Immortal Creation

Chapter 86 I am an official

After figuring it out, Ning Zhuo began to implement it.

He spent a lot of money to continue hunting wild monkeys, then hired magic cultivators to poison the monkeys of the Monkey Head Gang, and finally deliberately failed to assassinate Yuan Er.

Yuan Er and Yuan Dasheng felt great pressure and retreated to defend, allowing Ning Zhuo's first step to succeed.

Ning Zhuo took advantage of the victory and played a villain in front of Fei Si, causing Fei Si to misjudge. Ning Zhuo took the initiative to give up 40% of the profit and got the monkey corpse of the Monkey Head Gang.

He collected and refined the blood essence to obtain Yuan Dasheng's homologous blood.

He also deliberately participated in the rush to make mechanical monkeys in the flying disc workshop and personally made a large number of inferior mechanical fire monkeys. He secretly used the homologous blood and performed the magic dyed blood tendon skill to add blood to the mechanical fire monkey.

On the day of the Fire Persimmon Festival.

Ning Zhuo was placed on the mountainside and was covered by a formation. He risked using the heart seal to control the mechanical monkeys to riot and deliberately kill Yuan Er.

The mechanical monkey was destroyed by Fei Si's formation, but the latent blood energy had already attached to Yuan Er's body.

Yuan Er was frightened and joined Yuan Dasheng.

Yuan Dasheng was thus contaminated and infiltrated.

Ning Zhuo made the right bet!

Yuan Dasheng was indeed unable to perceive the details, or perhaps he was worried about Yuan Er at the time and did not notice that there was a very small amount of homologous blood energy in his body.

Although the amount of this blood energy was small, it affected Yuan Dasheng's fingers at a critical moment and caused his "mistake".

The thousand-year-old fire persimmon forest exploded!

Ning Zhuo designed the trap so exquisitely that even if Zhu Xuanji used his golden eyes, he could not perceive the homologous blood energy.

Under his nose, Ning Zhuo's conspiracy succeeded!

However, Zhu Xuanji's rescue of Yuan Dasheng still made Ning Zhuo's mentality unbalanced for a while.

He almost thought that he was discovered.

Yuan Dasheng was rescued and there was still a glimmer of hope! What made Ning Zhuo even more worried was that Yuan Dasheng's body was well preserved, and was not blown to pieces as he expected.

In particular, Yuan Dasheng's ten fingers on both hands were intact, which made Ning Zhuo realize that he had left a flaw!

When Zhu Xuanji treated Yuan Dasheng at the time, he did not care about the details. The same blood and qi were the best disguise, so he did not notice the trick in his fingers.

But if they continued to investigate and investigate inch by inch afterwards, would they not find anything?

Ning Zhuo did not dare to gamble.

Therefore, Ning Zhuo must kill Yuan Dasheng quickly to eliminate this flaw.

Ning Zhuo could not act in his own name. He was just a mere Qi Refiner, and could not bear the possible revenge of Zhu Xuanji after he found out.

"You can use the name of Lord Fei Si to make Zhu Xuanji consider Fei Si afterwards and identify me as the executor, not the mastermind!"

Ning Zhuo joined the game, risked his life, succeeded in persuading him to surrender, and finally won.

As he expected, after Zhu Xuanji learned about this, he identified Fei Si as the mastermind. What's even better is that Fei Si also thinks he is the mastermind.

"I did it after all!" Ning Zhuo sighed in the Frisbee Workshop.

He came back to his senses, his breath was much calmer, and his mood returned to normal.

Zhu Xuanji and others didn't know that they were only a tiny distance away from discovering the key clues.

But it was this distance that buried the truth.

A slight difference can lead to a thousand miles of error.

"For the time being, I can continue to hide." Ning Zhuo wiped the cold sweat from his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really not easy.

The whole process did not involve any violence, but it was completely like walking on a tightrope on the edge of a cliff. Several times, Ning Zhuo's state of mind almost fell.

He stood up: "Mr. Chen, I want to deal with Yuan Dasheng's body myself. This is the task that Lord Fei Si has given me, and I want to show more performance."

Even if the essence and blood were extracted and the flaws disappeared, Ning Zhuo was cautious and still didn't want Yuan Dasheng's body to fall into the hands of others.

"You." Chen Cha sighed, "Okay, I'll pack it up for you."

"You should have a good rest. This corpse has been pre-processed and can be preserved for a long time."

"Don't rush."

"I really exhausted myself. It's not worth it."

Ning Zhuo bowed and thanked: "Thank you, Mr. Chen!"


Fei Si, Zhu Xuanji and the other three returned to the Fire Persimmon Forest and continued to dig the land.

Not only did they dig three feet, but they also dug three feet. At the same time, several Jindan took turns using various spells and magic tools to conduct espionage.

There was no movement.

Fei Si's face was as gloomy as water. He had a hunch that the black shadow demon cultivator had really escaped and would not appear again.

At this point, he had to continue digging the land, even if he had to dig the foot of the mountain upside down.

The logic was simple.

This mission was messed up, so he had to at least act harder, so that the city lord knew that he had no credit, but he had also worked hard.

"I also 'returned' Zhu Xuanji this time and embarrassed him."

"So, the problem should not be big."

Fei Si pondered his own situation and thought of Ning Zhuo.

He narrowed his eyes and felt a little complicated.

From today's incident, he saw the talent in Ning Zhuo.

Ning Zhuo was only in the Qi Refining Stage, but he dared to break into the Monkey Head Gang's base, coercing and luring Yuan Er, who was in the Foundation Establishment Stage, to make the latter give up Yuan Dasheng. From this incident, Ning Zhuo is indeed capable and courageous!

Fei Si also knew very well that Ning Zhuo acted like this because of his own selfish motives.

But Fei Si didn't mind, and even felt that he knew Ning Zhuo very well and could control him well, and he felt safe and in control.

These feelings made him appreciate this young man from the Ning family even more.

"Really like me when I was young."

"And he has a keen eye!"

"I just don't know if he caused the mechanical monkeys to riot and attack Yuan Er at the Fire Persimmon Festival?"

Feisi is not stupid, and he always keeps this suspicion in his heart.

In his opinion, Ning Zhuo has a strong motive!

Of course, he also heard Ning Zhuo and Chen Cha's explanations for this matter. After receiving the report from the attendant at that time, he also felt that it was reasonable.

But the suspicion was not completely dispelled.

"I don't know any mechanical skills. Maybe there is some means that can allow Ning Zhuo to control the mechanical monkeys?"

"Even if he can't control it, isn't Chen Cha also in the foundation building period?"

"Chen Cha is not an accomplice. Ning Zhuo may have offered a high price and hired some magic cultivators?"

As an official, Fei Si naturally doubts everything regardless of evidence or not.

Of course, Fei Si is more inclined to believe that these mechanical monkeys are secretly controlled by the black shadow magic cultivator! And the latter successfully escaped in full view of the public on that day.

The reason why he is inclined to this speculation is that it is most beneficial to him.

The black shadow magic cultivator has almost all the Jindan cultivators in the city in a circle. Too strong!

Then Fei Si's failure this time seems to be more acceptable to the city lord.

You see, even Zhu Xuanji, who has golden eyes, did not find the black shadow demon cultivator. I, Fei Si, am also powerless.

Fei Si began to rack his brains, how to make this speculation true, how to report to the city lord.

As for the truth, he didn't care at all.

After managing the affairs of Huoshi Xiancheng for so many years, how many unjust, false and wrong cases he encountered and handled?

"I am an official, I am not a member of the Divine Constable Division!"

Investigating the truth is Zhu Xuanji's purpose and responsibility. Fei Si only wants to maintain the old order of Huoshi Xiancheng, obey the dispatch of the city lord Meng Kui, and maintain his own authority and interests.

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