Chapter 201 You are not a human race!

Zhou Tianfeng's heart was in his throat at this time. What on earth are you going to do, my aunt!

"Hong Lei, I appreciate your kindness. If I need to contact you again in the future, I will go directly to Hongguangyu to find you. Don't forget, I also have the power of desolation." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Please sister, let me go! Sorry!

"I just care about you. Since you don't appreciate it, I'll leave." Di Honglei said.

When she had never met this boy before, Di Honglei felt that she would not lose her composure like today, but for some reason, after seeing Zhou Tianfeng today, she always had an itchy feeling and wanted to show her favor for Zhou Tianfeng. The child has improved a lot.

The last time the two of them met, this boy was just a monk in the realm of soul cultivation, and he didn't put him in his eyes at all. But in the blink of an eye.

After he re-cultivated, there was only a slight difference in cultivation between the two, and he may not even be stronger than him in actual combat power.

It seems that I really want to be by the other person's side. This feeling is so strong that it makes me a little bit rude.

what happened? She also felt strange.

Do you even want to deceive an Immortal Emperor by using the method of transmitting sounds into secrets? I'm afraid even an Immortal King can't do it! After re-cultivating, she was now no more than a Golden Immortal. How could she not let her father hear?

"Boy, I always feel that there is something wrong with you! Don't you have some kind of magic skill?" Immortal Emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked with a serious face.

The Immortal Emperor seems to have noticed something, there is indeed something wrong with this kid!

"Senior is joking. I haven't practiced any techniques with the ability to enchant. If you don't believe me, you can check it out yourself." Zhou Tianfeng said quickly.

I said what's going on? Di Honglei suddenly became so enthusiastic. When she was resisting Immortal Emperor's sword energy just now, her body's potential was fully unleashed, and her adrenaline was basically in full-on mode.

In this mode, some indescribable things will be secreted excessively in the body. Male hormones, referred to as male hormones, will greatly stimulate females.

Zhou Tianfeng felt that Di Honglei was probably 100% affected by this smell, and even became a little bit crazy.

"Your physique is a bit strange. You don't have any signs of the Transforming Poison Spirit Body! But you have all the abilities of the Transforming Poison Spirit Body. It is the first-generation Heavenly Rage Battle Body. As for the bloodline of the Kirin clan. You also have the bloodline of the Kirin clan. Something is wrong. You are just like a suture monster. What are you? You must not be human, right?" The Immortal Emperor asked seriously from the side.

Just now, he carefully observed Zhou Tianfeng again and discovered something wrong.

Although the Heavenly Rage Battle Body brings him some attributes of the human race, if you look closely, you will find some differences. Its appearance is exactly the same as that of the human race, but it is completely different.

If his cultivation had not reached the Immortal Emperor level, he should not have discovered this kid's problem, or even the existence of the Immortal Emperor level. If you don't look carefully, you won't find any problems.

But Immortal Emperor can 100% confirm that before this kid received the heavenly Rage Battle Body, he definitely had no trace of human race at all, he just had the appearance of human race.

There are humanoid forms in this world, but they are not humanoid life forms. There are many. For example, a large number of Monster Races have the appearance of monsters before they transform. Once they have mastered the transformation, they will transform into human forms.

Some Monster Races will retain some monster characteristics on their bodies, such as a pair of horns, furry ears, tails and the like.

In addition, the demon spirit clan will also transform into a human appearance after they mature. It's just that the skin is purple-black, which is different from the human race.

There are also some special races that will retain the appearance of a human race after they transform or are born, so he doesn't think there is anything strange about looking like a human race.

But the problem is, this kid has shown quite a lot of abilities! It stands to reason that if you are a special race, you should not be able to obtain the special physique of the human race after obtaining the merits from heaven.

It only enhances the original talent, but this kid got a human Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

Some other special abilities were not possessed by any special race that he knew of.

This kid's body is very special, as if it was not created by the great god Innate at all, but rather formed naturally.

Naturally formed, that is, innately nourished, everything in this world is basically created by the ancient Divine Ability. Things that are naturally raised are also called Innate creatures.

This is very interesting! Innate creatures. How could the Innate god be born in this world? Especially when he was born in the Spirit World, if he was born in the prehistoric domain or the ancient Immortal Domain, would he still understand?

Because these two places originally existed and were the foundation of this plane, these two places were previously known as the mortal world and the Immortal World.

The remaining Demon Realm space, mortal world, Spirit World, Beast World, and the black Demon World, Heavenly Beast World, Luo Heavenly World, and the Flying Immortal World all appeared later.

It is a realm created by some unknown ancient people with great Divine Ability. In these places, it is absolutely impossible for an Innate creature to be born.

"Father! What do you mean, this kid, this kid is not a human race at all?" Di Honglei exclaimed and asked.

"That's right! He is not a human race! Although he has many characteristics of the human race and even the aura of the human race, he is not essentially a human race." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

"But this is wrong. If he is not a human, how could he give birth to a child with a human physique and Qilin bloodline?" Di Honglei said.

They had met Zhou Tianfeng's eldest son before when they were in the Qilin King City. They took a look at him from a distance and found that he was a very qualified man. The little guy had the Human Race's Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the Qilin Alien Race's Law Manifestation. Power.

At that time, the Immortal Emperor even praised my little guy, saying that he had a good physique and that he would be able to cultivate to the realm of an Immortal King in the future, and even have a chance to aspire to the position of Immortal Emperor.

"This is what makes me strange! That child is indeed of his bloodline. He just inherited the bloodline of another clan and the powerful Qilin physique. The child did not inherit other things at all." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

"How is this possible? Zhou Tianfeng, who are you?" Di Honglei asked.

"I swear to heaven, I am really a human being." Zhou Tianfeng said a little speechlessly.

This time Zhou Tianfeng played a word game. I am indeed a human being, but not a human race, but a human being.

"Father, if he swears to Heaven that he is a human, then there should be no problem. Could it be that the human race has produced some new variant? For example, an unknown special physique has been born." Di Honglei said.

"You should practice hard in the future! Only you know about your problems." Immortal Emperor looked at Zhou Tianfeng and said meaningfully.

Then he raised his hand and opened a space crack. There was a surge of demonic energy coming from the opposite side.

"This is the space passage to the Black Demon World, you go!" said the Immortal Emperor.

You are really an activist! Zhou Tianfeng looked at the two senior sisters lying in the crystal coffin, then stepped forward to collect the two senior sisters.

Now we cannot feed them blood in front of the Desolate Immortal Land, and then pull them into the virus space and use the original energy to treat the influence of Queen Ruoxi and eliminate her seeds.

So we can only talk about it after hacking Demon World.

After doing this, Zhou Tianfeng used another method of communication! He sent a message to the Qilin clan and briefly explained the matter.

As for whether the people of the Qilin tribe can accept it, I don't care.

"Thank you very much, senior. See you again, Honglei!" Without any hesitation, Zhou Tianfeng immediately stood up and stepped into the space tunnel.

After Zhou Tianfeng left, the Immortal Emperor immediately closed the space tunnel to the Black Demon World, and then turned to look at his daughter.

"What's wrong with father?" Di Honglei asked a little confused.

"Do you still miss that kid now? For example, do you have a very special affection for him?" Huang Immortal Emperor asked.

"Not at all! I seem to just treat him as an ordinary friend now. I don't have the same feeling as before. What, what is going on?" Di Honglei said.

It was strange, when I just met Zhou Tianfeng. My favorability towards him is simply exploding! But after he left, this goodwill disappeared immediately.

No, it can't be said to have disappeared, but it has weakened a lot. She still has a good impression of Zhou Tianfeng now.

"His physique should have a strange attraction to female cultivators, and this attraction is not under his control. This is why you suddenly had such a huge affection for him just now." Huang Immortal Emperor said .

"This! How is this possible? I know that some Monster Races, demon cultivators and some races from the Immortal World do have this ability, but my Taoist heart is at the Immortal King level, how can it affect me?" Di Di Honglei said.

"I don't know either! But I bet that this kid has big problems. I'm not at ease. I doubt it. I even think he might become the second Queen Ruoxi." Immortal Emperor said.

"What! It's impossible, father! Although this boy is usually a bit naughty, he shouldn't do anything that would endanger the entire world." Di Honglei said.

Queen Ruoxi, she is brewing a huge conspiracy, and the Southern Celestial Immortal told them about this!

She had previously suspected that Zhou Tianfeng and Queen Ruoxi were of the same race, but Queen Ruoxi had met Zhou Tianfeng and did not show anything strange. I’m just a little curious about Zhou Tianfeng!

"So! I didn't kill him with a sword just now. It would be too arbitrary to kill him just because of suspicion. And if he is really a colleague of Queen Ruoxi, then I can also get some useful information from him. Information." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

"Father, what are you going to do?" Di Honglei asked.

(End of chapter)

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