Chapter 212 Kite flying tactics

The giant nine-tailed snow fox doesn't know why, but it always seems clumsy when fighting the Kirin Law Manifestation. Not only is it slow, but the Kirin Law Manifestation always catches its weakness and beats it violently.

The battle that had just been evenly matched or even had the upper hand suddenly seemed to take a turn.

"What, what kind of Divine Ability is this? Why does Xue Yue seem not to be right? Why does her movement look so weird?" Huatong said.

"I can't see it either. It seems like something is affecting Xue Yue. Not only has her movements slowed down, but all her moves seem to have been predicted in advance." Liu Yun looked at him with a confused face. Change and speak.

The two people watching the battle below also discovered something was wrong.

At the beginning of the battle between Zhou Tianfeng and Xue Yue, Zhou Tianfeng used all his skills and could barely draw a tie, but he understood.

If there was a protracted war, Xue Yue, whose cultivation level was one level higher than his own, would definitely win the final victory. He had to think of other ways.

Then the gravitational magnetic field began to act on the huge nine-tailed snow fox.

Although it can't be said to stop her movements, there is nothing wrong with making her movements slower or even more laborious.

Coupled with the dynamic vision and super-fast brain calculation speed in adrenaline mode.

Zhou Tianfeng can always anticipate the enemy's opportunities and accurately calculate all the moves of the Nine-tailed Snow Fox.

Even if this girl wanted to use her rich combat experience to sell a flaw to Zhou Tianfeng, it would be useless for Zhou Tianfeng to be fooled, because the flaw was immediately figured out by Zhou Tianfeng.

Under the ultra-high-speed operation of his brain, Zhou Tianfeng has calculated every move of his opponent or every action of hers in his mind for more than ten times, and then came up with the best plans, and each time kind of plan.

All were specially targeted. No matter what moves the nine-tailed snow fox used, unless the nine-tailed snow fox transformed into a second head or a few more claws, all attacks would be within Zhou Tianfeng's calculations.

Now, Zhou Tianfeng's brain is like a sophisticated computer. In his mind, this battle has been evolved by Zhou Tianfeng hundreds of times, and the result of each battle is the same, with Zhou Tianfeng winning the final victory.

Unless this nine-tailed snow fox has other trump cards, otherwise, with the precise calculation of her brain, she has no power to resist, and defeat is only a matter of time.

The nine-tailed snow fox let out a loud cry, and its nine big snow-white tails swung rapidly, sending out bursts of cold air, forcing Zhou Tianfeng back, and then jumped back suddenly, keeping distance from Zhou Tianfeng.

Xue Yue panted and looked at the huge unicorn Law Manifestation in front of him. He finally understood how to fight in close combat. He, the nine-tailed snow fox, a fairy beast that was not inferior to the divine beast fire unicorn, was no match at all.

Originally, he wanted to rely on his rich combat experience. and powerful cultivation to suppress the opponent. but. It turns out that she was overthinking this unicorn Law Manifestation transmogrifier.

Even if it is just a demon general level cultivation. But the Heavenly Rage Battle Body still has that kind of strange power, and coupled with the bonus of the power of the wilderness, it is actually not much worse than her nine-tailed snow fox.

Her physical body is simply ridiculously strong. Although the Qilin clan's physical body is very strong, she is still a nine-tailed snow fox! He was actually completely suppressed by the other party.

Especially after being blessed with the power of desolation and another strange energy, the Kirin True Fire on his body mutated in some way and turned into a purple-red Kirin True Fire. This kind of flame was very terrifying. Her The cold can't be dealt with.

Is there any mistake? Fire Qilin is naturally restrained by ice-attributed fairy beasts or mythical beasts. Whether it's the Frost Phoenix, the Water Qilin or their nine-tailed snow fox? Even the ice dragon clan can restrain the Qilin True Fire very well.

Could it be said that the Qilin King who has cultivated the power of desolation will have some kind of mutation in his Qilin True Fire and be strengthened?

There was also the aspect of combat experience. This was the most frustrating thing for her. It was uncomfortable. It was so uncomfortable. It was so uncomfortable to fight with this kid.

When he first started fighting, he could still suppress this kid, but after he became familiar with all his attack routines.

He was crushed in turn, as if his heart was being seen through. No matter what moves he used, this kid could resolve them in advance, and even turn them around for a while.

Later, that strange force field was applied to himself, making his body heavy. It also affects her speed.

So the Nine-tailed Snow Fox decided not to engage in close combat with Zhou Tianfeng.

In close combat, he was suppressed in all aspects. If he continued fighting like this, he would definitely be defeated in a while.

It is really embarrassing for a demon king to lose to a demon general.

So she simply distanced herself and wanted to use her frost spell to consume Zhou Tianfeng remotely.

After all, this kid's cultivation level is not as good as mine. Even if he uses various secret techniques to forcibly improve his cultivation level, his cultivation level is just a flaw, and I can still drag you to death.

After pulling away, the nine-tailed snow fox's front paws were like human arms, and it began to pinch the magic formula and muttered words in its mouth.

Suddenly, the world was filled with frost and cold air, and even the Wrath of Heaven domain launched by Zhou Tianfeng was affected!

Finally, it was directly covered by the snow-white world. The Heavenly Rage Spirit Realm of Du Tian was directly destroyed, and the various anomalies blessed by the Heavenly Rage Battle Body also disappeared in an instant.

If Heavenly Rage Battle Body is simply turned on, it is actually not much different from the adrenaline mode, or even slightly inferior. What really blesses the Heavenly Rage Battle Body are the various visions and realms of heaven and earth.

This field was destroyed, and most of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body was destroyed.

But this is the first time that my Heavenly Wrath domain has been covered by another domain!

When they fought against the two Qilin Ancestors before, they did not directly suppress their Heavenly Wrath Domain in this way.

"You brat, do you think you will win? My aunt will let you know how powerful you are now." Xue Yue said.

The nine snow-white tails swung wildly, and the snow-white world directly suppressed Zhou Tianfeng, and even began to affect his speed, even though the surface of his body was covered with a mutated version of the purple unicorn true fire.

But this terrifying frost still moved the Kirin Law Manifestation. I had no choice but to lose the blessing of the Wrath Domain. My mutated version of the Kirin True Fire was also affected to a certain extent. Now I am a little unable to guard against this guy. The ice attacked.

"Do you think you've got me?" Zhou Tianfeng said with a cold snort.

"You just surrender to me! Without the Heaven's Wrath Domain, your Qilin True Fire has weakened. Now you can't defend against my cold attack. When my aunt breaks your Qilin Law Manifestation, I must teach you a lesson." You." Xue Yue said through gritted teeth.

It's really embarrassing. When a Monarch Level master against a Demon General, he revealed all his trump cards, even the nine-tailed snow fox clan's trump card.

Even if I win today, it will still be a weak victory, and I will even be laughed at by others.

So no matter what, we must teach this kid a lesson.

"This method of yours is also part of my calculation. In fact, I still have a trump card." Zhou Tianfeng said with a cold snort.

"You kid, try it. Let me tell you, your fire unicorn clan is naturally restrained by our nine-tailed snow fox. Your unicorn true fire will be controlled by our cold air. If you kid hadn't practiced the Great Wilderness Scripture, and Heavenly The blessing of Rage Battle Body caused some kind of mutation in your Qilin True Fire, and you lost as soon as the battle started." Nine-tailed Snow Fox said.

"Qilin, Lin, Angry!" Zhou Tianfeng shouted loudly and directly activated the Qilin clan's trump card, Qilin Fury.

It can instantly increase the fire unicorn's combat effectiveness. let. The combat effectiveness has increased tenfold, and both the Kirin and the True Fire Kirin Law Manifestation will be strengthened.

However, this move is also very taxing on one's body. After using it, the battle must be ended within a few minutes.

Otherwise, due to the consumption of adrenaline and the Wrath Goo, he would not be able to hold on.

Some cracks began to appear in the snow-white field formed by the nine-tailed snow fox. Zhou Tianfeng once again broke free from the control of the frost, and then rushed towards the nine-tailed snow fox.

"The devil is fighting you in close combat. You think too much."

A horrifying cold air emanated from the nine-tailed snow fox, forcing Zhou Tianfeng back. The nine-tailed snow fox also jumped back suddenly, its nine tails continuously emitting cold rays, hitting Zhou Tianfeng. Zhou Tianfeng.

Xue Yue has figured it out this time. If you can't fight in close combat, you will definitely not fight in close combat with this kid. I will consume you remotely. What can you do?

An extremely funny scene suddenly appeared in the sky.

The two behemoths, a hundred meters tall, seemed to be playing in the sky. The nine-tailed snow fox was running desperately in front, and while running, it used its nine big tails to send out blue-white ice rays to attack the fire unicorn.

The fire unicorn dodged the ice rays in various postures, and then rushed towards the nine-tailed snow fox in a life-threatening pursuit.

"How about we go up and help this kid Xue Yue? This kid seems to be difficult to deal with." Huatong, who was watching the battle below, said.

"If you think we can get involved in this kind of battle, then go ahead! But don't get caught by others, and then ask Xue Yue to go back and save you." Liu Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"Stinky girl, don't run away if you have the guts! Come to the front!" Zhou Tianfeng, who controls the Qilin Law Manifestation, shouted!

Damn it, I never expected that this girl would run away!

And this fox runs so fast! I can’t catch up!

"Catch up if you can!" The huge nine-tailed snow fox turned around and said.

I won’t run away and wait to fight you in close combat! And then I was abused by you?

Why should I fight you when I can win if I wear you out for a while?

Mom sells batches! Being kited.

No, if this continues, I will not be able to support it anymore.

(End of chapter)

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