Immortal Creation

Chapter 202 Let Ning Zhuo present his treasure

A magic weapon in the shape of inner armor was thrown into the furnace by Sun Lingtong.

Cremation Prajna Interpretation Sutra!

The magical weapon was gradually dissolved and turned into nothing, but an abundant spirituality remained.

Spirituality was quickly instilled into the weather ball and ice crystal snow, making its spirituality reach 100%.

100% spiritual, spiritually self-sufficient!

From then on, the weather ball·Ice Crystal Snow's spirituality was damaged and it was able to recover itself.

The spirituality of Sky Ball·Ice Crystal Snow comes from the ghost cultivator Ning Xie.

After Ning Zhuo was refined, his spirituality was only 36%.

However, it is not difficult to add something like spirituality.

Just find the corresponding relic.

At the beginning, Ning Zhuo added spirituality to Yuan Dasheng, and it was done overnight.

After Qi Bai made it, his spiritual power was severely consumed by the use, and at one time it was only less than 10%. As a result, after burning the personal belongings in the storage bag, its spirituality immediately increased to more than 90%.

Ever since he obtained the Weather Ball·Ice Crystal Snow, Ning Zhuo has been using his subordinates, the black market, and branch channels to collect Ning Xie's items in every possible way.

Through these, its spirituality is constantly accumulated.

After Ning Zhuo blackmailed the head of the Ning family for the second time, he obtained some family magic weapons.

The burned inner magic weapon was Ning Xie's most important armor during his lifetime.

After being burned, his spirituality immediately filled up the final gap, reaching 100%.

Of course, this was not the only thing Ning Zhuo obtained from the head of the Ning family.

He obtained a promise from the clan leader - the Ning family would use all their strength to collect methods and resources to help Ning Zhuo measure his talent.

Ning Zhuo must show such a strong need!

For a talented young monk who has talent but does not know the details of his talent and cannot further develop it, it is really unreasonable that he never explores the secret of his talent.

"Fortunately, this matter is left to the main line of the Ning family. The other party will definitely not let me easily test my talent."

When it comes to the dispute between the main line and the branch lines, the head of the Ning family will definitely stumble and do something secretly.

"Don't let me down, Mainline." Ning Zhuo secretly cheered for Mainline.

Ning Zhuo also obtained a concession from the clan leader.

Franchise Ning Zhuo to cooperate with the Zhou family and Zheng family to jointly explore the Lava Fairy Palace.

In this way, Ning Zhuo personally helps the Zhou family and the Zheng family achieve good results, and he will not be criticized by the clan members who say that Ning Zhuo is cheating.

Xu Ningzhuo vigorously developed "replacement puppets", so he had to increase the collection of blood and flesh from his tribe.

With the clan leader's endorsement, Ning Zhuo cleared away many invisible obstacles.

Finally, the clan leader extracted a lot of golden elixir-level materials such as red sun copper from the clan treasury.

Ning Zhuo's action of refining the golden elixir level mechanism started vigorously and vigorously.

Dozens of Zheng family's weapon refiners devote themselves to the weapon refinement room all day long, constantly hammering thousands of black irons.

In order to smelt the rare material of golden elixir, Zheng Hua was asked to use the natural gold stone to solve the problem.

Zheng family, Tianzihao weapon refining room.

This is the highest-standard refining room in the entire Zheng family, no, in the entire Fire Persimmon City.

The blazing earth flame was majestic and vast, but it was condensed into a small flame.

Magic weapon - Tiangong lamp!

This is the treasure of the Zheng family, which can condense infinite firepower into one point. Any weapon refining technique used in the light will at least double its power.

At this time, a black snake was meandering in the lamp flame.

The black snake is extremely fierce! Its body is flat and made of countless iron bars. While swimming, the iron bars collided with each other, making a series of dense clanging sounds.

Zhu Xuanji and many other golden elixirs all stared at the lamp flames and the black snake in the lamplight.

Several golden elixirs showed their abilities, cast various spells, and conducted investigations.

After a while, Zhu Xuanji, who used his natural golden eyes, was the first to see the clues.

Afterwards, the two golden elixirs from the Zheng family and the two golden elixirs from the Zhou family gradually noticed something fishy.

Zheng Shuangou said: "The last part of this mechanism weapon is at its seven-inch position. This position connects the upper and lower parts and is one of the centers of the changes in the operation of the mechanism weapon."

"Without this piece, we can only master the three basic forms of machine weapons!"

"We needed an extremely strong yet flexible material to complement it."

Everyone discussed for a while.

Zhou Nongying first proposed Yurunxuansteel, Zheng Dangan proposed dragonscale green iron, Zheng Shuangou said it could be Zixia Qiongjin, and Zhu Xuanji said it could be Yuehui Cold Iron.

Finally, when the second Golden Elixir ancestor of the Zhou family mentioned Night Breeze Soft Iron, everyone's eyes lit up and they all said yes, this material is the most suitable!

Zheng Shuangu rubbed his chin: "If you want to use Night Wind Soft Iron, the fire refining method needs to be pure. It is absolutely impossible to use the power of fire evil to refine the weapon before."

Zheng Danqian added: "The most critical thing is quenching."

"The Night Breeze Soft Iron contains vitality, and the tempering method in the extreme cold is not suitable. If you really use this tempering method, the physical properties of the Night Breeze Soft Iron will be greatly damaged."

The ancestor of the Ning family's golden elixir muttered: "This is easy to handle."

"There is a Qi-refining junior in my clan who has ice-fat jade hands. The secret of this talent is that there is a ray of life hidden under the extreme cold."

"Wonderful." Zheng Shuangou immediately praised, "In this way, as long as this junior cooperates with us, we do not need to change the previous refining plan, saving a huge amount of time and energy."

After the discussion was completed, the Ning Family's Golden Pill Patriarch immediately gave the order.

Ning Xiaohui's grandmother was extremely excited when she learned about this.

She took the initiative to find Ning Xiaohui, and when they met, she grabbed the latter's shoulder: "Opportunity, Xiaohui, your opportunity has come!"

Ning Xiaohui's grandmother explained it in detail, but Ning Xiaohui still looked unbelievable.

Her grandmother reminded: "Xiaohui, you must be extremely respectful when you meet the Jindan ancestors. They are all big shots, and you have helped them so much this time. If they just leak a little bit of their hands, it will be enough for you to benefit for many years."

Ning Xiaohui was originally very depressed, but after hearing the news, her face gradually changed from numbness and discouragement to full of expectations.

According to her grandmother's instructions, she went to pay a visit to Zhu Xuanji and the three Jindan ancestors, and behaved very well.

The Ning family's ancestor was very kind to her.

Zhu Xuanji nodded slightly to her and told her the current situation.

When Ning Xiaohui heard that Ye Fengrou Iron was needed, she suddenly thought of a rumor that appeared not long ago.

The rumor said that Ning Zhuo destroyed a secret residence of the former black market owner and looted many precious things. One of them said that there was a large amount of Night Wind Soft Iron.

Ning Xiaohui said: "Grandmaster, please allow me to report..."

She told several Jindan ancestors about the black market, Ning Zhuo, and Night Wind Soft Iron.

Ning Family Ancestor: "Oh? This Ning Zhuo actually has the Jindan-level treasure Night Wind Soft Iron, which is just what we need."

He immediately gave an order to let Ning Zhuo give this item.

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