Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 181 My Blood Is Nutritious, Suck More

Chapter 181: My Blood is Nutritious, Suck a Bit More

Virus Space's answer made Zhou Tianfeng break out in a cold sweat. This set of very special cultivation techniques would gradually make the practitioner's behavior and actions resemble those of the creator.

At first, it would only affect their temperament, but eventually, even their aura would change. After becoming an immortal, their appearance would also be altered, until finally, the practitioner would completely resemble the creator in both aura and appearance.

Furthermore, once a practitioner cultivated this technique, they would feel an intense closeness to Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi and wholeheartedly do things for her.

According to Virus Space's estimation, when Mo Yunqi reached the Immortal King realm, she would completely transform into a replica of Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi and become her puppet, completely losing herself.

What's even more bizarre is that once you start cultivating this technique, you can't stop. Even if you cease cultivation, the technique will continue to operate within your body. Even if you disperse your cultivation and start over, your body will instinctively activate this technique.

This is clearly a technique with a huge pitfall. The power of creation controlled by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi can create new life races and influence others, but this woman has clearly taken this power to the extreme.

If it weren't for seeking revenge against the Desolate Immortal Emperor, with her talent, this girl would have long become an Immortal Emperor.

This Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is much more cunning than her daughter, Di Honglei. Mo Yunqi's appearance slowly changed to resemble her.

Over hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, her temperament gradually changed. Ordinary people wouldn't notice, and even if they did, they would only think that their wife had become more beautiful and had a better temperament.

But your wife has unknowingly become a puppet, even a clone of someone else.

Wait a minute, it seems like my two junior sisters have also been captured by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. Damn it, could it be that they also cultivated this technique?

You damn bitch, you're ruthless. Just wait for me! I will make you pay for this! This revenge must be avenged by a gentleman! I will make you regret it.

At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng's heart was filled with killing intent.

"How are you, husband? Is there a big problem with this technique?" Mo Yunqi anxiously asked.

"There is a problem, a big problem. In the early stages of cultivating this technique, your aura and behavior will gradually resemble your master, Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

In the end, even your appearance will resemble Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. When you reach the Immortal King realm, you will completely become another Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi.

"Whether it's appearance or temperament, they are exactly the same, even completely becoming a puppet for the other person, obeying their every command," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? Husband, what should we do?" Upon hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, Mo Yunqi panicked on the spot.

This cultivation technique is too cruel! It completely turns her into a clone!

"It's okay, you haven't been practicing for long. I can find a way to save you, just don't practice this technique anymore in the future," Zhou Tianfeng patted Mo Yunqi's shoulder and said.

Now he understands what Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi is up to! She made Mo Yunqi practice this problematic technique first!

After becoming the Immortal King, she will become exactly like her, completely controlled by Heavenly Queen Ruo Xi. If he wants to plot something, he won't have any resistance.

Then she will cause some trouble outside, even attracting the attention of the Desolate Immortal Emperor. By then, he will be the scapegoat.

"Husband! I also want to stop practicing this technique. I haven't been practicing it voluntarily for a long time, but it keeps running in my body, and I can't stop it," Mo Yunqi said.

"Leave it to me." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment, cut his wrist, and fed his blood directly into Mo Yunqi's mouth.

To completely abolish this technique, ordinary immortals, even Immortal Kings, cannot do it. Only those above the level of Immortal Emperor can do it. But Zhou Tianfeng has another method, which is to use the power of the origin of the Virus Space.

So now, he must bring his cheap wife into the Virus Space and remove this hidden danger from her.

"Husband, why are you giving me your blood to drink?" Mo Yunqi asked with a puzzled expression.

The blood of the Qilin King is indeed precious. It can turn an ordinary person into a member of the Qilin clan.

But she is already a member of the Qilin King clan. Drinking his blood doesn't seem to have much effect. And aren't we trying to solve the problem with the technique?

"Don't talk, feel it carefully," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Husband, I... my body feels a bit strange," Mo Yunqi suddenly changed her expression and said.

"It's okay, this is a normal phenomenon. Just endure it for a while and it will pass," Zhou Tianfeng said.

You must first accept the survival of the virus in your body. The virus life in the Virus Space has already adapted to the environment of this world and will soon be able to survive in the host's body and form a symbiotic relationship.

"Okay! Okay!" Mo Yunqi said.

Time passed slowly, and a few minutes later, Moyunqi only felt a slight itchiness in her body. But after a while, her body began to react violently in pain. The Vitality Technique within her body unexpectedly started to fight back against the viruses that had entered her body. Her body showed severe rejection reactions, with even her skin turning red and small bumps appearing. Was this a case of rejection?

This situation startled Zhou Tianfeng. What was going on? He had never encountered such a similar rejection reaction before when using this technique.

"My husband! I... I feel terrible. My whole body hurts, and I'm itchy all over," Moyunqi collapsed into Zhou Tianfeng's arms, even struggling to breathe as she spoke.

"Don't worry, let me take a look," Zhou Tianfeng immediately embraced Moyunqi.

In just a moment, Moyunqi's consciousness became unclear.

Zhou Tianfeng's mind sank into the Virus Space and asked, "What the hell is this Virus Space? Why is she experiencing such a severe rejection reaction?"

Master! The cultivation technique she is practicing is also a highly creative one. It generates a virus-like power similar to infectious techniques. As long as you continuously feed her blood and let the viruses gain the upper hand, it will be fine.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded in response and once again cut his wrist, feeding Moyunqi his fresh blood. At this moment, she clung to his blood like a lifeline, greedily sucking it in.

Damn it, I'm the only Celestial Immortal here. If it weren't for that vampire-like way you're drinking, I could let you suck me dry.

As time passed slowly, with the addition of new viruses in Zhou Tianfeng's blood, the viruses gradually gained the upper hand, and the peculiar power generated by the Heavenly Queen's technique began to decline.

Soon, the redness and swelling on Moyunqi's body began to recede, her skin returned to its normal color, and her complexion became rosy.

Only after establishing some kind of connection with Zhou Tianfeng's Virus Space did he stop the blood transfusion.

At this moment, the Queen of Qilin, Moyunqi, had an extremely rosy complexion, full of vitality, while Zhou Tianfeng's face turned pale, with a waxen yellow complexion, appearing extremely weak.

Damn it, this woman almost sucked herself dry. Heavenly Queen Ruoxi, I'll hold you responsible for this. This matter is not over.

"My husband! Your complexion, what's wrong? Why... why do you look so haggard?" Moyunqi, who had recovered, looked at Zhou Tianfeng, who had a pale face and a waxen yellow complexion, and asked.

He was perfectly fine just now, so why does the King of Qilin look extremely weak now? He even looks on the verge of collapse.

"You can give it a try, see if you can suck all the essence out of your body and end up looking worse than me. I guarantee that you'll be drained dry." Zhou Tianfeng sat on the ground, weakly responding.

"I need to take a break first. I feel completely powerless right now, and I'm a bit dizzy! Damn it, I'm already a Celestial Immortal, why am I still experiencing anemia?"

"Ah! Did I suck so much of your essence, my husband? But I, I don't feel anything." Mo Yunqi said.

Just now, she felt extremely uncomfortable, with pain all over her body, as if she was about to die.

Just when she was feeling extremely uncomfortable, a sweet and delicious liquid suddenly flowed into her mouth.

It was as if it was the most delicious food in the world, a precious delicacy, so she began to suck it greedily. So, was the liquid she just drank blood? Or was it her husband's?

"You wait a moment, I need to take a break first." Zhou Tianfeng weakly took out a few immortal pills from his storage space and put them in his mouth. Then he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to adjust his breath.

After a while, Zhou Tianfeng's complexion returned to normal. It's fortunate that I am now a cultivator, a Celestial Immortal expert. Otherwise, if you had sucked all the blood from my body, I would be completely finished now.

After Zhou Tianfeng recovered, he entered his Virus Space with his spiritual consciousness to see if it was time to bring his wife in.

Seeing the Virus Space at this moment, the Daoist in the green robe was not there, which put Zhou Tianfeng at ease.

With a thought, Zhou Tianfeng understood the cause and effect.

After the Daoist in the green robe comprehended the Virus Space law for a hundred years, he left directly when he gained some insights. After all, Zhou Tianfeng had given him the freedom to enter and exit the Virus Space.

It's good that you're not here! It's good for me to handle things without you.

Otherwise, in front of a Heavenly Venerable, it wouldn't matter for me as the Dao Lord, but Mo Yunqi, this little shrimp, would be exposed.

Because the Daoist in the green robe was here before, Zhou Tianfeng was cautious even when talking to Di Honglei.

Is there a way for the Virus Space to prevent the Daoist in the green robe from seeing certain situations in the Virus Space?

The Dao Lord can create a separate space, and the Daoist in the green robe can only enter that separate space.

Then, he can only see what you want him to see, and he won't see what you don't want him to see.

(End of this chapter)

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