Immortal Creation

Chapter 204 Night Rain Demon Soldiers

The third day, the fourth day...

Every day, tribesmen from the branch take the initiative to seek refuge with Ning Zhuo and serve.

Ning Zhuo did not reject anyone who came, and accepted them all.

What made him even happier were the former deacons.

The elite among these foundation-building monks found Ning Zhuo in private and recommended their descendants to Ning Zhuo.

This behavior has extraordinary significance in the righteous path.

This shows that these foundation-building monks have truly returned home, agree with Ning Zhuo's future, and are willing to entrust their descendants to Ning Zhuo, while also seeking a future for their descendants!

Ning Zhuo's requirements for this group of people were different again.

He noticed that the descendants of these former deacons were generally young and had low cultivation levels.

Ning Zhuo behaved very coldly: "If you want me to accept them, then let them all go away and practice the Five Elements Qi Law Technique!"

Many people were worried about the follow-up exercises and were hesitant. Only a small number of former deacons immediately agreed.

In the small courtyard.

Ning Houjun and Ning Youfu, the two former family members, are always playing chess.

Ning Youfu held the chess piece in his hand and had been deep in thought for a long time.

Ning Houjun couldn't help but urge: "You should hurry up."

Ning Youfu put his pieces on the chessboard and sighed: "Quick, too fast."

Ning Houjun laughed: "Are you talking about Ning Zhuo? This junior's rise is indeed much faster than you and I imagined."

Ning Youfu sighed and corrected: "It's too fast!"

"Ning Xiaohui's frame-up was originally a crisis, but Ning Zhuo resolved it extremely perfectly. Instead, it became a huge opportunity for him!"

"Tell me, does this kid have the skills himself, or is there someone behind his back?"

Ning Houjun glared: "What do you mean? Are you praising yourself in front of me?"

Ning Youfu laughed loudly: "Old friend, you are still hiding this from me until now. You are quite 'slow' in playing chess."

The patriarch’s study room.

Grandma Ning Xiaohui dragged Ning Xiaohui to visit the head of the Ning family.

"Kneel down!" Grandma Ning Xiaohui said with a stern voice, "Look at the good deeds you have done!"

Ning Xiaohui gritted her teeth and immediately knelt down to the head of the Ning family. She gritted her teeth and said, "Clan leader, Xiaohui, I know I was wrong! This time, I was too jealous of Ning Zhuo. I heard that the ancestors needed the material Night Breeze Soft Iron. I reported Ning Zhuo without even thinking about it.”

"I am too uncool."

"On the contrary, this gave him a unique opportunity to rise!"

Speaking of this, Ning Xiaohui was so angry that she bit her lip.

She was so angry.

She originally thought she could frame Ning Zhuo and cause him heavy losses, but she didn't expect that the clown in the end would be herself.

What she thought was a frame-up gave Ning Zhuo an opportunity, which allowed him to fall into the eyes of all the golden elixir monks. He became famous and his personal power expanded rapidly in these days.

When she thought that she was responsible for all this, Ning Xiaohui felt like committing suicide!

Grandma Ning Xiaohui paid attention to the expression of the head of the Ning family: "Patriarch, although Xiaohui is my granddaughter, she made her own decisions this time and caused heavy losses to the main line of the family! It is up to you, the patriarch, to decide how to punish her severely!"

The head of the Ning family stared at the two grandsons in front of him, knowing that if they took the initiative to admit their mistakes and be punished, it would be the path with the least damage. He couldn't help snorting: "Of course, they will be severely punished. However, Ning Xiaohui is participating in the ancestors' The weapon refining is of great use.”

"The leader of this clan will punish you and make meritorious service for your crime!"

Grandma Ning Xiaohui was overjoyed: "The patriarch is wise, thank you, the patriarch!!"

By the time the grandfather and grandson left, the head of the Ning family was so angry that he reached out and grabbed the inkstone and smashed it out.

After smashing a few objects on the desk, he vented his temper and calmed down, his face full of frustration.

"Ning Zhuo, the situation is strong!"

In a few days, there were earth-shaking changes.

Ning Zhuo made full use of the Ning family ancestor's light words, causing his power to expand at least seven times!

His status in the entire family has directly jumped several levels.

"Ning Zhuo wants some descendants of foundation-building monks to modify the Five Elements Qi Law Technique. He wants to bypass the restrictions of the family's skills and open up a new promotion route."

"His ambitions are so obvious!"

"It was the Lava Immortal Palace that gave him the opportunity. Without the Immortal Palace, no matter how outstanding he is, what would he do? Time is also fate!"

"Isn't he greedy and stingy? Why did he do so beautifully this time? Who was the one who was guiding him behind his back?"

Thinking of this, the head of the Ning family became even more frustrated.

"Actually, it doesn't matter who gives advice to Ning Zhuo."

"What matters is the attitude of the Jindan Patriarch!"

The greatest source of power is violence.

Jindan monk Ning Jiufan is the person with the highest combat power among the whole clan, so he naturally holds the highest power.

Ning Yifan is encouraging Ning Zhuo!

This is Ning's attitude of submission, and the reason why the entire Ning family is in constant panic.

The head of the Ning family secretly smiled bitterly: "Ancestor Ning Jingfan has a loving relationship with my main lineage, but we have troubled him so many times over the years, and our love has been consumed too much."

"In the dispute between the main line and the branch lines more than ten years ago, the ancestor was dissatisfied with the harsh punishment of the main line."

"He hopes that the entire Ning family can grow stronger, rather than just the main line being strong!"

Realizing this, the head of the Ning family knew that he could not stop Ning Zhuo.

He originally wanted to use Ning Zhuo's collection of blood and flesh from his tribe to make a fuss.

Now that Ning Zhuo has gained the approval of his ancestor, he jumped out to expose Ning Zhuo just to slap the ancestor of the Ning family in the face.

If he really did this, he would be an idiot!

All the head of the Ning family can do is secretly arrange for his people to infiltrate Ning Zhuo's influence.

Ning Zhuo quietly expanded its scale.

Now, the number of tribesmen who regularly donate their flesh and blood to him is at least three times greater than before.

This means that Ning Zhuo can practice the Demonic Blood Muscle Technique three times faster!

Ning Zhuo announced to the outside world that he wanted to refine a stand-in puppet and needed flesh and blood of the same origin for research.

No one doubted him.

All doubts were suppressed deep in his heart at this moment when he was in the spotlight.

With the approval of the Jin Dan Patriarch, who dares to doubt it?

Ning Houjun and Ning Youfu expressed their appreciation. They felt that Ning Zhuo's cultivation was too low and he only had the third level of Qi refining. He had to master the means of saving his life.

Ning Youfu even gave Ning Zhuo a talisman: "This is a substitute talisman. I give it to you to study carefully. Remember to return it to me after your research is successful."

The substitute talisman can replace the monk's body at critical moments. Used well, it can save a life.

Resources and treasures that can save lives are always the most expensive.

Ning Youfu valued Ning Zhuo's prospects, and he did not hesitate to give his own life-saving items to Ning Zhuo to study, in order to release his goodwill.

The speed of Ning Zhuo's rise is beyond imagination.

Seeing a bad opportunity, the ex-owner had no choice but to speed up his investment. Otherwise, when Ning Zhuo becomes fully fledged and he invests and shows his favor, the price will be much higher, and he may not even have this opportunity.

Ning Zhuo never thought that he would have such an unexpected gain.

Immediately, he secretly decided that such a good thing must stay.

"Research on stand-in puppets is too difficult."

"I've been studying for ten or eight years. Isn't that too much?"

Just the loss of Yefeng Routie did not prevent Ning Zhuo from continuing to refine the golden elixir level mechanism ape at all.

His reputation has increased greatly, and he can make a louder voice by cooperating with the Zhou family and the Zheng family.

Sending out all the dirty and tiring work, Ning Zhuo leveraged the power of the three righteous families in Huoshi Fairy City to refine treasures for him on a large scale.

"This junior named Ning Zhuo is indeed interesting." Zhou Nongying said.

"No wonder it can be recognized by that insidious and cunning guy Feisi." Zheng Danqian said with a smile.

Ning surrendered and just smiled and said nothing.

Ning Zhuo's incident caused a storm in the Ning family, and the aftermath also affected the Zhou family and the Zheng family. Recently, Ning Zhuo has become the most outstanding figure in Zhengdao.

The source of all this is just a word from Ning Yifan.

Ning Zhuo's matter, in the eyes of the Jindan ancestors, was at best interesting and a pastime for after-dinner chat.

"The Night Breeze Soft Iron has been inspected and there are no problems. Preliminary processing has also been done. Everyone, prepare to refine it!" Zheng Shuangou said.

When the Jindan ancestors picked the lucky ones, they were located in the eyes of the magic circle.

The light of the Tiangong lamp suddenly shines brightly!

The majestic and endless earth fire is purified by the magic circle, eliminating all fire evil, poisonous gas, and turbidity, and instilled into the heavenly lamp.

The flame of the lamp grew seven times in size, from the size of a finger to the size of a cup.

The golden elixir monk's spiritual consciousness penetrated deeply into the lamp flame and was consumed by the burning.

The lantern flame looks small, but in fact it hides a whole universe. It has the power of mustard seeds. There is a sea of ​​fire in the lantern flame!

No matter how the red flames burned, the machine weapons like ancient giant snakes remained unruly.

The two golden elixir monks from the Zheng family took action one after another, casting weapon refining spells.

A volcano rose up in the sea of ​​fire and stood tall, suppressing the weapons within the mountain.

The flames from outside the mountain surged in, and when they rushed into the mountain, they turned into streaks of red light.

The red light shone brightly, causing the weapons inside Shan's body to gradually soften.

Pieces of golden elixir-level materials were filled into the volcano one after another, turning into streams of five-color smoke and integrated into the machine weapons.

The last one - Night Breeze Soft Iron!

The molten iron was poured over, mixed with the smoke, and quickly finalized, completely making up for the shortcomings of the machine weapons.

However, the black snake roared and resisted extremely. It turned its body with its head backward and tried to bite seven inches.

"Obstacle! Are you still free from restraints and surrender obediently?" Zheng Shuanguo yelled and used all his strength to cast spells.

The flames formed chains and tied up the black snake.

The head of the Zheng family stepped into the external magic circle and put his talents to full use - tempered over and over again!

In the world of lamp flames, the red flames condensed into hammer heads, swarming in, wrapping the black snake, and hammering it down continuously.

Bang bang bang...

With each hammer blow, the black snake's resistance was reduced, and the fire hammer also disintegrated.

After being tempered for thousands of times, the black snake collapsed to the ground, but the snake's head still looked fierce and unruly.

Zheng Shuangou was sweating profusely. He put down the control and quickly sat down cross-legged. He swallowed the pill and replenished it with all his strength.

Zheng Danqian shouldered the heavy responsibility alone, activated the flames, and continued to refine machine weapons.

The black snake's whole body exudes rich shadows, like wickers twisting and swaying, easily resisting the raging flames.

Seeing this scene, a golden light flashed in Zhu Xuanji's eyes: "This seems to be an old thing from the Yeyu Dynasty! You are so scheming, let me, a member of the Nandou King's royal family and a member of the Divine Catching Division, help you refine the prohibited items!"

Zhou Nongying smiled and said: "Master Zhu's words are inappropriate. As far as I know, the Nandou Dynasty does not strictly prohibit Ye Yu's old things."

Zhu Xuanzhi looked serious and snorted coldly: "Although the Night Rain Demon Soldier is extremely powerful, it has a deep demonic nature and often bites its master. If it is not done well, it will become the main culprit of our failure and death. This weapon cannot be used!"

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