Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 244 Being Stabbed In The Back By One Of My Own People

Chapter 244 Being stabbed in the back by one of my own people

This girl's attitude is a bit strange today!

Why is this question suddenly asked? Are you from another realm like Sha Tian?

Why would she ask that? Especially after knowing that the zombie Immortal Emperor he sent to attack Master Tianxing in the ancient Immortal Domain, he asked this question.

Zhou Tianfeng smelled a lot of fishy things from this. First of all, the people on Innate, or her father, and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor must have discovered something about themselves.

And he should have made a clear affirmation, otherwise Di Honglei would never ask this question to himself.

In this 0.01 second, Zhou Tianfeng's Transcendent Level brain started thinking quickly.

How to answer? Strictly speaking, I am indeed not from this world.

I am a life form from the earth. If you carefully observe your body or look at some clues, you can get a clear answer to this point.

But he comes from a different place than Sha Tian. He is an existence from the divine realm, while he is an ordinary human from the earth.

His answer this time was related to his future relationship with Di Honglei. If the answer dissatisfied him, the boat of friendship might capsize at the first moment.

"I come from a very special place. Before I came here, I was just an ordinary mortal, but strictly speaking, I do come from another world." Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and said.

If this girl doesn't discover anything, then of course she can continue to hide it. Making up some random excuse, but she had discovered something and probably confirmed it.

So there is no need to hide. Any further hiding is a kind of deception, and the biggest barrier between friends, especially friends with good relationships, is deception.

"Well! You, you mean, you are not from the upper world, but from a strange mortal world?" Di Honglei asked.

"Yes, I come from a mortal world. There are no cultivators there, at least not that I know of." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Is he lying to himself? Didn't he really come from the upper world like Sha Tian and come to take over their world?

"Zhou Tianfeng, do you dare to swear by the way of heaven?"

"I can swear to God that before I came to this world, I was really just an ordinary mortal. Even for my own food and clothing, I had to commute to and from get off work every day, living very hard and hard." Zhou Tianfeng said indifferently.

What he said was the truth, without any deception, so Di Honglei, will you tell me the truth?

"I know, let me tell you! As soon as we left the New Immortal World, Master Celestial stopped my father and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and told some things that happened to you. You have never experienced Heaven. "Jie, and some strange things about you, Master Tianxing concluded that you are not from this world." Di Honglei said.

Since Zhou Tianfeng treats her with sincerity, then she will also treat him with sincerity and tell Zhou Tianfeng everything. The oath made by heaven can never be false.

"You mean the Heavenly Star master discovered that I am not from this world? He discovered it from the Heavenly Tribulation."

"She didn't get suspicious at first. It wasn't until you told her that she didn't have a heavenly tribulation that she became suspicious. The situation of not having a heavenly tribulation is very special. The heavenly tribulation can be said to be a kind of recognition and test for you by the Tao of this world, but you Having not experienced this kind of test, and coupled with your very special physical fitness, Master Tianxing felt that you, like Shaitian, were also a threat to this world, so she suggested that my father and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor join him in taking action. Your new Immortal World is sealed." Di Honglei said.

? ? ?

Damn it, damn it, after a long time, it turned out that one of my own was stabbed by me.

When Zhou Tianfeng heard this, he was immediately angry. Did you make a mistake? I worked hard to help you. Even without some of my plans, you couldn't hold on at all.

The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor will not exist, nor will the Immortal Emperor or the weapons of the Celestial Master.

I tried my best to help you, but what you wanted to do was to seal me away. After a long time, I became an outsider.

After working on it for a long time, the Immortal Emperor zombie I created did not find the wrong target. These two guys were very serious about finding the real enemy.

Your sister, Master Tianxing, I will go to the Ancient Immortal Domain to kill you right now. Zhou Tianfeng became more and more angry as he thought about it, and immediately turned around and wanted to go to the Ancient Immortal Domain.

Kill someone directly, without mercy.

"Don't get me wrong! In the end, both the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and my father were on your side, especially the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. He was firmly on your side. When Master Tianxing proposed to seal you, he even Draw your sword against Master Tianxing." Di Honglei grabbed Zhou Tianfeng very anxiously and said with a pleading look on his face.

Leaving with such murderous intent, he knew what he wanted to do without even thinking about it.

If he is allowed to leave, Master Tianxing will be dead, and even the Immortal Emperor who is guarding him will also die.

"Since they don't want to seal me, why is my new Immortal World still sealed? Does that make any sense?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Are you an idiot? If my father and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor really cooperated with Master Tianxing, it would not be as simple as just sealing you in the new Immortal World. Your cultivation level as a Golden Immortal back then must really be done with all your strength. If they took action, the kid would have been killed long ago. The final result of the three people's discussion was to stay put until the matter of Sha Tian was dealt with.

After defeating or killing Sha Tian, ​​look at your attitude. Do you want to occupy this world just like Sha Tian? " Di Honglei said.

"So! As soon as you left, Master Tianxing came back and sealed me, right?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Now I can confirm that it was indeed Master Tianxing who sealed you, but my father and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor never expected that she could seal the new Immortal World alone, and she also sent two Immortal Emperor-level puppets to kill you. " Di Honglei said.

She was also a little shameless about what Tianxing Master did. She promised well, but in the end she stabbed him in the back.

And you have such a powerful Immortal Emperor puppet, why didn’t you use it on the battlefield during that big war? Several Immortal Emperors died in the battle, including those who flew to the prehistoric realm of the Immortal World.

If you don't use these two Immortal Emperor puppets to ambush Zhou Tianfeng, but place them on the battlefield, then the ending might change.

Two Immortal Emperor-level existences can indeed influence the situation of the battle, but Master Tianxing actually used these two Immortal Emperor puppets to seal Zhou Tianfeng.

"You mean, you didn't guess until I showed up here and told you that the two Immortal Emperor puppets were looking for Master Tianxing. It was Master Tianxing who sealed me behind my back." Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"That's right! Back then, my father and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor carefully inspected your sealing barrier. They found that it was covered with the power of darkness, so the two of them guessed that it was the work of evil spirits, and they were together at the time. I tried to break your barrier, but failed." Di Honglei said.

"Don't worry. I will keep your father's kindness to you and Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal in mind, and I will thank you deeply in the future. But now I am going to settle the accounts with Master Tianxing, so don't stop me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The actions of the Huang Immortal Emperor and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor made Zhou Tianfeng more pleased. If these two people also agree to seal themselves, then screw you. If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust.

"No! Master Tianxing, as well as my father and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, are now the heroes of the entire upper world. If they had not taken the lead in resisting desperately, our world would have fallen.

If you go to kill Master Tianxing now, there will definitely be many Immortal Emperors coming to stop you. Even if you can kill them, what will be the consequences? Our world will be completely destroyed, and you will become the target of public criticism. " Di Honglei said.

"Then you mean, I'm just going to swallow this breath? Are you even going to pretend that you don't know the seniors and call each other seniors?" Zhou Tianfeng said very dissatisfied.

"Now the combat effectiveness of both sides has finally reached a balance point. Zhou Tianfeng, if you join in, then this balance point will be broken, and our side's victory will be tilted."

"Hong Lei, if you believe me, just let me go and kill Master Tianxing. I guarantee you that Shatian Palace will never become a threat. I can deal with them." Zhou Tianfeng said.

The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and the Huang Immortal Emperor were indeed seriously injured, but as long as I intervene in the new Immortal World and use the original power to repair their bodies, they should be fine. The original power of the new Immortal World is not enough. I just use Virus Space.

And soon the daughter of Heavenly Venerable will come down. By then, I will have another Transcendent Level combat force on my side. The lack of a Heavenly Star Master will not matter at all.

He has not been idle in the New Immortal World for 15,000 years. Using the original energy of the New Immortal World, he has successfully condensed a pure female Immortal Emperor body, which can be obtained by the daughter of the Heavenly Venerable from the lower world anytime and anywhere. A physical body.

"You, are you doing this to be too advantageous to Master Tianxing? She framed you and harmed you so much, don't you want her reputation to be ruined?" Di Honglei said.

"???Tell me."

"You can change your identity, hide your true identity, and then appear as another Immortal Emperor who has just broken through the realm. I am planning from it, and then we will expose all the evil deeds of Master Tianxing, let her be ruined, and transform from the high savior , and became a street rat despised by everyone." Di Honglei said.

She was in a hurry now, so she came up with such a seemingly ridiculous method. To be honest, she didn't know what to do.

But what she didn't expect was that Zhou Tianfeng actually agreed.

"That's right! Killing her now will indeed give her an advantage. Then do what you want. I will appear as another new Immortal Emperor, and then we will find a way to ruin her reputation, and finally kill her." Zhou Tianfeng said.

This silly girl! Forget it, I'll give you a step down.

And this plan is still feasible.

(End of chapter)

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