautiful eyes wide open in shock, muttering to himself in a low voice in disbelief.

How old is Su Changsheng? As far as he knows, he is extremely young, not even over a thousand years old. However, this method is already comparable to many great powers in ancient legends.

"Haha... Who am I? Su Changsheng, destined to shock the past and the present, is invincible in the world, is a mere Immortal King worthy of being compared with me?!"

Su Changsheng's eyes flashed, and an extremely domineering aura spread out. With an unruly smile on his face, he spoke calmly.

The void shook. After hearing this, even Chang Yue couldn't help but be startled. Her eyes flickered at Su Changsheng, but soon turned into a gentle smile.

If other people said this, regardless of whether they had this invincible confidence and domineering power, no one would believe it and would just think they were crazy! It’s just a dream!

Immortal King!

Even in any era, it is the peak of combat power. In a single thought, the heavens are shattered, and hundreds of millions of living beings have to be wiped out silently!

But Su Changsheng didn't even take Immortal King seriously. This is how arrogant and confident he is!

Although Gu Hongchen and Ge Quan felt that Su Changsheng (chff) was showing off and bragging, no one refuted it. Instead, they were shocked!

I couldn't help but marvel in my heart that this guy was indeed a rare monster throughout the ages!

Becoming an Immortal King is probably inevitable!

As for surpassing the Immortal King, that is slim. No one can become that kind of existence!

No matter how amazingly talented and beautiful people are throughout the ages, there are only a few people who can become the Immortal King, and it may take millions of years to produce one.

As for surpassing the Immortal King, it is simply impossible!

Except for the records in the legendary Primitive Era, there seems to be a terrifying power, the Immortal King, who is invincible. It seems that he has entered that realm, and there has never been another one!

Just when everyone was deeply shocked, the red bridge in front of Su Changsheng had already spread out more than half, and the speed was getting faster and faster!


Finally, the crimson bridge completely penetrated this insurmountable natural chasm, reaching the other shore and reaching the front of Naxin Palace.

Violent spatial fluctuations mixed with spiritual storms swept across, waves of fire surged, and the hot feeling made everyone's throats go dry.

The mist filled the air and the red runes flickered. The Holy Phoenix Palace was still floating in the center of the magma sea, looking extremely mysterious.

However, at this moment, there is a crimson bridge in the void completely made of feathers.


A smile appeared on Su Changsheng's lips, then he tapped his toes and passed over the bridge, heading straight for the Holy Phoenix Palace at the end.

Seeing this, the other three people also hurriedly followed, climbed up the steps, stepped on the incomparable magical Feather Rainbow Bridge, and moved forward quickly.


The originally insurmountable chasm was actually crossed by everyone in less than half a minute and reached the end.

Under their feet was endless red magma, the temperature was frighteningly high, and at this moment, a huge stone door closed, blocking the way of everyone.

Su Changsheng hesitated slightly, then raised his hand and shot out a spiritual light, then pushed the stone door open.

The stone door opened wide, and the Holy Phoenix Palace, which had been covered in dust for thousands of years, suddenly appeared in front of everyone, as if they could easily step in.

However, at this moment, Su Changsheng stopped and stared intently at the seemingly empty, undefended stone gate.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

At this moment, Chang Yue also crossed the Lingyu Hong Bridge and arrived at the entrance of the Holy Phoenix Palace. She walked to Su Changsheng and asked.

Ge Kun and Gu Hongchen also came closer and stared at the gate of the ancient palace, their eyes extremely passionate and excited, but they did not dare to enter.

Since Su Changsheng has stopped, it means that there is a great danger hidden here.

Su Changsheng did not answer, but raised his hand and threw a piece of Spirit Treasure, shooting towards the ancient temple...

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