Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 1 Earth Guest (Please Recommend Collection And Investment)

Chapter 1: Earth Traveler (Recommendation for Collection and Investment)

(This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is purely coincidental.)

Heavenly Universe Dynasty, Great Yellow Village.

In a half-dream state, Zhou Tianfeng felt someone roughly lifting him up and then pouring a large amount of cold water directly onto his face.

With the splash of cold water, Zhou Tianfeng immediately woke up with a start. He felt a splitting headache and his head was heavy, his whole body weak and sore.

"Cough! Cough!"

"Kid! Wake up and talk to me," a deep and hoarse voice spoke.

Zhou Tianfeng slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him. It was an old man in his sixties, wearing a luxurious blood-red robe, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Who are you? Where is Doctor Li?" Zhou Tianfeng looked around and asked.

He realized that he was not in the small village where he used to live, but in a very unfamiliar place. It was a forest in the wilderness. Why was he here? What about the other villagers? And who was this old man in front of him?

"Hmph! Except for you, everyone in this village is dead. You're the only one left. If it weren't for me saving you in time, you would have died too. What's your name?" the old man in the blood-red robe asked.

"I am Zhou Tianfeng. Thank you, sir, for saving my life," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You're welcome. Someone poisoned the water source in your village. When I arrived, everyone in the village was already dead. You were the only one left with a breath of life, and I saved you," the old man said.

Poisoned? Could it be that this was not a natural disaster, but a man-made calamity? Then who poisoned the water?

"May I ask how I should address you, sir? Do you know who poisoned the water here?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Hahaha, I am Blood Shadow Ancestor, the Sect Master of the Blood Shadow Sect. The person who poisoned the water is a traitor disciple of our sect. I killed him on the spot. I have avenged you. Do you have any plans for the future?" Blood Shadow Ancestor said, squinting at Zhou Tianfeng.

Blood Shadow Ancestor? Could he be a cultivator?

But just from the name, he doesn't seem like a righteous person. Why does it feel like this old man has something hidden in his words?

"Thank you, Blood Shadow Ancestor, for saving me. I plan to find another village and settle down there," Zhou Tianfeng bowed and said.

"Now that everyone in your village has been killed by poison, and the culprit was from our sect, although I have killed him, I feel guilty. How about joining our sect and cultivating with us?" Blood Shadow Ancestor looked at Zhou Tianfeng and said with narrowed eyes.

Damn, he's really after me. But how did I, a transmigrator from Earth, catch his attention?

Zhou Tianfeng is not a native of this world but transmigrated here over a year ago.

For unknown reasons, he inexplicably came from Earth to another world.

This world is different from Earth. It is a world of cultivators.

When Zhou Tianfeng first transmigrated, he could barely move.

In this world, there is a special substance called spiritual energy, which permeates the entire world.

As a being from Earth, he was initially very uncomfortable in this environment filled with spiritual energy, and almost died.

Every breath he took, he felt a burning pain in his lungs and a strong sense of suffocation.

His body was not accustomed to spiritual energy at first and even resisted it. But the good news was that there was also oxygen here, which prevented Zhou Tianfeng from dying on the spot after transmigrating.

As a Earthling who had difficulty even breathing, he fainted in the wilderness on the night he transmigrated.

Fortunately, he was saved by an old doctor who was out collecting herbs. Otherwise, he would have spent the night in the wilderness and been eaten by some wild beasts.

After being brought back home by the old doctor, Zhou Tianfeng finally had his first meal and drank a little porridge.

Then, his stomach, as a representative of human digestion, showed its incredible ability. He had diarrhea for a week, but fortunately, it was just diarrhea.

I am a big fat guy weighing 200 catties. I only eat a little bit of food and it doesn't matter if I drink a little water. I can still burn my own fat. This is the human body's reserve energy, converting calories to supply the body's consumption.

Fortunately, the source of life water does not show any rejection from my body and I can drink it normally, otherwise there would be no next step.

After a month, relying on the tenacity of human life and the strong digestive ability of omnivorous animals, my iron stomach successfully overcame most of the human food in this world. Damn it, luckily the people here eat cooked food, and as a poor village, they don't eat much meat on a regular basis (and more importantly, it's not my turn to eat meat). The main diet is various vegetables and grains.

The price is that my weight has changed from 200 catties to just over 100 catties, becoming a skinny guy (pale and weak). Losing weight is so easy.

Later, when I talked to the old doctor, I found that our languages were not the same. But it doesn't matter, as a human, we can learn things we don't know. It's just a matter of tones and pronunciation. As humans with the most complex language system on Earth, learning a foreign language is still easy for me. (If you were thrown into a foreign country without any Chinese people, you would learn a foreign language very quickly.)

During the initial stage of transmigration, Zhou Tianfeng has been working hard to learn the language of this world, while his body has started to adapt to the spiritual environment here.

After three months, Zhou Tianfeng has initially mastered the language of this world and finally achieved communication with the intelligent beings of this world.

And his body has gradually improved, and Zhou Tianfeng was pleasantly surprised to find that his body seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes.

First of all, his body started to get better and better, completely different from the obese physique he had on Earth. His height changed from 1.75 meters to 1.90 meters.

The originally weak body began to visibly strengthen, with muscles growing all over, making his whole body look like a bodybuilding champion.

From an obese person to a weak skinny guy, and then to a tall and muscular man, it only took him a few months.

In the following days, Zhou Tianfeng helped the old doctor sort various medicinal materials at his house. In his spare time, he carefully inquired about what kind of world this was and where he had transmigrated to. At first, Zhou Tianfeng thought he had transmigrated to ancient times.

But soon he realized that he had never heard of the Great Lian Dynasty, Clear Fire Dynasty, or Heavenly Universe Dynasty mentioned here.

Well, obviously this is not any dynasty of ancient China.

And even if it was ancient times, damn it, I shouldn't have to struggle to survive like this! If I didn't weigh over 200 catties, I might not have been able to handle it.

Once, when Zhou Tianfeng went up the mountain to collect herbs with the old doctor, he saw some cultivators flying over his head on swords. It was then that Zhou Tianfeng realized that he had transmigrated to an Immortal Cultivation World.

After transmigrating for a year, just as I was beginning to gain a preliminary understanding of the various knowledge in this world, an unexpected incident occurred. For some unknown reason, a strange disease started spreading in the village. At first, some villagers began falling ill, coughing incessantly and coughing up blood. Blisters and swelling appeared on their necks, and they would die within a few days.

The old village doctor who had taken me in also went up the mountain to gather herbs, but he never returned.

A few days later, I myself became infected with this strange disease. Like the ordinary villagers, I started coughing up blood and losing consciousness. However, the difference was that I also developed a high fever. It seemed that my strong immune system was starting to take effect.

As my body started to burn with fever, it indicated one thing: my immune system was fighting against the invaders in my body. Although I didn't know why, if I wanted to survive, I had to strengthen my immune system.

There was only one way to help my immune system at the moment, and that was to replenish my body with energy.

Coincidentally, the home of the old village doctor who had taken me in had many medicinal herbs for nourishment. Without hesitation, I cooked and consumed all these nourishing medicines. Afterwards, I ran back to my bed, wrapped myself tightly in the blanket, and fell into a deep sleep.

My body, my immune system, engaged in a life-and-death battle with the invaders of this world for the first time.

When I woke up, I encountered a person named Blood Shadow Ancestor here. So, am I being forcibly asked to become his disciple?

"Thank you for your kindness, Ancestor. In the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, I still have a distant relative whom I want to go and seek..." But before I could finish speaking, I was interrupted.

"If you join my sect to cultivate, you will achieve immortality. What are you hesitating for, young one? With your age, if you go to another sect to seek apprenticeship, they won't even accept you. I took pity on you and decided to accept you as my disciple. Don't underestimate me, or I'll turn you into a puppet. Kneel down and pay your respects to your master." Blood Shadow Ancestor spoke angrily, while a mysterious aura pressed down on Zhou Tianfeng.

Zhou Tianfeng immediately felt a tremendous pressure rushing towards him, making his head dizzy. However, this pressure came and went quickly.

Clearly, this Blood Shadow Ancestor had great ambitions for him! But he couldn't resist.

"Disciple Zhou Tianfeng pays respects to the master." Zhou Tianfeng knelt down on the ground and respectfully kowtowed three times.

When under someone else's roof, one must bow their head. If I don't accept this master, this old ghost might kill me. Well, let's just accept him as my master!

"Good! However, we will hold the formal ceremony after we return to the sect. Hahaha!" Blood Shadow Ancestor finished speaking and a gust of cold wind swept up Zhou Tianfeng, making him disappear.

(Seeking support for my new book, thank you for your bookmarks and recommendations. I already have a million-word masterpiece, guaranteed quality.)

(End of this chapter)

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