Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 177 Goodbye Di Honglei, News About The Two Senior Sisters

Chapter 177 Goodbye Di Honglei, News from Two Senior Sisters

After seeing off the Mo Ling Clan's Ming Kong, Zhou Tianfeng reported the situation to the two Qilin Ancestors.

"Reporting to the two Ancestors, disciple has already handed over the four Blood Monster ancestors to the other party," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Mm! Tianfeng, I know you feel dissatisfied. Clearly, you were the one who captured those four Blood Monster ancestors, but now you have to hand them over to someone else. I understand that you're not happy about it," Mo Tian Sheng said.

"Disciple dares not!"

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's a matter of strength. That Demon Emperor is stronger than us, so he can do whatever he wants. But if one day your strength surpasses his, then you can also do whatever you want. In this cultivation world, whether it's the Mortal Realm, Spirit World, Demon Realm, or the Black Demon World, Flying Immortal World, Heavenly Monster World, or Heavenly Net World, it's all the same principle," Mo Tian Sheng said.

"Disciple understands."

"Mm! Go and cultivate well!"

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and left the room of the two Qilin Ancestors, returning to his own quarters.

As soon as he returned, a soft figure sat in Zhou Tianfeng's arms, and two soft boneless jade arms wrapped around his neck.

"What's wrong? Who made our Qilin King angry?" Mo Yun Qi asked in a sweet voice.

Indeed, there was something unpleasant. Just now, a Heavenly Demon from the Mo Ling Clan came and took away the four Blood Monster ancestors that I had captured," Zhou Tianfeng said as he caressed the delicate body in his arms.

"Oh! Just a small Heavenly Demon! How can he be your opponent, the Qilin King? Why did you hand them over to him?" Mo Yun Qi asked.

"If he only represented himself, he naturally wouldn't be able to take them from me. But the person behind him, even the two Ancestors can't afford to offend him!" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Currently, he did have a way to deal with other high-level experts like Immortal Emperors, Demon Emperors, and Monster Emperors, but it would expose too much of himself, so it wasn't worth it.

As long as he didn't touch his bottom line or threaten his life, Zhou Tianfeng planned to ignore it.

Upon hearing this, Mo Yun Qi's eyes turned, and she said, "Could it be that the person who even the two Ancestors have to submit to is a Demon Emperor-level figure? The mighty Black Heavenly Demon Emperor from the Black Demon World. The two Ancestors said that if the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor were still here, they wouldn't be afraid of the other party, but in the current situation, they have no way to deal with an Emperor-level expert, so they can only yield," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"If it's a Demon Emperor-level powerhouse, then there's nothing we can do. We can't afford to offend them. Didn't the two Ancestors say that? You have the qualifications to become an Emperor-level powerhouse, so after you work hard to cultivate, let me become a Heavenly Queen," Mo Yun Qi said as she touched Zhou Tianfeng's face.

How can you think of becoming a Heavenly Queen? I just had someone kill a Heavenly Queen! But that position isn't yours, even if I become an Immortal Emperor in the future, that position won't be yours. Just be an honest Heavenly Concubine!

"So! The Heavenly Concubine should serve the Lonely King now." Zhou Tianfeng picked up the beautiful woman in front of him and walked towards the inner room.

After a passionate night, there were no words.

Early the next morning, Zhou Tianfeng's divine soul entered the Virus Space and sensed that the four Blood Monster ancestors were still in the Demon Realm space and had not been sent to the Black Demon World yet. It was estimated that the handover had not been completed.

He had left some tricks on the four Blood Monster ancestors, but he didn't know if they would be useful.

On the other side, the Daoist in the green robe was in seclusion, and the two sealed individuals were also quiet!

Everything was normal with Di Honglei. Mm! Wait! Everything was normal?

No, wasn't this girl sealed? How did it seem like the seal had been lifted? What's going on?

Wait, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi has already been killed by me, so after she dies, does her seal become ineffective?

So that's why Di Honglei was able to break free?

With a thought, Zhou Tianfeng pulled Di Honglei's divine soul into the Virus Space.

"What's going on? Why did you pull me in again? What do you want?" Di Honglei asked unhappily.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. What's your situation? How long has it been since we last saw each other? And you've already broken the seal? Your mother's seal is really unreliable," Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Your mother's seal is unreliable! My mother's seal is very powerful. Even an Immortal King-level expert might not be able to break it," Di Honglei said with a pout.

"Is that so! But I remember that you asked me to save you back then. If even an Immortal King couldn't break your seal, then I, a mere Celestial Immortal, definitely can't," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Poor child, you still don't know that your mother has already passed away, she's already gone! I have already found an expert to take care of her.

"Your situation is different, you cultivate the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture and possess the purest power of desolation within you. I also cultivate the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture. When our powers of desolation combine, we can break through the seal of my mother. That's why I asked you to come. But ordinary Immortal Kings cannot break this seal," Di Honglei said.

"Oh! So what's your situation now? How did you break the seal?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"It's quite strange, a few years ago, a mysterious man came and claimed to be the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor in front of me. He asked me about my mother's situation, and I told him the truth. Before he left, he lifted my seal," Di Honglei said.

Someone claiming to be the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor went to you? Asked about your mother's situation and then lifted the seal, that's quite bizarre!

The Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor has been dead for 20,000 years, he's long gone, you know?

I've never heard of anyone coming back to life in this world, what's with this resurrection situation?

"What do you think of the person claiming to be the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"What else can I think? It's obviously fake. I suspect he was one of my mother's pursuers in the past," Di Honglei said.

Alright, alright, our Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is truly charming. First, the Southern Heaven Immortal Emperor, then the Desolate Immortal Emperor, and now there's another mysterious expert.

She's truly the queen of the sea!

"Now that you've escaped, what do you plan to do?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"What else can I do? Naturally, I will intensify my cultivation! Once my strength has recovered a bit more, I plan to go to the Vast Desolation Domain and meet my father," Di Honglei said.

"Go meet your father! Cough cough! I think it's better to temporarily postpone this matter. You don't know his attitude towards you yet.

If you suddenly go to recognize your father, what if there's any danger? It's better for you to find a way to cultivate to the Immortal Emperor realm first and then surprise him when you go back," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Your father has already been taken care of by someone I hired, so even if you go now, you won't be able to see him! But it's been several years already, and there hasn't been any news about the Desolate Immortal Emperor being killed by a mysterious person in the Vast Desolation Domain.

"What are you joking about? Cultivating to the Immortal Emperor realm first? Do you think Immortal Emperors are as common as cabbage? Do you think that just by cultivating the Great Desolation Heavenly Scripture, you can easily become an Immortal Emperor?" Di Honglei said.

If you want, you can cultivate to the Immortal King realm. After all, you were originally an Immortal King. I just think it's safer this way, in case he has ill intentions towards you and it exposes me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I don't understand what you mean. He is my father, how could he have ill intentions towards me? What are you thinking? Oh, let me tell you something. Your two senior sisters are with me. One is called Lin Wan, and the other is Cai Ling, am I right?" Di Honglei said.

"They are with you?" Zhou Tianfeng's face brightened, and he asked.

"Yes! I think they were brought here by my mother, but don't worry, they are fine. My mother even taught them a set of cultivation techniques. She let them practice and specially used formations to dilute the immortal energy into ordinary spiritual energy, so that they can absorb it. They are doing well now. Maybe they will become immortals in a few years. After all, this is the Heavenly Net World, where it is so easy for cultivators to become immortals," Di Honglei said.

"How about you do me a favor and send them to the Demon Realm space?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"If I were in the Immortal King realm, that would be no problem, but senior! I am just a small Celestial Immortal now. It would probably take thousands of years for me to reach the Immortal King realm again. By then, your two senior sisters would have become immortals, and they probably won't be able to go to the mortal realm," Di Honglei said.

For some reason, the more Zhou Tianfeng wanted to take his two senior sisters back, the less Di Honglei wanted to send them back. Anyway, he couldn't send them back now, hehe!

"How about you tell me your current address, and I'll send two Fire Qilins to pick them up?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Are you doing this on purpose? Do you want me dead faster? Those two Fire Qilins will attack me as soon as they see me. Don't you know that, senior!" Di Honglei said sarcastically.

For some reason, every time she chatted with Zhou Tianfeng, even though she knew he was an extraordinary and powerful reincarnated cultivator, she still felt that he was just a little brother, even younger than herself.

Zhou Tianfeng had a burst of power before, which scared her for a while, but now, her fear of Zhou Tianfeng had disappeared.

"So what you're saying is that my two senior sisters can only cultivate with you? In the future, when I ascend to the Heavenly Net World, will I be able to see them?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Oh well, my two Qilin princesses are gone.

"That's right, that's how it is. There's nothing wrong with that. They can cultivate here and the chance of ascension is not high in the mortal realm. They can become immortals directly here. Trust me, they are safe with me," Di Honglei said.

"Alright, you can kneel down now!" Zhou Tianfeng's face turned pale, and he cut off the connection to the Virus Space.

On the other side, while Zhou Tianfeng and Di Honglei were communicating through the Virus Space, Mo Yunqi also arrived in a secret room.

"Disciple pays respects to Master," Mo Yunqi said.

(End of this chapter)

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