Chapter 126: Special Immortal Weapon

There's no way around it! Sometimes, when a woman throws a tantrum, you have to coax her. But Zhou Tianfeng wasn't just saying it randomly; he was truly confident in his ability to control Emperor Honglei in the future.

As long as he could trap her soul in the virus space, he would have complete control over her. He could do whatever he wanted to her.

However, what happened today mercilessly reminded him of one thing: even though he could pull someone into the virus space, if the gap in cultivation between him and the other person was too large, the virus space would be useless.

After all, no matter how powerful a weapon is, it can't unleash its full potential in the hands of a child. And right now, Zhou Tianfeng was just a child holding a nuclear weapon.

In fact, it was even more exaggerated than that.

Although he knew that the virus space was impressive and powerful, he had no idea just how formidable it really was.

Upon hearing this, Ming Yanshang smiled with joy and jumped down from Zhou Tianfeng.

She thought Zhou Tianfeng was trying to make her happy, to control that mysterious woman and imprison her for ten thousand years!

Heh, Zhou Tianfeng was just a small Soul Cultivation realm cultivator now, and he himself was just a small Immortal Transformation realm cultivator. Who knows how long it would take to achieve this goal?

Neither of them were even immortals yet.

And compared to others in the realm of immortals, they were probably considered the most apex level. But it was still nice to be able to coax her.

He just didn't know if this kid had paid a heavy price to save himself. Was it because of Heavenly Rage Battle Body that the woman targeted Zhou Tianfeng?

Being able to kill gods in a state of not yet becoming an immortal was also very impressive after becoming an immortal.

"Alright! Stop teasing me. By the way, tell me, how did you convince her to let me go? You didn't promise to serve her in the future, did you?" Ming Yanshang asked.

"It's not that extreme. I just promised her that after I achieve success in my future cultivation, I will help her kill someone," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't plan on telling Ming Yanshang the specific details about Emperor Honglei and their deal. Her current cultivation level wasn't suitable for dealing with these matters, and the things involved in this matter were too vast. Zhou Tianfeng sensed a hint of conspiracy and trickery.

Human's sixth sense, or rather, subconsciousness, made Zhou Tianfeng believe that Emperor Honglei was just a pawn of someone else.

This wasn't baseless speculation.

"That's exactly it! Don't worry! After we become immortals, I won't let you go alone. I will bring Cailing with me to help you. That girl is at least an Innate Dao Body. Together with my Fire Spirit Body and your Heavenly Rage Battle Body, the three of us working together shouldn't be afraid of that woman," Ming Yanshang said.

"Yeah! By the way, I made a deal with her, so before she left, she left behind an Immortal Weapon as compensation for you," Zhou Tianfeng said, taking out a blue bead.

After careful consideration, Zhou Tianfeng decided to give this bead-shaped Immortal Weapon to Ming Yanshang. In fact, he wanted to keep it for himself.

But when Emperor Honglei left, she seemed to have seen through Zhou Tianfeng's thoughts, so she placed a small restriction on this bead-shaped Immortal Weapon. Only women could use it, and men couldn't use it at all.

To break this restriction, one had to have a higher cultivation level than Emperor Honglei. So now, Zhou Tianfeng could only stare at it helplessly. It was better to give it to Ming Yanshang.

"An Immortal Weapon! She actually gave you an Immortal Weapon. Are you kidding me? Is she trying to kill you? Or me?" Ming Yanshang exclaimed in shock.

In the cultivation world, an Immortal Weapon was an extremely precious treasure, a truly transcendent-level killing weapon. Even the quasi-Immortal Weapons rewarded at the Heavenly Pride Conference could cause severe injuries, let alone a real Immortal Weapon.

To manipulate an Immortal Weapon, one's cultivation level had to reach at least the Heavenly Ascension realm. Otherwise, they wouldn't even qualify to touch an Immortal Weapon.

And what were their cultivation levels? One was in the Soul Cultivation realm, and the other was in the Immortal Transformation realm. It would take them thousands of years to reach the future.

Neither of them had the qualifications to wield an Immortal Weapon. Moreover, if news of them possessing an Immortal Weapon were to leak, it could potentially bring disaster upon them.

"Then don't let anyone know. Just secretly keep it for yourself, or you can take a look at this Immortal Weapon first," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Emperor Honglei shouldn't be plotting against him. After all, he was still carrying the identity of a reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse!

And this girl wants to break through to the Immortal Emperor realm, she also needs her own help to enter the Extreme Dao Space. It shouldn't be possible for her to harm herself in such a crude way.

"Hmph! How could she have good intentions?" Deep down in Ming Yanshang's heart, she couldn't resist her desire for the Immortal Weapon. In the end, she reached out and took the blue bead that Zhou Tianfeng had given her.

As soon as this blue bead touched Ming Yanshang, it instantly emitted a dazzling light and then directly entered the space between her eyebrows, disappearing without a trace.

Ming Yanshang herself was also stunned, with her body emitting a blue light.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Tianfeng quickly asked.

Could there really be some conspiracy or trickery? After a while, Ming Yanshang finally came back to her senses, and the blue light on her body gradually dissipated.

"I, I'm fine. This Immortal Weapon in the form of a bead, I know how to use it now. How should I put it, this Immortal Weapon is very strange, as if it was specifically created for someone like me, at my realm, or rather, a mortal cultivator." Ming Yanshang said.

"Is that so? How do you explain that?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"First of all, I can't actively use it now, such as attacking opponents or suppressing someone. It can only be used when my cultivation reaches the Heavenly Ascension realm.

But this bead has several passive abilities. First, it can gather spiritual energy outside of the Spirit Star, and it even contains a lot of immortal energy. It can also passively defend, and once its passive defensive barrier is activated, unless it's a high-level expert at the Immortal level, no one can break it.

And this bead naturally has a hidden aura effect. Even if I wear it in front of an Immortal, they won't be able to tell that I possess an Immortal Weapon." Ming Yanshang said.

"You can't use it to attack enemies now, but you can use it to gather spiritual energy outside of the Spirit Star, contain immortal energy, activate passive defense that no one can break unless an Immortal personally takes action, and it can also hide your aura, right?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Yes! And the spiritual energy it gathers is not ordinary. Even in a place with scarce spiritual energy, as long as you have this Immortal Weapon, it can turn into a Grotto-Heaven blessed land in a short period of time. And this bead itself contains some immortal energy, which can be absorbed when I cultivate to the Heavenly Ascension realm, stabilizing my immortal body and making Ascension easier in the future." Ming Yanshang said.

For a true Immortal, this Immortal Weapon is like a tasteless chicken rib, it's not worth keeping even if you eat it!

Because in terms of attack power, this Immortal Weapon is even inferior to an ordinary Low Grade Immortal Weapon. It's truly useless for Immortals.

But for cultivators, this is the best Immortal Weapon. Gathering spiritual energy can help with cultivation, activating a protective shield can protect oneself, and the immortal energy contained within can make Ascension easier when reaching the Heavenly Ascension realm.

When cultivation reaches the Heavenly Ascension realm and passes the Heavenly Tribulation, one can start preparing for Ascension. At this time, a large amount of spiritual energy needs to be absorbed, and then through one's own Immortal Physique, convert this spiritual energy into Immortal Yuan Power, replacing the true essence in one's body, thus completing the transformation from a human to an Immortal.

This step often takes an extremely long time, typically thousands of years, to complete the transformation. However, with this treasure, as long as one absorbs the immortal energy inside, this step can be accelerated. It can be shortened to hundreds of years, or even decades, to ascend to the Immortal World earlier.

This Immortal Weapon can be said to be specifically created for ordinary people.

"Or maybe you should use it!" Ming Yanshang said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Isn't yours mine too? If I encounter danger, can you not activate the defensive barrier to protect me? Can you not share the spiritual energy, or even the immortal energy, with me in the future?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

He was not lacking in immortal energy. The mysterious woman had given him some before she left, in addition to demonic energy and primordial energy.

Since this Immortal Weapon has already recognized his main wife, then let his main wife use it! After all, if she uses it, it's as good as him using it.

"Yes! Of course, we shouldn't tell anyone about this Immortal Weapon. Only you and I should know," Ming Yanshang said.

"Of course. Well, take this time to rest and familiarize yourself with this Immortal Weapon. I also need to prepare for the Tianjiao Conference," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Originally, his goal for participating in the Tianjiao Conference was to meet an immortal and deal with Di Honglei. However, the events that followed directly shattered this goal, or rather, plan.

He no longer had the motivation to participate in this conference. What's the point of getting first place? To obtain a quasi-Immortal Weapon? He already had an Immortal Weapon.

"You're helping me, aren't you? You must get first place. After this Tianjiao Conference ends, you can go out and gain experience. I'll accompany you then," Ming Yanshang said.

"You've already said it, how can I refuse?"

In the next two days, Ming Yanshang pretended as if nothing had happened and took Zhou Tianfeng to visit the main sect.

They also met the other three participants from Jade Water Heavenly Palace in this cultivation conference, all of whom were beautiful junior sisters. Zhou Tianfeng didn't bother to remember their names.

Anyway, these things were not important. Zhou Tianfeng didn't have much attachment to the main sect.

However, with Zhou Tianfeng's arrival, Lin Wan's spot in the competition was also canceled. If Zhou Tianfeng couldn't arrive on time, she would be a substitute. At least she was at the Soul Cultivation realm, and she might win a few matches. But once Zhou Tianfeng returned, the spot would naturally be given up.

(End of this chapter)

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