Chapter 149: His Majesty is Ill

"Is that so? Then we really can't disturb His Majesty now. Does the Queen know about this?" Huo Xuanzi nodded and asked.

"I didn't dare to inform the Queen about this," the Qilin Clan guard replied.

"Sigh! You did well. If the Queen knew about this, it would only make her worry more," Huo Xuanzi sighed.

At this moment, a gossip fire burned fiercely in Zhou Tianfeng's heart. What's going on? This Qilin Clan king has found a mistress behind his back. And he even got a group of ministers and soldiers to help cover it up? You guys are really something!

"Alright, you continue to guard the gate! I will take this Mr. Tong to Miss Xueyun's place. When His Majesty comes out, I will inform him personally," Huo Xuanzi said.

"Um, Elder Huo, if the Qilin King doesn't have time, it wouldn't hurt to wait a day or two on Low Grade, right? It's not very appropriate for us to disturb the Qilin King at this time," Zhou Tianfeng said. Do I have to wait at the door of someone's house when I'm here to do something? Can't I find a place to sit comfortably?

"No trouble! I think His Majesty would also be very eager to see you. Let's go, we'll wait there. When His Majesty comes out, you will be able to see him," Huo Xuanzi said.

How can this matter not be urgent! It's not easy to come across a Qilin descendant with such pure bloodline, even purer than His Majesty. We must treat it seriously.

"The guard just said that the Qilin King is with Miss Xueyun, and they are probably dealing with important matters. It's not appropriate for us to disturb them, and it would attract attention," Zhou Tianfeng said.

You just said to avoid the Queen, but now I, an outsider, am not being avoided at all?

"It's okay. Many people come and go at Miss Xueyun's place. There are many common people in the city who visit her business. It won't be a problem," Huo Xuanzi said.

". Zhou Tianfeng.

Well, does this Miss Xueyun also have some kind of special profession? The taste of this Qilin King is a bit... special!

It has been decades since I transmigrated to the cultivation world, and Zhou Tianfeng has never been to the so-called red-light district. When I was on Earth, I could only yearn for it in my heart.

Since Elder Huo has invited me so warmly, I won't be impolite. After all, I won't lose out, and ancient brothels are not places for that kind of thing. Most of them are for singing and dancing performances.

It's fine to go in and take a look!

It just so happens that I can see what kind of courtesan can captivate the Qilin King.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't refuse anymore, but followed Huo Xuanzi for about ten minutes and arrived at a three-story building with a light green sign. The small building was decorated very simply, with a light green color throughout, giving a sense of freshness.

The door was wide open, and there were many ordinary Qilin people, and even some Monster Race individuals coming in and out, both men and women, young and old.

The decoration is quite good, simple yet beautiful, but isn't the place a bit small? And it doesn't seem to be a red-light district at all?

First of all, the customers coming in and out don't seem right, and there are no girls shouting and attracting customers upstairs!

Zhou Tianfeng now realizes that he seems to have made a mistake. This place doesn't seem to be the legendary red-light district with fireworks!

"Huo Xuanzi Elder, may I ask who this Miss Xueyun is?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Speaking of Miss Xueyun, she arrived in our Qilin clan's territory a hundred years ago. She is a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, extremely skilled in medicine, and especially adept at alchemy. Normally, many distinguished members of our clan and even powerful individuals from other clans come to seek medicine, and it is because of our Qilin clan's hospitality that Miss Xueyun is willing to stay here. She is also the only Human Race cultivator living here who has not undergone the Qilin bloodline baptism, and her cultivation is at the Immortal Transformation realm," Huo Xuanzi said.

Transforming Poison Spirit Body?

Ahem! This constitution brings back memories!

When I just transmigrated here, my master mistook me for a Transforming Poison Spirit Body, and ever since then, I've been advertising myself as one. But I didn't expect to encounter a genuine Transforming Poison Spirit Body here.

So, this place is not a red-light district at all, but a medical clinic! Why are you two having such ambiguous conversations?

Could it be that the Qilin King is sick, so he came to find this Transforming Poison Spirit Body, Xueyun, for treatment?

Or is it the legendary king with an illness?

Huo Xuanzi didn't speak and led Zhou Tianfeng into the green attic. Inside the shop, several young maidservants were either receiving guests or refining some pills. When they saw Huo Xuanzi, one of the maidservants immediately approached.

"Elder Huo, are you here to see the Qilin King?"

"Yes! Is the king inside?"

"Yes! You've come at the perfect time. The king just finished his treatment. Let me take you there." After the maidservant finished speaking, she made a gesture of invitation.

Huo Xuanzi nodded and turned to Zhou Tianfeng, saying, "Mr. Tong, let's go! The king's treatment is over. We arrived just in time to pay our respects."

"Thank you, Elder Huo."

Treatment? Could it be that the Qilin King is really sick?

The two followed the young maidservant to a private room on the third floor. The maidservant went in to report, then opened the door and said, "Qilin King, please welcome Mr. Zhou Tianfeng and Elder Huo Xuanzi."

After entering the room, Zhou Tianfeng saw two people.

One of them was wearing a platinum robe and carrying a sword on his back. He appeared to be around twenty years old, handsome, and exuded an aura of royalty.

The other woman was dressed in green clothes, with an oval face and delicate eyebrows. This must be the genuine Transforming Poison Spirit Body.

"I, Huo Xuanzi, pay my respects to the king."

"Elder Huo, there's no need for excessive courtesy! As soon as you entered, I could feel it from outside. Such a strong presence of our clan's bloodline is truly rare. In terms of bloodline intensity, it should be much stronger than mine." The King Qilin approached Zhou Tianfeng, sizing him up, and spoke.

How fortunate to have someone with a purer bloodline than oneself appear. He finally felt relieved.

Huo Xuanzi immediately stepped forward and quietly informed King Qilin about some basic information regarding Zhou Tianfeng.

"Mmm! I am already aware of this matter! Thank you for your hard work, Elder Huo. Your contribution will be remembered within the clan." King Qilin said.

"Your Majesty, it is my duty as a subject."

"I dare not! King Qilin, you flatter me," Zhou Tianfeng replied.

"My name is Profound Heaven Luo. I never flatter others! If something is good, it's good. If it's not good, it's not good. Your bloodline purity is indeed astonishing. It surpasses mine and even approaches that of our two ancestors. So there's no need to be modest. Being able to return to the clan is fortunate for our clan and for you," King Qilin said.

"Thank you for your praise, King Qilin," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Please wait a moment. Once I have finished some matters, I will take you back to the palace," Profound Heaven Luo said.

"Please go ahead, King Qilin," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Profound Heaven Luo nodded at Zhou Tianfeng and turned to sit opposite Snow Cloud, speaking:

"Miss Snow Cloud, how much time do I have left?"

"If you continue taking the pills I have refined, you have at most seven days left!" Snow Cloud sighed and said.

Upon hearing this, Huo Xuanzi, who was standing beside Zhou Tianfeng, visibly trembled.

"Mmm! Thank you for your help over these years, Miss Snow Cloud. Whatever you ask for, I, the king, will definitely fulfill. I bid you farewell," Profound Heaven Luo bowed to Snow Cloud.

"King Qilin, there's no need to be polite. Unfortunately, in the end, I couldn't save you," Snow Cloud said.

"It's alright. You have done your best to help me. There's nothing to regret."

Profound Heaven Luo nodded at Snow Cloud and left the clinic with Zhou Tianfeng and Huo Xuanzi.

On the way, Huo Xuanzi suddenly asked, "Your Majesty, you have seven days left. Does the Queen know about this?"

"She is my confidante. How could she not know?" Profound Heaven Luo said.

"Ah!" Huo Xuanzi sighed and fell silent.

Zhou Tianfeng was a bit confused. What does it mean that she couldn't save you in the end? What does it mean that there are only seven days left? It seems that the situation of this King Qilin is not good at all. Could it be that he only has seven days to live? But unfortunately, the other party's cultivation is much higher than his, and Zhou Tianfeng can't perceive anything about the current situation of this King Qilin.

The three of them passed several checkpoints and, led by King Qilin, arrived smoothly at the inner hall of the palace.

After entering the hall, King Qilin waved his hand, and Huo Xuanzi left, leaving only Zhou Tianfeng and King Qilin in the hall.

"Please have a seat, Tong Lei. Is that your real name?" King Qilin asked, sitting on his golden throne.

"It was given to me by my master," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Is he suspecting that I'm using a fake name?

"Mmm! Your original name doesn't matter. But since you have returned to the clan, it's best for you to take the surname Mo or Xuan. These two surnames are the true surnames of our Qilin King clan," Profound Heaven Luo said.

According to the intentions of the Qilin King, what should my surname be?

"Naturally, I hope you take the surname Xuan. I won't beat around the bush. You should have already heard the conversation between me and Snow Cloud in the clinic just now. I only have seven days left to live."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng became slightly nervous and even prepared himself for defense, ready to run away at any time.

Because he was afraid that this King Qilin had the intention of taking over his body. The other party's cultivation level was that of an immortal, and he was no match.

"You arrived just in time. If you had come a few days later, I would have already died. I want you to inherit the position of the Qilin King!" Profound Heaven Luo said.

Zhou Tianfeng expressed disbelief and became even more convinced that the other party wanted to take over his body. They had only just met, and the decision to make me the new Qilin King was based solely on the intensity of my bloodline, without even understanding my background.

Do you want me to become the new Qilin King for your convenience in the future? I'm not naive.

"King Qilin, you're joking. I am unworthy of such honor."

(This chapter is complete.)

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