Chapter 219 Battlefield Decision

A group of demon cultivators, as well as Zhou Tianfeng, landed in a luxurious palace. The decoration here was very simple and luxurious.

Above the palace, there are three big characters written with flying dragons and phoenixes, Tianhuang Palace.

"We are here. This is my father's palace. You stay here temporarily until I find you a place to live in the wilderness, and then you leave." Di Honglei said.

"Is this the Immortal Emperor's dojo? It's really domineering." A demon cultivator said.

"But it's a little deserted here! Does the Immortal Emperor usually have no servants?" Another demon cultivator looked around and asked.

I just looked around and found that the place seemed deserted and deserted, with no one alive at all.

"There used to be some followers of my father, but recently, the war in the Immortal World has been tense. Almost all the combat forces in the prehistoric realm have rushed to the Feixian support station. So it seems relatively deserted here." Di Honglei said.

These demonic cultivators thought that the prehistoric realm was about the restoration of the world, but in fact, the real situation was not what they thought at all, and there was no stability here.

After the rise of evil! The entire six realms have undergone earth-shaking changes. The realms he conquered are having a hard time, and the realms he has not conquered are also having a hard time.

"Could it be that even if the Huang Immortal Emperor, Nan Celestial Immortal Emperor and others join forces, they can't kill Sha Tian?" Another demon cultivator said.

Anyway, it's up to them! It’s a bit unacceptable. I didn’t expect that after leaving the Black Demon World, I still couldn’t get rid of the threat of the Evil God Palace.

Unexpectedly, the prehistoric region was not a safe place.

"You guys need to know one thing. Sha Tian's cultivation is not an ordinary Immortal Emperor, but an existence that has surpassed the Immortal Emperor level.

Let me tell you one more thing, Sha Tian can only exert 1/10 of his strength here. If he can exert his full strength, then we will have no chance at all. " Di Honglei said.

Do these guys really think they can take safe refuge in the wilderness? Haha, you are thinking too much.

This time, no one can stay out.

"Miss Emperor! You mean that we also have to go to the battlefield, right?" Demon Lord Profound Heaven looked a little unhappy and asked.

"With your current cultivation level, if you go up to the Monarch Level, you can barely pass it." Di Honglei said.

Hearing this, all the magic cultivators present breathed a sigh of relief. Most of them were Demon Generals or Heavenly Demons, and there were only four of them with true magic crystal level cultivation.

"We only have four demon kings here. What the girl means is that the four of us will go to the battlefield with you, right?" Xilan asked.

If that's the case, then they might as well be hiding in the dark Demon World! At least it's safer over there. When you come to the Primordial Realm, you actually want to fight with the people from Shatian Palace. Is this wrong?

"If you don't accept it, I can send you back to the Black Demon World right now." Before Di Honglei could speak, a man's voice came from above.

At the same time, a strong pressure also pressed on everyone. This is the pressure of an Immortal Emperor.

"Immortal Emperor?"

"You, you are the Immortal Emperor." All the demon cultivators present were stunned. They really didn't expect to see the Immortal Emperor here.

"Father, I, I." After seeing her father appear, Di Honglei was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Why are you back now?

"Stop talking. Are you here to save the young boy? That boy, you can just bring him back. Bring these guys back. How do you want me to deal with it? If I don't let them go to the front line, how can I go to the prehistoric region, or even Are you going to tell people who are not from the Immortal World? Are they not happy to let them go to the battlefield?" Huang Immortal Emperor said.

A similar thing happened before. A group of refugees who escaped from Beast World refused to go to the battlefield at all.

As a result, several of their Immortal Emperors joined forces to annihilate them. There was no other way. This was the rule set by all their Immortal Emperors. No one could be an exception. As long as their cultivation reached the Demon Lord, which is the Xuan Immortal Level, they must go to the battlefield.

"Sir Immortal Emperor, I have been waiting in the dark Demon World in fear all day long. I finally came to the wilderness, can't you give me a way to survive?" A demon cultivator cupped his hands towards the wilderness Immortal Emperor and said.

Among this group of people, apart from Demon Lord Xue Yue of Profound Heaven and Xilan, he is the fourth demon with a different cultivation level at Monarch Level, and he is also the weakest among the four. To be honest, he went to the battlefield and When the people of Shatian Palace fight, he can be said to be dead and without life!

"This is a rule set by all of us Immortal Emperors. Even us Immortal Emperors are not immune, and there will be a war soon. If you don't want to participate in this matter, I will send you back to Demon World now. I want to Say something to those who are leaving." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

"Sir Immortal Emperor, we, our cultivation is only in the Celestial Immortal Realm realm, can we stay?" At this moment, one of the demon cultivators asked.

"Long Xing, what do you mean?"

"When the sky falls, there will naturally be tall people to hold it up. This matter only targets people with cultivation levels above the Demon Lord. What can we little shrimps do? Do we have to return to the Black Demon World?"

"Stop talking. If you are willing to stay now, please stay. I will go to the battlefield." The Demon Lord of Profound Heaven sighed and said.

"I'll go too." Xilan said.

"I'll go too." Xue Yue said.

Since it is a rule set by all the Immortal Emperor level experts, no one can change anything, and they little shrimps do not have any decision-making power.

If you don't go, you'll be dead. If you go, you'll have a narrow escape. You have to take a gamble no matter what.

"Immortal Emperor! I, I will return to the Black Demon World, please send me back." Another demon at the Monarch Level said.

"Is there anyone who wants to return to the Black Demon World? Come forward and I will send you away together." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

The demon cultivators present, you look at me, I look at you, collectively took a step back. Their cultivation base has not reached the demonic Monarch Level. It's none of their business anyway.

The Immortal Emperor nodded, swung his sword, tore open a rift in space, and sent back the demon cultivator who had just arrived in the wilderness and had not yet stood firm.

"Now all of you, please leave. In the wilderness, just find a hilltop. The three of you who are going to the battlefield have 500 years to practice. Within 500 years, you can spend it safely. "The Immortal Emperor looked at the people left behind and said.

It's like another village with dark flowers and bright flowers. Profound Heaven and the other three demon kings really didn't expect that this would happen. In other words, they could stay in the wilderness for 500 years before going to the battlefield.

The guy who left just now suffered a big loss this time.

"Thank you, Immortal Emperor, for your kindness."

"Thank you Immortal Emperor for your kindness."

"I'm just following the rules, you don't have to thank me." Huang Immortal Emperor said.

Some things are certainly not unkind. But for some wimps. But he is unkind. Any demon king who is willing to go to the battlefield is a master of the Profound Immortal realm.

They will be given 500 years to recuperate. After 500 years, as long as they stay on the battlefield for 100 years, they can practice in the rear for another 500 years.

The reason why he spoke so cruelly just now was to scare away some cowards, but most of the people in this group of demon cultivators were as timid as rats.

It was only these three guys who were slightly better that impressed him.

"You leave. After 500 years, the three of you will gather here. If anyone among the remaining people breaks through the realm of the Demon King, you can also get 500 years or leave here." Huang Immortal Emperor said .

All the demon cultivators thanked the Immortal Emperor for a while, and then each set up their escape light and disappeared, leaving only Zhou Tianfeng, Emperor Hong Leilei and the third person of the Immortal Immortal.

"Why don't you leave? Why are you staying here?" Huang Immortal Emperor glanced at Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

He is annoyed just by looking at this boy. Strictly speaking, this boy is a member of the Qilin tribe. His cultivation is indeed not up to standard, but his combat power is indeed up to standard.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't say anything after hearing this. He turned around and left. Since you let me go, I will leave.

"Wait! Father, I brought him here and he is my friend. Don't you want to give your daughter some thin noodles?" Di Honglei said.

"So you want to keep him here?"

"Well! I want to keep him here. His current cultivation level is only at the Jingxian realm and cannot reach the standard of going to the battlefield. Moreover, even if he breaks through the cultivation level, he still has 500 years to prepare." Di Honglei said.

"It's up to you. If you want to keep him, just keep him! In the next period of time, I will leave the Primordial Realm. You can stay in my palace to practice and don't leave." After the Huang Immortal Emperor finished speaking, he set He created a barrier to seal his palace, and then disappeared without giving Di Honglei a chance to speak.

Now he still has a very important thing to do, which is to gather all the Immortal Kings who have taken refuge in the Primordial Domain and the Beast World, and then bring them together to the ancient Immortal Domain, and all the Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors will evolve together into that great world. Formation, find a way to deal with Sha Tian.

After that, he could not return to the Ancient Immortal Domain and immediately went to the Ancient Immortal Domain to absorb the ancient immortal essence and re-practice the skills given by the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

Then there will be the decisive battle with Sha Tian. At that time, he may take time to see his daughter, because it may be the last time he meets her.

He couldn't guarantee whether he would survive.

"Your father! He seems to have something on his mind. He doesn't seem to want to put too much pressure on you." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I know, how could I not know? My current cultivation level is Xuan Immortal Level, and I can break through to the Immortal King anytime and anywhere. Logically speaking, I don't have the 500-year immunity. I should go there immediately The battlefield, but my father used some means to keep me here and kept me away from this catastrophe." Di Honglei said.

(End of chapter)

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