Chapter 175: The Demon Emperor's Gaze

"I have seen the King of Qilin, and I have seen the two elders," the kneeling guard respectfully spoke.

"What is the matter?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"I report to the King of Qilin that there is an important matter to report. A powerful Celestial Immortal from the Demon Spirit Clan has come to seek an audience, saying that he wants to meet the King of Qilin," the guard said.

"Do we still need to handle such trivial matters as before? Just send them away," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Is it necessary to report such small matters? Recently, because the two Immortal King-level Qilin ancestors came down from the Upper Realm, it caused a stir among the major forces in the Demon Realm. Even the capture of the four Blood Monster ancestors by himself seemed less important.

These are two Immortal King-level Fire Qilins! It would be great if we could curry favor with them.

Therefore, recently, the major forces in the Demon Realm, and even some insignificant individuals, have come to present their greetings and want to meet the Qilin clan.

At first, Zhou Tianfeng would inquire about it, but later on, he simply left it to the guards to handle.

"The ones who came to meet the King of Qilin before were all small forces, and their cultivation level did not reach the level of Immortal beings. This time, it is a member of the Demon Spirit Clan, and he is a Heavenly Demon. That's why I came to report it," the guard said without daring to take a breath.

Come on, he's just a small soldier guarding the Qilin clan, with a cultivation level of only Immortal Transformation. He wouldn't dare to offend a Heavenly Demon with the strength equivalent to a Celestial Immortal.

Moreover, the other party came with courtesy, so he decided to report it to the King of Qilin.

"Alright! I understand. You indeed cannot handle a Heavenly Demon at the Celestial Immortal Realm level. You dare not offend him. Go and invite him in," Zhou Tianfeng pondered for a moment and said.

"Yes, King of Qilin." The guard bowed to Zhou Tianfeng and respectfully withdrew.

"Elders, I will take my leave now and go to deal with the Heavenly Demon from the Demon Spirit Clan," Zhou Tianfeng turned to the two divine beasts, the Fire Qilin ancestors, and said.

"It's alright, go ahead! You are now the King of the Qilin clan. The development and future of the Qilin clan are all up to you," Mo Tian Sheng said.

"But it's just a member of the Demon Spirit Clan. There's no need to give them face. If they say anything unpleasant, just kick them out," Black Tortoise Sheng said.

"Elders, rest assured, I will handle it," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright! We two will go back to cultivate. You handle it yourself," the two Fire Qilin ancestors said and left.

Zhou Tianfeng also tidied up his clothes and went to the reception hall of the Qilin clan.

In the hall, a man dressed in a black Daoist robe, with long red hair and a sinister face, was waiting there.

"I have indeed made Fellow Daoist wait for a long time! I wonder what brings Fellow Daoist to our Qilin clan?" Zhou Tianfeng clasped his hands and said.

"How dare I! I have indeed bothered the King of Qilin. I am Ming Kong from the Demon Spirit Clan. I have come to pay my respects to the King of Qilin," the man with blood-red hair stood up, clasped his hands towards Zhou Tianfeng, and said.

"So it's Fellow Daoist Ming. I wonder what brings Fellow Daoist to our Qilin clan? What advice do you have?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I have three matters to discuss. The first is to congratulate the new King of the Qilin clan. This is a gift from our Demon Spirit Clan. I hope the King of Qilin will accept it," Ming Kong took out a gift box and respectfully handed it to Zhou Tianfeng.

Even as a Celestial Immortal at the Heavenly Demon level, he didn't dare to be the slightest bit disrespectful to the King of Qilin.

The strength of this King of Qilin is indeed terrifying. He was absolutely not confident in dealing with the four Blood Monster ancestors before. However, this King of Qilin easily defeated them, surpassing his own cultivation level.

And this time, he had a request for this King of Qilin, so he had to put aside his pride.

"Oh! Thank you, Demon Spirit Clan. I will accept the gift. Is there anything else?" Zhou Tianfeng didn't show any politeness and directly accepted the contents of the gift box without even looking at it.

"The second matter is that I heard that the two Fire Qilin ancestors of the Qilin clan have come down from the Heavenly Net World. I wonder if I have the honor to meet them?" Ming Kong said.

After all, they are two Immortal King-level experts. Even in the Black Demon World, they are second only to the Demon Emperor. It would be very necessary to meet them.

"Our two Fire Qilin ancestors have indeed come down to the mortal realm, but they have important matters to attend to and it is inconvenient for them to meet representatives from various clans. Fellow Daoist's kind intentions have been noted, and I will convey the message to the two elders. Let's skip the formalities of a meeting," Zhou Tianfeng said.

As he expected, they did come for the two divine beasts, the Fire Qilins. What are they thinking?

Two Apex Level experts of the Immortal King realm, are you saying that you can easily meet them? Are you joking?

Ming Kong couldn't help but smile bitterly, as expected.

They cannot be seen, after all, they are the Fire Qilin of the Immortal King realm. How could they possibly notice someone like me, a mere small fry? If a Demon King from the Black Demon World were to come, it would be possible for them to meet.

"Haha! Indeed, I have overstepped my boundaries. I hope the Qilin King can forgive me. I have always admired the two kings." Ming Kong said.

"Fellow Daoist, may I ask what your third matter is?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The third matter does indeed trouble the Qilin King. I believe the Qilin King is aware that my Demon Spirit clan has been in conflict with the Blood Monster Race. Since the Qilin King captured the four Blood Monster ancestors, the Blood Monster Race has been without a leader. In the outside world, the Blood Monster Race has been completely wiped out by my Demon Spirit clan. I have come here to thank the Qilin King for his assistance." Ming Kong finished speaking and glanced at Zhou Tianfeng, seemingly wanting to see what Zhou Tianfeng meant.

"The matters between your two clans are not something my Qilin clan wants to get involved in. I only captured those four because they caused trouble during my ascension ceremony." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Qilin King, I have an earnest request. I wonder if you can hand over those four Blood Monster ancestors to my Demon Spirit clan for disposal?" Ming Kong asked.

So it turns out they came for those four losers. I knew it. Congratulations to me for becoming the new Qilin King, or perhaps they came to pay respects to the two divine beasts. The Fire Qilin doesn't need to bring out a Heavenly Demon-level existence for this.

After all that, it turns out they want to take those four Blood Monster ancestors. It seems that the Demon Spirit clan is also very interested in the Blood Monster race.

"Fellow Daoist, you are joking. These four Blood Monster corpses were captured by my clan. It is not easy to let them go." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Qilin King, my Demon Spirit clan can offer some compensation in exchange for these four Blood Monster ancestors. Qilin King, please state your conditions." Ming Kong said.

He didn't expect it to be so simple to take away these four Blood Monster ancestors. Of course, he would have to pay some price for it.

These four Blood Monsters are extraordinary and their situation is very special. He must bring them back no matter what, otherwise it would be hard to explain.

"Oh! Fellow Daoist, do you think my Qilin clan lacks anything? In the Upper Realm, I have two Immortal King ancestors. In the Lower Realm, my Qilin clan is in the Demon Realm space. I dare not say anything else, but we do have some influence. My strength in the Demon Realm space is also passable. Is there anything that I cannot obtain?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I did not doubt the strength of the Qilin clan or the Qilin King. It's just that these four Blood Monster ancestors are indeed very important to our Demon Spirit clan. I ask the Qilin King to let them go." Ming Kong said.

"Fellow Daoist, please leave! Let's end this matter here." Zhou Tianfeng waved his hand and directly had someone escort the guest out.

"Hold on! King Qilin, my demonic spirit clan in the Black Demon World has two demon emperors, over ten demon kings, and these four Blood Monster ancestors were personally requested by the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor. I ask King Qilin to give face." Ming Kong said.

Demon Emperor! Zhou Tianfeng suddenly became interested. These four losers actually attracted the attention of a demon emperor! Is this a joke?

The cultivation level of a demon emperor corresponds to the Immortal Emperors of the Immortal World and the Luo Tian Realm. But how could a demon emperor possibly know about these four losers?

"Are you threatening my Qilin clan?" Zhou Tianfeng sneered and said.

"King Qilin, please think twice. If it weren't for the personal order of the demon emperor, I wouldn't have lowered my face to come and seek an audience with King Qilin. This matter concerns the demon emperor, so King Qilin should consult the two Qilin ancestors!" Ming Kong said.

Even if you are a Qilin king, even if you are a peak expert in the Celestial Immortal Realm or even among the Celestial Immortals, you cannot make the decision on this matter yourself.

This is a clash between Emperor Realm experts, and even your two Qilin ancestors are not qualified.

Although they are both experts in the King Realm, they are nothing in the face of an expert in the Earth Realm. Moreover, the Heavenly Net World currently has no backing for the two of them. If they offend the demonic spirit clan, the Fire Qilin divine beast might disappear from this world.

Zhou Tianfeng furrowed his brows upon hearing this. Damn it, just when I dealt with a Desolate Immortal Emperor and Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi, another Demon World demon emperor pops up. Is there no end to this?

But the good news is that this demon emperor seems to only be interested in the four Blood Monster ancestors and hasn't noticed him.

But what exactly is the reason that attracted a demon emperor's attention to these four Blood Monster ancestors? It seems that, as this Heavenly Demon said, this matter must be reported to the two Qilin ancestors.

"Sir, please stay in my Qilin clan for now. I will report this matter to the two ancestors and see what they think," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"In that case, I will trouble King Qilin." Ming Kong said.

That's right, why bother having a conflict with the higher-ups? I'm just a messenger.

This is the will of an Emperor Level expert. What can I, a mere Heavenly Demon, do? It's better to leave it to your ancestors to handle!

After settling Ming Kong, Zhou Tianfeng walked towards the rooms of the two Qilin ancestors. Really, just when he dealt with the threat of a Desolate Immortal Emperor, now a demon emperor pops up.

(End of this chapter)

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