Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 217: Strategies To Drive Away Tigers And Swallow Wolves

Chapter 217: Strategies to drive away tigers and swallow wolves

How did this guy deceive the power of the Tao Space? The previous Heavenly Venerable could cut off all connections in the virus space, but there was nothing he could do because his cultivation level was too high.

Could it be that this guy named Sha Tian has also reached the Heavenly Venerable Realm! Because of the existence of the Immortal Emperor realm, it is absolutely impossible to cut off the connection with the virus space, and it cannot even be discovered.

The previous Black Heavenly Demon Emperor had been monitored by him for such a long time, and he didn't notice at all.

"Are you listening to me?" Di Honglei stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Zhou Tianfeng, and asked angrily.

Why did this guy suddenly become stunned? What are you thinking about?

"Please, Auntie, where did you get the confidence to think that I, a Golden Immortal-level being, can deal with someone beyond the Immortal Emperor level?" Zhou Tianfeng rolled his eyes and said.

He does have a way to deal with him, but the risk is a bit high. If it is not a last resort, he will not use this trick.

"Are you really unable to deal with him? That's going to be troublesome. The last time he was injured was because the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor used that divine sword and unexpectedly injured him, but when he was on guard, , three strong men who have stepped half a step beyond the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and if they join forces with the Immortal Emperors, they can only fight with him for a short while." Di Honglei frowned and said.

She really had no choice. The man named Sha Tian was too powerful.

Her father, the one from the Ancient Immortal Domain, and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor could only barely fight each other.

Other Immortal Emperors only carry out sneak attacks on the battlefield to make a splash on the edge!

An existence in the realm of Immortal King cannot even get close to the battlefield.

And this being named Sha Tian is using some kind of secret technique to upgrade several King Level masters who have surrendered to him to the Immortal Emperor level, if he succeeds.

These people can block the remaining Immortal Emperors, and then he can concentrate on dealing with his father, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and the one from the ancient Immortal Domain.

According to her father's estimation, if nothing unexpected happens, it will take at least a thousand years to succeed, and by then, the world will be destroyed.

All Immortal Emperor-level beings knew about this, but there was nothing they could do.

So at this critical moment, she thought of the bug-like existence of Zhou Tianfeng.

Now the only one who can save the world is you, Zhou Tianfeng.

"How on earth do you think I can deal with such a powerful person? Even an Immortal Emperor-level existence can't defeat me, let alone me?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Zhou Tianfeng, I'm afraid you don't know that if you can't deal with it, then the world will be over. Your master, master's wife, master's uncle, your two little senior sisters, your senior brothers, and everyone you care about will... No one can escape death in this crisis.

To tell you the truth, the purpose of Sha Tian and Queen Ruoxi is not to rule the world alone.

They have a deeper goal. The reason why Shaitian established the Shatian Palace and gathered a group of subordinates is to achieve this goal. Once this goal is accomplished, even these people who have taken refuge in Sha Tian will be useless.

Everyone dies, without exception. " Di Honglei said.

This is the news that his father and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor learned from the mouth of the ancient Immortal Domain. At that time, the ancient Immortal Domain had hundreds of Immortal Emperor masters, people who had even stepped out of the Immortal Emperor realm. There are as many as nine people.

There were even two beings in the Great Principle realm, but even so, they were defeated, or rather. It was a lose-lose situation. Although the invasion was successfully prevented, this plane was basically destroyed.

The ancient Immortal Domain was shattered by 90%, and some fragments formed the current upper world. The ancient Immortal Domain was much larger than it is now.

At that time, it was the golden age of cultivation in this plane, and there was no comparison with now.

"Even if you say that, I can't help it! If I had that kind of ability, I wouldn't be here now." Zhou Tianfeng said.

What this little girl said is indeed very serious. I really have to think of a solution. How about buying a murderer again?

I don’t know if that Qingyi Daoist Heavenly Venerable has spread the word about the virus space. If he has spread the word about the virus space.

If everyone knew that practicing viruses requires some outsiders to live in their bodies, then they probably wouldn't practice his virus method.

It's really troublesome. If I can contact the Qingyi Daoist again, I can ask him to help me, and I can just make up a reason then. But now we can't handle this situation ourselves, so we have to call in foreign aid in the end.

But the problem is that it is not difficult for me to hire foreign aid now. As long as I fool you, there are many people willing to do it.

But the question is what to do afterwards? There are indeed some pitfalls in the virus space’s cultivation methods. Although there is no harm in this and it is good for you, no practitioner is willing to accept it.

Unless you wait for your magnetic field and gravitational path to be successfully formed, and then form a new path space, this can play a big role.

However, the magnetic field gravity is different from the virus space. The virus space has been perfected since the time of the earth, but the magnetic field gravity needs to be deduced step by step. At present, there are only a few functions, and it is far from being able to form a path. the level of space.

"Forget it, anyway, the two sides are still in a situation of barely equal combat power, but this situation will be broken sooner or later. If we don't have stronger combat power here, then we are finished." Di Hong Lei said helplessly.

"What's the current situation of the Qilin clan?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The two ancestors of the Qilin clan are currently flying in the Immortal World to participate in the resistance war. As well as the Qilin kings of the previous generations of Ascension of your Qilin clan, they have also rushed to the battlefield. As long as the monks have reached the Golden Immortal level, they are now basically Flying on the battlefield of Immortal World." Di Honglei said.

"I understand, Hong Lei, I want to trouble you with something. After I return to the prehistoric region, please don't leak any information about me for the time being. I need to stay in the prehistoric region for a while, and I will not return to the Qilin clan for the time being." Zhou Tianfeng thought. After a moment, he spoke.

"You're not afraid of going to the battlefield, are you?" Di Honglei said.

The current situation in all walks of life is not optimistic! If Sha Tian captures Fei Immortal World, his strength will undoubtedly increase again and he will gain more original power.

Therefore, the realms that have not yet been occupied are currently united to defend the Immortal World.

"It's not that I'm afraid of going to the battlefield, but you also said that I may be the only way to deal with Evil Sky, so I have to at least improve my cultivation a little bit, right?" Zhou Tianfeng asked in return.

After hearing Di Honglei's introduction, Zhou Tianfeng did realize that the current problem was more difficult.

If this gang of Immortal Emperors still cannot deal with the guy named Sha Tian in the end, then he will have no choice but to make a dangerous move.

For example, you can show some strange abilities of your body and lure him to come and use the art of seizing your body.

In other words, once again find ways to buy and kill people from the virus space.

However, if you want to do this, you must be fully prepared. After all, this is a strategy to drive away tigers and swallow wolves.

This tactic is the most dangerous to use and must be used with caution.

"I can see it! Zhou Tianfeng, you have a way to deal with him. Your expression is too calm, so if there is anything you need my help with, just tell me and I will do my best to help you." Di Honglei said.

"Give me 1,000 years! At least make my cultivation more decent." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and said.

"I understand, follow me back to the Primordial Territory, and don't send news about you back to the Qilin clan for the time being. Just stay in my place and practice in seclusion." Di Honglei said.


The two chatted for a while and then left the room.

At this time, all the demon cultivators in the outside world had packed up their belongings and gathered together, waiting for Di Honglei to take them away.

"Miss Emperor: All the demon cultivators are already here, a total of 2,372 people. Can we take all these people away at once?" Demon Lord Profound Heaven asked.

If he couldn't take it away at once, then he had to stay and wait for Di Honglei to return for the second time.

"Without this boy, I really couldn't do anything, but now that this boy is here, it will be no problem for the two of us to mobilize the power of the wilderness and lead the response in the prehistoric region." Di Honglei said.

"This is a trouble for both of you. I can't thank you enough. If you can use it for anything in the future? Just ask." Demon Lord Profound Heaven said with great gratitude.

"No need to be polite! Now, whether it is a demon cultivator, Monster Cultivator, or immortal cultivator, in fact, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope." Di Honglei said.

Zhou Tianfeng and Di Honglei nodded, stood together, and then used their full power to create a crack in the space.

After that, Di Honglei took out a flag-like Law Treasure and threw it into the sky, directly tearing open a huge space crack, and then got in with all the magic cultivators.

Ancient Immortal Domain.

"Senior! Is this really necessary?" Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal looked at the woman in front of him and asked.

"There is only one way now. Nantian, you may be everyone's hope, the senior who saves you and resurrects you.

It's very possible that he saw the crisis in our world, so he taught you magical skills, gave you a new realm, and also gave you a magical weapon that could hurt the evil sky. "In front of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, a very beautiful woman in white sat cross-legged.

"But I think Huang may be more suitable than me." Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal said.

"My cultivation level is almost the same as yours, but I don't have the divine sword that can hurt the evil sky, so the person who inherits these should be you Nan Tian." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

(End of chapter)

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