Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 113: Expelled From The Master And Entered (Two In One Chapter)

Chapter 113: Expelled from the Sect, Accepted into (Chapter 2-in-1)

Spider Demon! Wang Xiaobao's transformation startled Lin Wan, who couldn't believe her eyes.

Your Monster Race bloodline is one thing, I can accept you transforming into an animal or something, but a Spider Demon? A man turning into a Spider Demon?

I have to admit, if it were a pretty girl transforming like this, it would indeed be quite beautiful. But Wang Xiaobao's current appearance is really hard on the eyes!

"Zhou, Mr. Zhou, what is happening to me? Is this a spider? Am I a spider?" Wang Xiaobao was also shocked by his transformation into a giant spider. He had mentally prepared himself for all sorts of changes, like turning into a werewolf, a tiger-headed person, a bull-headed person, or even something like a goat. But why a spider?

"Xiao Bao, perhaps one of your ancestors had a union with a thousand-year Great Monster-level Spider Demon," Lin Wan said, sweating and rolling her eyes.

Wang Xiaobao's ancestors were indeed quite peculiar, to have a thousand-year Great Monster-level Spider Demon among them. But it is said that female Spider Demons, after transforming into human form, are very beautiful.

Xiao Bao's ancestors were quite fortunate. It's not easy for a Monster Race of the insect type to become a thousand-year Spider Demon. Just thinking about it is terrifying.

"Xiao Bao, retract all the demonic energy in your body back into your dantian, and you should be able to return to human form," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I understand, Mr. Zhou." Following Zhou Tianfeng's instructions, Wang Xiaobao withdrew all the abundant demonic energy in his body, and instantly, his eight spider legs disappeared. The spider-like appearance on his body also began to fade away, returning to his Human Race form.

"Wuwu! Mr. Zhou, I don't want to be a spider!" Wang Xiaobao cried.

A perfectly fine Human Race chubby boy has now turned into a giant spider.

"Alright, Xiao Bao, don't complain. If it weren't for your spider bloodline, you would have died long ago. Do you remember the venomous creature that bit you? After it bit you, it must have triggered the Monster Race bloodline within you.

Spiders are one of the Five Poisons, naturally possessing strong toxicity and a considerable resistance to poison. It's precisely because you awakened the bloodline of the Poison Spider that you were able to survive. Otherwise, you would have gone to meet the King of Hell by now," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Mr. Zhou, are you saying that the reason I can survive is because of this Monster Race bloodline, and not because you saved me?" Wang Xiaobao asked.

"Of course! What else do you think it would be? So you should thank your ancestors. I only used some ordinary methods and emergency measures to save you. Your survival mainly depends on your own Monster Race bloodline," Zhou Tianfeng said.

In this situation, it's necessary to distance oneself from any involvement. After all, there is a mysterious big shot watching over him. If she were to discover something and use him as a blood pump, it wouldn't be good.

Now, it's necessary to make everyone believe that this kid can transform into a giant spider because of his ancestral Monster Race bloodline.

"In any case, thank you, Mr. Zhou. But Mr. Zhou, now that I look like this, can I still stay in Jade Water Heavenly Palace?" Wang Xiaobao asked anxiously.

Jade Water Heavenly Palace is, after all, a righteous sect. Both the outer and inner disciples are pure Human Race descendants. There has never been any mention of accepting any half-demons. Now that he looks like this half-demon, he doesn't know if he will be expelled from the sect.

"Well! This is indeed a difficult matter to say. Junior Brother, let's go and ask the Sect Master. With Xiao Bao's current appearance, we must report it to the Sect Master and let him make the decision," Lin Wan pondered and said.

Previously, Xiaobao was just a Low Grade spiritual root, so it didn't matter if he stayed in Jade Water Heavenly Palace as an outer disciple and a menial laborer. But now that he has awakened his Monster Race bloodline and his aptitude has improved, it has indeed become difficult.

Jade Water Heavenly Palace has never had a tradition of accepting Monster Race disciples, not even half-demons.

However, Wang Xiaobao's situation is quite special, perhaps we can make some concessions, after all, this child did not have any Monster Race characteristics before, it was an accidental awakening after birth.

"Xiaobao, don't worry, I will do my best to help you." Zhou Tianfeng spoke up.

Ming Yanshang, if you don't give face to others, at least give me some face, after all, I am your future man.

"Mr. Zhou, and Miss Lin, please help Xiaobao, no matter what, as long as I can stay, I will do anything." Wang Xiaobao immediately knelt down and pleaded.

"Don't worry, my junior brother and I will do our best to help you, now get ready to go with us to meet the sect leader!" Lin Wan said.


Soon, Zhou Tianfeng and Lin Wan brought Wang Xiaobao on their flying swords and arrived at the sect leader's palace, successfully meeting the sect leader, Ming Yanshang.

"Disciple Zhou Tianfeng, pays respects to the sect leader."

"Disciple Lin Wan, pays respects to the sect leader."

"Disciple, outer sect disciple Wang Xiaobao, pays respects to the sect leader."

"No need for formalities, what brings you here to see me?" Ming Yanshang asked.

Zhou Tianfeng, could it be that he wants to take this Wang Xiaobao as his disciple? Zhou Tianfeng did mention this before.

But she had made it clear to Zhou Tianfeng at that time, at most he could only be accepted as a named disciple and develop in the outer sect. Joining the inner sect was absolutely impossible.

Zhou Tianfeng stepped forward, bowed to Ming Yanshang, and spoke, "Sect leader, there are some matters regarding this outer sect disciple named Wang Xiaobao that need your judgment."

"Oh! What is it? Tell me in detail."

"This disciple named Wang Xiaobao accidentally awakened his Monster Race bloodline half a month ago after being poisoned. It is a case of awakening across generations, so I would like the sect leader to make a judgment on this matter." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? This kid, he awakened his Monster Race bloodline?" Ming Yanshang stood up abruptly upon hearing this, took a step forward, and placed her delicate jade hand on Wang Xiaobao's shoulder, beginning to investigate.

"Indeed, it is the Monster Race bloodline. How did you awaken your Monster Race bloodline, young man?" Ming Yanshang asked.

The Monster Race bloodline on this kid is so strong! And there is no conflict with his Human Race bloodline at all. It is indeed inherited, not something like taking a Beast Core.

"Sect leader, it happened like this. After I woke up, I... I awakened this Monster Race bloodline." Wang Xiaobao dared not hide anything and revealed everything he knew.

"Reveal your true form as a Monster Race, let me see." Ming Yanshang frowned and said.

Wang Xiaobao nodded and, following Zhou Tianfeng's instructions, once again transformed into his spider-like true form, a giant, red humanoid spider, appearing in front of everyone.

A strong aura of Monster Qi emanated from him.

This, this is not just an awakened Monster Race bloodline, this kid is clearly a half-demon! The proportion of Monster Race bloodline is even quite high.

"Alright, take it back," Ming Yanshang said.

"Master, I wonder if you can show mercy and keep this child?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"No! My Jade Water Heavenly Palace is a pure Human Race sect and will absolutely not accept anyone with Monster Race bloodline. This rule is clearly stated in our sect regulations," Ming Yanshang said sternly.

She naturally understood Zhou Tianfeng's intention, wanting her to keep this child. But there was nothing she could do. This matter couldn't be decided by her as the sect master, not even the elders had the authority. It was the foundation of the sect.

Fortunately, this child awakened his Monster Race bloodline after birth. And there were two inner disciples as witnesses.

If not, Wang Xiaobao might be subjected to soul-searching techniques to determine if he was a Great Monster, arranged as a spy in Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

"Master, I am a disciple, and my Monster Race bloodline awakened after birth, it wasn't there from the beginning," Wang Xiaobao knelt on the ground and spoke.

"I have no way to do anything about it. I really can't make the decision. All I can do now is send you down the mountain," Ming Yanshang said.

"Master, can't you make an exception? This child has awakened his Monster Race bloodline now, and it can be considered a rare talent, even comparable to some special constitutions. Can't we make an exception just this once?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"If it were possible, I would make an exception, but this matter really can't be done. Your Monster Race constitution, perhaps you can go to those Monster Race gathering places and see if the Monster Race will accept a half-demon like you," Ming Yanshang said.

"Master, I beg you, I beg you," Wang Xiaobao kept kowtowing on the ground, pleading.

Zhou Tianfeng also wanted to help plead, but Lin Wan pulled him back, and Ming Yanshang gave a stern look, meaning it was clear not to meddle.

In the end, they couldn't change the decision. Regardless, Wang Xiaobao had to leave without any conditions.

Finally, Zhou Tianfeng left with the dispirited Wang Xiaobao.

"Mr. Zhou, thank you for taking care of Xiaobao all these years. Xiaobao won't be able to serve you in the future," the two of them arrived at the back mountain of Jade Luan Peak. Wang Xiaobao knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Zhou Tianfeng.

Zhou Tianfeng felt a bit uncomfortable hearing this. After all, it was his fault that he ended up like this, but he couldn't say it.

Really, what should be done with this child in the future? Just let him be?

He used to be Human Race, but now he has become a half-demon. It's obviously impossible to let him join the forces of the Monster Race.

Wait a minute! Maybe there is a way. Jade Water Heavenly Palace has its rules, they can't accept half-demons as disciples, but Blood Shadow Sect doesn't have this rule!

"Xiaobao, come with me," Zhou Tianfeng pulled Wang Xiaobao and flew towards the residence of the second senior brother on his sword.

Previously, his second senior brother was about to give in and agreed to join Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

But after that mysterious woman appeared that night, for some reason, no matter how Ming Yanshang tempted or Zhou Tianfeng persuaded, his second senior brother stubbornly refused to join.

Even two months ago, he directly moved out of Jade Water Heavenly Palace and secluded himself in a Cave Mansion on a mountain near Jade Mountain.

Zhou Tianfeng immediately guessed that it was that mysterious woman who was causing trouble. Well, his second senior brother was obviously extremely afraid of that mysterious woman!

However, this is a perfect opportunity for Wang Xiaobao to become his disciple. Wang Xiaobao's talent is absolutely excellent now, with a High Grade spiritual root and Monster Race bloodline.

Within a dozen breaths, Zhou Tianfeng brought Wang Xiaobao to his second senior brother's residence.

"Junior brother, why do you have the leisure to come and visit me? You didn't even notify me in advance, so I could properly entertain you." As soon as Nie Yingji sensed Zhou Tianfeng's arrival, she greeted him warmly.

"Second senior brother, I have a request this time," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Junior brother, as long as it's something I can do, I will definitely agree. But let's make it clear first, if you're trying to persuade me to join Jade Water Heavenly Palace, then forget about it. If that's the case, there's no need to discuss it further," Nie Yingji said.

The lady has already spoken, and he absolutely cannot join, even if he is unwilling in his heart, he has no choice.

"Second senior brother, you misunderstood. Since you don't want to join Jade Water Heavenly Palace, I won't force it. Besides, it's fine not to join. Our Blood Shadow Sect also has its own heritage," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Hahaha! Junior brother, it's good that you've come to your senses. So, tell me, what brings you here to find me?" Nie Yingji asked.

"Second senior brother, here's the thing. This child awakened his Monster Race bloodline half a month ago due to an accident." Zhou Tianfeng immediately revealed everything about Wang Xiaobao's situation and hoped that Nie Yingji could accept him.

"Hahaha! I thought it was something serious. Is this considered a matter? Junior brother, you're giving me a gift." High Grade spiritual root, plus the awakening of the Monster Race bloodline, his talent is really good! If Jade Water Heavenly Palace doesn't want him, then it's their loss. I'll accept this disciple," Nie Yingji said.

It's really difficult to find a disciple with good talent these days, and this Wang Xiaobao indeed meets the criteria.

"Second senior brother, as long as you agree, come, Xiaobao, come and pay respects to your master. My second senior brother is a master of the Soul Cultivation realm, a top expert in the cultivation world. If you become his disciple, you will definitely achieve great success in your cultivation," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Since that's the case, kid, kneel down and pay respects to your master. With my junior brother here as a witness, I will accept you." Nie Yingji said.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou! Disciple Wang Xiaobao pays respects to Master." Wang Xiaobao knelt down and kowtowed nine times to Nie Yingji.

"Good child, get up! From today onwards, you are my eldest disciple. In the future, our Blood Shadow Sect will rely on you for its inheritance," Nie Yingji said.

Blood Shadow Sect! This name doesn't sound like a righteous sect! Have I boarded a pirate ship?

But now it's obviously too late to regret.

In this way, Wang Xiaobao, who was expelled from Jade Water Heavenly Palace, turned around and became the eldest disciple of his second senior brother in Blood Shadow Sect.

After chatting with his second senior brother for a while and bidding farewell to Wang Xiaobao, Zhou Tianfeng returned to the mountain gate.

During this half month, he had been keeping the other two venomous insects in his Universe Bag and hadn't taken them out to examine them yet. It was time to check his spoils of war.

Not to mention anything else, that red spider venomous insect alone would be a half-demon breeding machine in the future!

The author fell ill and has a fever. There will be no update tomorrow at 12 noon.

If I'm feeling well, I will update tomorrow night at 12 o'clock. If not, I will take a day off.

(End of this chapter)

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