Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 135 Father And Son, Bloodline Suppression

Chapter 135: Father and Son, Bloodline Suppression

Tong Lei had always been curious about his father. When their family was uprooted and annihilated by the Heaven Inspiring Army, where were you? When I was taken in as a disciple by the Blood Shadow Ancestor and subjected to the Soul Searching Technique, where were you?

His father's cultivation was extremely high. It was he who saved Tong Lei back then, using a secret technique to change his appearance and aura to look exactly like him, fooling the Heaven Inspiring Army.

Then he had Tong Lei join the Purple Sun Sect and obtained the treasures hidden in the Cloud Slashing Portrait.

"Father! There is something I don't understand. Can you enlighten me?" Tong Lei gritted his teeth and asked.

Even though it was a dangerous matter, he still wanted to inquire. After all, I am your son. At least tell me a little about your background.

"What you should know, I will tell you. What you shouldn't know, don't ask too much. Asking too much will only be detrimental to you." The black-robed figure glanced at Tong Lei and spoke in a low voice.

"Father! If I do this, and you don't save me, I'm doomed. How can I trust you? Are you really my father?" Tong Lei said.

At this moment, his entire back was covered in cold sweat. There was no way around it. The task the other party asked him to do was too shocking.

Although he looked exactly like his father and had been taken care of by him all these years, Tong Lei's suspicious nature made him doubt.

His father had left when he was not even ten years old, and only reappeared decades later. How could he not be suspicious?

"Hmph!" The black-robed figure snorted coldly, and a overwhelming pressure descended upon Tong Lei, causing him to fall to the ground, unable to move at all. Even the bones all over his body made creaking sounds, as if they were about to be crushed.

"You dare to doubt your father? If it weren't for me saving you, you would still be in the hands of the Blood Shadow Sect. If I hadn't saved you, not only would Blood Shadow Ancestor have used the Soul Searching Technique on you, even the members of the Heaven Inspiring Army would have used it on you.

If it weren't for me taking you to the treasure trove in the Cloud Slashing Portrait, if it weren't for me opening the treasure vault, would you have obtained the things inside? Would you have entered the Soul Cultivation realm? Even your entry into the Purple Sun Sect was orchestrated by me." The black-robed figure angrily spoke.

He even grabbed Tong Lei and pressed him against the wall, tightly gripping his neck.

"Let go! Father, I was wrong. Your child shouldn't have doubted you." Tong Lei struggled to say.

But since you have a history with the Purple Sun Sect, why would you even plot against them?

"Hmph! If there's a next time, I'll treat you as if you were never born. You don't have to be afraid. After this matter is completed, as long as you crush this ball, you can teleport to my side." The black-robed figure finished speaking and handed Tong Lei a small blue sphere.

"Father, is this a teleportation-type Law Treasure?" Tong Lei asked.

A teleportation-type Law Treasure. This made him feel relieved. If there were no guarantees, he would verbally agree but definitely not do it.

"That's right! Don't worry, your father won't abandon you. As long as you complete this task, I will take you away and activate our ancient immortal bloodline, and then take you to Ascension Immortal World together." The black-robed figure said.

In the blink of an eye, it was the seventh day of the elimination round. On this day, almost all the elite disciples of the sects, even those who had been eliminated in the previous rounds, came to watch because today's match was very special. It was another clash between the Purple Sun Sect and the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

Moreover, both of them had special constitutions. One had a Wood Spirit Body, while the other had a Transforming Poison Spirit Body. In addition, there seemed to be a rage body that awakened across generations. This match was very exciting.

"Come, come, come, everyone come and place your bets. If Zhou Tianfeng from the Jade Water Heavenly Palace wins, it's one to one. If Mu Lanzhou from the Purple Sun Sect wins, it's one to five." An independent cultivator set up a huge gambling table below the arena, but in terms of odds, Zhou Tianfeng's odds were a bit intimidating.

Clearly, the bookmaker seemed confident that Zhou Tianfeng would win.

"I say, Mr. Wang, are you sure? Both of them have special constitutions, and the Wood Spirit Body is better than the Transforming Poison Spirit Body in some ways. Are your odds a bit too outrageous?" An independent cultivator asked.

"Exactly, your odds are too obvious. What's so special about Zhou Tianfeng that the odds are so high?"

"Hahaha! I have my sources. I'm telling you, these are the odds. If you want to get rich, go ahead and bet on that kid from the Purple Sun Sect. If he wins, you'll get a five-to-one payout. Bet 100 spirit stones, and I'll pay you 500 spirit stones.

I also accept spirit pills, Law Treasures, and other bets." The independent cultivator who set up the gambling table said.

"I've watched a few of Zhou Tianfeng's matches before, and if he uses poison, it's really hard to say for the others.

But the person opposite is a Wood Spirit Body, naturally resistant to toxins, and among all special constitutions, it is extremely strong. Not to mention that the Wood Spirit Body also has a strong vitality, and its endurance is also very strong.

Relying on a postnatal awakened Fury Body, he shouldn't be able to win. I bet 1000 spirit stones on Mu Lanzhou's victory." An Independent Cultivator came to the gambling table and directly placed a bet of 1000 spirit stones on Mu Lanzhou's victory.

"Me too, I can't figure out what's so special about this kid named Zhou Tianfeng! I bet 2000 spirit stones on Purple Sun Sect's Mu Lanzhou's victory." Another Independent Cultivator spoke up.

"Alright, alright, both of you, here are your vouchers, keep them safe." The house smiled and said.

He set up the gambling game in such an outrageous manner for a reason. Several disciples of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace had already been eliminated, leaving only two female disciples, one with an Innate Dao Body and the other with a Holy Spirit Body.

But only this person named Zhou Tianfeng, his constitution has always been concealed by the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. Even he himself suddenly appeared a month ago, replacing a female disciple named Lin Wan.

Men who can join the Jade Water Heavenly Palace are all top-notch in terms of aptitude. It is absolutely impossible for any mediocre individuals to appear.

During Zhou Tianfeng's matches these past few days, he didn't show his true abilities at all. He only relied on a defensive Law Treasure called the Profound Fire Shield and the Profound Yellow Spear Technique to win.

He knew about this Profound Yellow Spear Technique. It was created by another outstanding disciple of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace thousands of years ago, who has already ascended to the Immortal World.

That senior is the legendary Profound Yellow Divine Body. If Zhou Tianfeng can cultivate the spear technique he created, then he definitely possesses an Apex Level constitution, and he might even have a constitution more powerful than the Profound Yellow Divine Body.

Considering all these reasons, he dared to open such a gambling game.

In just a short while, the area around the gambling game was crowded with people, and various Independent Cultivators started placing bets. Most people bet on Zhou Tianfeng losing.

The disciples of other prestigious sects watched coldly from the side. They couldn't participate in this kind of gambling game due to their sect's rules. If they were discovered, they would undoubtedly be punished.

"Senior Brother Gao, is there something special about this Zhou Tianfeng?" A Purple Sun Sect disciple in his twenties approached Gao Tianchen and asked.

This person was the Purple Sun Sect disciple who defeated Cai Ling and one of the three remaining Purple Sun Sect disciples.

"Well! Junior Brother Yunlong, I suspect that this Zhou Tianfeng is..." Gao Tianfeng set up a soundproof barrier around them and then told his junior brother his speculations about Zhou Tianfeng.

"What? Are you serious? Is he really your archenemy, the Heavenly Rage Battle Body?" Yunlong asked.

If he really is the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, then he would be a good opponent.

"There's absolutely no mistake. Every time I see him, I have a sense of connection in my bloodline. But what's strange is that I have it, but he doesn't. I've tested it many times, and he doesn't feel anything." Gao Tianchen said with a frown.

"Is it possible that his Transforming Poison Spirit Body is causing this, and he might not be the first generation of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, but his bloodline awakening is more thorough, and the Innate Transforming Poison Spirit Body still has an absolute advantage, so he can't sense you?" Yunlong asked.

"There is a possibility, but the chances are very small. If the Heavenly Rage Battle Body awakened postnatally, it definitely wouldn't exceed the third generation.

A third-generation Heavenly Rage Battle Body definitely wouldn't catch my attention, and a third-generation Heavenly Rage Battle Body would be enough to suppress the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. In that case, he should be able to sense me, but I can't sense him." Gao Tianchen said.

If he is just a descendant of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, then his feeling towards him wouldn't be so strong. On the contrary, he should be able to sense him, but he can't sense him.

The first generation of Innate and postnatal bloodline inheritance are definitely not the same, there is an absolute difference.

But now the situation is the opposite. He feels a strong connection to him, and even a faint sense of fear, but the other party completely ignores him.

"Are you saying that his bloodline level is higher than yours, so there is a bloodline suppression, but he can't sense you at all because you pose no threat to him?

That's impossible! The first generation of the Profound Heaven Sacred Body is already the highest, how could there be a Heavenly Rage Battle Body with a higher bloodline level than yours?" Yunlong said.

"I know, that's why I'm curious. That's why I let Junior Brother Mu go up and test his bottom." Gao Tianchen said.

In any case, his junior brother should be able to probe some of the other party's cards.

While the two were chatting, the two opponents in the match had already stepped onto the stage. Zhou Tianfeng was still wearing a dark-colored Dao robe, carrying a golden spear on his back, and holding the Profound Fire Shield in his hand.

His opponent, Mu Lanzhou from the Purple Sun Sect, was wearing a green Dao robe and holding a translucent green tree branch-shaped Law Treasure as he stepped onto the stage.

"Brother Zhou, please enlighten me."

(End of this chapter)

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