Immortal Creation

Chapter 276 Ning Zhuo, you are done!

Zhu Xuanji did not show up, his consciousness penetrated the room and observed the stage.

No one knew the real intention of Zhu Xuanji's arrangement for Ning Zhuo.

He had at least three ideas.

One was to verify what was said in the diary and see Ning Zhuo's control skills in the play "Fang Qingxi Yuan".

Another was to use this incident to try to wake Ning Zhuo up and inspire Ning Zhuo.

The last one was to use this opera itself to persuade Ning Zhuo and give him an ultimatum - the opportunity to abandon darkness and join the light is right in front of him, right now!

"These are the mechanical puppets used by Li Leifeng for performances during his lifetime." Zhu Hou personally went on stage and handed Ning Zhuo a set of puppet props.

"Thank you." Ning Zhuo thanked him.

Zhu Hou looked at Ning Zhuo from a close distance. He was full of curiosity and smiled warmly: "Young man, do a good job!"

Zhu Hou stepped down, and Ning Zhuo began to study the puppet in his hand.

The puppet has a simple structure and is mainly controlled by strings.

When Ning Zhuo was getting familiar with the situation, a life-threatening thread shot out from the Lava Palace and hung on Ning Zhuo's head, connecting his soul.

The voice of the Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit came through the life-threatening thread, and it was extremely anxious: "Young Master, Young Master!"

"It's terrible, Ning Xiaohui has presented the Golden Phoenix Mirror, we are done, we are done!"

"Once she has a great achievement, she will immediately be able to take control of the position of the Shiji Pavilion."

"By then, no secrets can be hidden."

Ning Zhuo sighed and secretly responded through the life-threatening thread: "Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit, I can't leave now, I can't get away!"

"Look, this stage is a cage."

"The constable is eyeing me covetously."

The Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit's voice was sharp and he was furious: "What should I do, what should I do?"

"You should think of a way!"

"I told you to think of a way a long time ago, and I told you to deal with Ning Xiaohui a long time ago!"

"Now you see, she is going to succeed, but you are outside the Fairy Palace!!"

The Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit wanted to curse loudly. At the critical moment of life and death, Ning Zhuo actually wanted to perform a puppet show.

Hasn't he always had a way? Why has he become so stupid now!

Zhu Xuanji stared at him and he couldn't move. He was simply a waste!

"If I had known this, why would I have bet on you?"


"I am so blind, so blind!"

In the main hall of the Lava Fairy Palace, the Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit was so anxious that he turned around and spit fire from time to time.

Ning Zhuo no longer paid attention to the Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit.

There were three steps on the stage.

He climbed up the steps, walked to the highest point, and sat on a round stool.

This was where Li Leifeng often sat when he was alive.

The round stool was ordinary, but Ning Zhuo's back was soaked with sweat and he felt like sitting on pins and needles.

He was thinking about it and knew very well that Zhu Xuanji was putting pressure on him, but at the same time, he was also giving him a chance to go back to shore!

As long as Ning Zhuo finished this puppet show and saw Zhu Xuanji again, he would kneel down and cry bitterly, crying that he was too young and was shown kindness, funded, and supported by the evil monks, and got on the pirate ship.

Now that he has been touched by Zhu Xuanji and feels guilty for thinking of Li Leifeng, he decides to confess his crime and turn over a new leaf.

By then, Zhu Xuanji will certainly help him up and let him make meritorious contributions.

Ning Zhuo can also contact Sun Lingtong again, frame Bukongmen, and play this drama well.

"Zhu Xuanji asked me to go on stage, in fact, to give me a step. As long as I follow his wishes and step down, it will be a prodigal son who returns to the right path."

"I can be cleaned up!"

"In the future, with Zhu Xuanji's support, I will achieve something in the right way. When the people mention this, it will become a good story."

"Just like the various classic operas that have been passed down!"

Ning Zhuo narrowed his eyes and his heart was flooded.

When talking with Song Fuli, he saw the second road of life. That road leads to Feiyun Kingdom.

And at this moment, he saw the third road of life. This road leads to Nandou Kingdom and the court.

Life, it seems, is indeed more than just one road.

If Ning Zhuo follows his plan, he is determined to seize the Lava Palace, which is undoubtedly against Meng Kui and Zhu Xuanji, and against the Meng family and the royal family of Nandou State.

"Can my previous life path... really succeed?"

"Can I really become the master of the Palace?"

"Even if I become the master of the Palace, how can I deal with enemies like Meng Kui and Zhu Xuanji?"

"Can I just walk away? Can I fly into the sky with the Lava Palace?"

Ning Zhuo cannot guarantee himself, and he cannot predict the future.

His previous life path was full of crises, like falling into endless magma, like committing suicide!

However, if he surrenders to Zhu Xuanji, it will be different.

Zhu Xuanji admires him very much!

Ning Zhuo can fully feel this.

There are often good horses, but there are not often good horse trainers.

Relying on Zhu Xuanji, Ning Zhuo is likely to rise to prominence. Ning Zhuo knows very well the status of Zhu Xuanji in the royal family.

There is no shortage of Jindan in the royal family of Nandou, but Zhu Xuanji is the most outstanding one among the Jindan cultivators.

Cultivation does not represent everything. Character, talent and aptitude are the key to determine the gap between cultivators.

Ning Zhuo believes that Zhu Xuanji has a bright future and will be an important official in the court of Nandou in the future!

"He who knows the times is a hero... The king of Nandou has also issued a call for talents."

"If I surrender to Zhu Xuanji, I may be able to continue to compete for the position of the master of the Immortal Palace. Then follow the call for talents, offer the Immortal Palace, become a court official of Nandou, and rise to prominence with the help of Zhu Xuanji!"

"Such a future..."

This is a future that Ning Zhuo never imagined.

Perhaps, as Zhu Xuanzhi just reminded him - he is different.

He is no longer a thief off stage, he is already a young master on stage!


On both sides of the stage, musicians began to play.

The sound of a big drum broke Ning Zhuo's meditation.


Boom, boom, boom.

The big drum was beaten slowly.

Afterwards, Jinghu started playing accompaniment, creating a solemn atmosphere.

The stage creaked, the stage surface dented, and then a large number of small mechanical buildings rose up to create a scene.

The performing puppet is placed in it, with more than a dozen strings extending from its body limbs.

The thread was faintly visible, but after Ning Zhuo imbued it with mana, the thread disappeared and became completely transparent, making it impossible to detect with the naked eye.

Ning Zhuo stretched out his ten fingers, folded them into his sleeves, and started a series of provocative movements.

The ends of the ten fingers are connected with strings to control the puppets, and the first act of the play "Fang Purges the Wrongs" begins.

In the lobby, Fang Qing's puppet was sitting.

On the table in front of him, there were files, gavel, tokens, pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Fang Qing's puppet spoke with a majestic air: "Come here, bring the criminal to court!"

Two detectives, one on the left and one on the right, escorted a criminal to the front of the hall.

The criminal knelt down with a timid look on his face, but still managed to remain calm.

This simple appearance alone surprised the audience.

The puppet is different from the machine puppet used in normal combat. It has many control strings and can form more subtle movements and expressions. Even the tone of voice can change depending on the priority of mana delivery.

Ning Zhuo controls these puppets with a very high level, making them behave quite naturally and like real people.

Fang Qing's puppet continued to speak, describing the criminal's crimes in detail, evidence-based and very rigorous.

The criminal sang hurriedly, with a hint of resentment in his tone: "I am just a common man, and you, Fang Qing, are in vain for being a high-ranking official and asking questions!"

"Everyone is like this in this world, why should I be the only one to be blamed?"

Fang Qing's puppet sang: "The legal net is wide and open. No matter how high or low you are, you will be severely punished."

"The law of heaven is clear, how can we allow you to quibble?"

"You are just an accomplice, don't take any chances."


Fang Qing's puppet accurately grasped the gavel on the table and slapped it, making a crisp sound.

Then he shouted: "The evidence is conclusive, please reveal the real culprit!"

The criminal puppet lowered his head and remained silent.

The detective escorted him back to the cell.

Push the door open.

Ning Xiaohui walked into Shi Ji Pavilion!

Her face was full of excitement and excitement. She didn't expect to enter here so quickly and complete the mission assigned to her by Zhu Xuanzhi.

"I succeeded!"

"Although I had to use the Golden Phoenix Mirror, I finally succeeded."


Ning Xiaohui laughed, feeling high-spirited at this moment.

The Shiji Pavilion is filled with countless jade slips.

Ning Xiaohui walked among them, stretched out her hands to touch these jade slips, with a smile on her lips, her eyes shining with pride.

"From now on, I can also enter the eyes of Master Zhu Xuanji."

"Wonderful, this route into the Immortal Palace is the most suitable for me."

"I have seized this opportunity in life!"

Ning Xiaohui suppressed her excitement and began to use her position to inquire about past records in Lava Fairy Palace.

She meditated at first, then opened her eyes suddenly after a moment, and discovered an extremely shocking secret.

"Big discovery!"

"Then the Zheng family's black snake came from here?"

Ning Xiaohui's face was full of surprise and she continued to investigate.

Soon she opened her mouth, extremely shocked.

"Dragon Fire Spirit! There is something very wrong with this Dragon Fire Spirit!"

Ning Xiaohui became extremely excited. At this moment, she finally understood why Zhu Xuanji asked her to investigate Shi Ji Pavilion.

This step is really crucial!

"As expected of Lord Zhu Xuanji! He should have suspected it, but there is no evidence."

"What I have in my hands now is all the evidence. I have made a meritorious service!"

Ning Xiaohui flushed with excitement and continued to check.

But then, the blush on her face quickly faded, and she was dumbfounded, excitement and excitement turning into horror and paleness.

"Ning Zhuo, Ning Zhuo..."

"It's you!!!"

"Conspiracy, huge conspiracy."

"It's terrible that you've been acting since you were two years old."

"In the Qi Refining Period, you are only in the Qi Refining Period, yet you dare to plot the Lava Immortal Palace! You are simply audacious and unforgivable!!"

Ning Xiaohui scolded in her heart.

The truth was terrifying and chilled her whole body to the bone.

But soon she became extremely excited.

"Ning Zhuo, you criminal, I caught you!"

"Hahaha, you are the biggest culprit!"

"You're done, you're completely done."

"I want to use you to accomplish my great feats. Come on, come on!"


The next moment, a loud noise came, and the Lava Immortal Palace was severely shaken.

Ning Xiaohui's footing was unstable, her body staggered, and she almost fell down.

She became confused and asked: "What's going on? What happened?"

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