Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 246 The Situation Of The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor

Chapter 246 The Situation of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor

The bastard Zhou Tianfeng left without saying a word. He was originally going to negotiate with the demon clan. But it turned out that it had been more than 1,700 years since she left, and her two children had been raised by her. This guy just came back.

Mo Yunqi's eyes were filled with mist, and she kept beating Zhou Tianfeng with her small fists, venting her dissatisfaction.

Over the past 1,700 years, if the two Qilin ancestors hadn't kept up with her son, she wouldn't be where she is now.

"Sorry, I fell into a deep retreat to adapt to the demonic energy there when I first arrived in the Black Demon World. The result was 200 years.

As a result, 200 years later, the Evil Rebellion occurred, and I finally made it to the Primordial Territory. I planned to go back to find you? As a result, various unexpected things happened again, and I was trapped in one place for more than 15,000 years. I just left you more than 1,700 years ago. But you have left me for more than 15,000 years. Zhou Tianfeng hugged Mo Yunqi and said.

"I know that the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor took us to the New Immortal World to reunite with you, but the New Immortal World was sealed. When the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor came back, he said that it was sealed by the evil power of darkness. ." Mo Yunqi pushed Zhou Tianfeng away and said.

At that time, I thought that the husband and wife could be reunited, and my man even became the master of the world, with an extremely noble status.

But who could have imagined that he would be sealed in the new Immortal World. This child Tianlin has been practicing hard with the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor for these years, and finally reached the Profound Immortal realm.

And his goal has always been to find a way to break the seal and meet his father.

"Yes, I was indeed sealed in the fresh world, and it was in the acceleration of time, so 1,500 years have passed in your outside world, but I have been in it for a full 15,000 years, and my cultivation has been all the way to the Immortal Emperor realm." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You, you, your cultivation has reached the realm of Immortal Emperor?" Mo Yunqi looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked with a look of disbelief.

"It surprises you, right? But I have indeed cultivated to the realm of Immortal Emperor. How should I put it? Now you man, I am also one of the most Apex Level people in the six realms. Ordinary Immortal Emperors are no match for me. " Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's great. We were worried all day long because of the threat from the evil spirits. Now that you're back, we finally have a backbone." Mo Yunqi said.

My man is now an Immortal Emperor, the most Apex Level existence among several worlds. Can I become a diva or a fairy queen?

"I came back this time just to meet you secretly, but my identity cannot be revealed in public yet. This time, I will appear as a false identity, an Immortal Emperor who has been in seclusion for many years." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"?? Why do you want to hide your identity? You are a great hero. Many Immortal Emperors and Immortal Kings know about you. It is you who brought several magic weapons. Otherwise, our world would not be the same at all. There is no chance of winning," Mo Yunqi said.

In recent years, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor has spared no effort to help Zhou Tianfeng promote it. Although Zhou Tianfeng himself has not appeared in any big scenes in the Six Realms, his reputation is still very high.

He is now back as the Immortal Emperor, which can be said to be a shot in the arm, which will greatly boost the morale of the resistance army. The appearance of Zhou Tianfeng when the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, the Desolate Immortal Emperor, and Master Tianxing were seriously injured and dormant , there will definitely be great achievements.

Moreover, the current Nantian old team can be Zhou Tianfeng's support and help him achieve something.

"Under normal circumstances, this is indeed the best. I have returned as an Immortal Emperor, but you may not know that the person who sealed me in the new Immortal World is not Sha Tian at all, but Master Tianxing. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? How is this possible? Master Tianxing is a highly respected senior! She, why would she attack you and even seal the new Immortal World? It doesn't make sense!" Mo Yunqi asked with a puzzled look on her face. .

His own child, Zhou Tianlin, was with the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and he once met Master Tianxing. Master Tianxing valued Zhou Tianlin very much, and even gave him some secret techniques.

How could it be Zhou Tianfeng who she sealed? Zhou Tianfeng is the main force in resisting evil spirits!

Even if it weren't for the two magic weapons brought by Zhou Tianfeng, she and the Immortal Emperor would not have the ability to severely damage Sha Tian.

"How should I put it? It's troublesome to explain! Master Tianxing thought that I was also a threat, even as threatening as Sha Tian, ​​so he took it upon himself to seal me away. If it weren't for some accidents that I didn't know about, I wouldn't have even I also suspect that it was Sha Tian who attacked me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Is this unreasonable? She, how could she do this? Tianfeng, you don't have to worry, you go to the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and tell him about this, he will definitely help you." Mo Yunqi said.

"It's not like you don't know the state of Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal right now, and with my current strength, if I want, I can directly kill Master Tianxing, but doing so would be too cheap for her. You may not know that she will The corpses of some fallen Immortal Emperors in the ancient Immortal World were made into a kind of Immortal Emperor puppet, and she used this kind of puppet to sneak attack me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What? Immortal Emperor realm puppet, what you said, I remembered, just one day ago. The two ancestors left the Qilin tribe territory together and went to the hermitage of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, saying they were going Guarding the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, it is said that two zombie-level Immortal Emperors in the ancient Immortal Domain attacked there." Mo Yunqi said.

Zhou Tianfeng was helpless. Then he told Mo Yunqi all the ins and outs of the matter.

"So what you're saying is? During these 15,000 years, you have carried forward the secret skills you learned in the past, and now you can refine Immortal Emperor-level zombies, and those two Immortal Emperor-level puppets are your raw materials. , you asked them to kill the person who attacked you, but the two of them went to the Ancient Immortal Domain. Because of this, you are sure that Master Tianxing attacked you, right?" Mo Yunqi asked.

Her brain was a little bit shut down. The whole story was like this. Master Tianxing actually took action against her husband for such a ridiculous reason.

hateful! This is their Nantian lineage, they will never tolerate it like this, they must regain their position.

The Fire Qilin clan has a bad temper, and even as a woman, Mo Yunqi's temper is not much better.

"Now that the Celestial Immortal Emperor is seriously injured, it's better not to disturb the Immortal Emperor. I can handle this myself." Zhou Tianfeng put his wife in his arms and said.

"Hmph! The Huang Immortal Emperor and the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor did fall into a deep sleep, but who told you that the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor also fell into a deep sleep? The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor has the original energy of the New Immortal World, probably Just half a year ago, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor had woken up, but was relatively weak," Mo Yunqi said.

Among the three, the Immortal Emperor is the strongest in terms of combat power, but in terms of foundation, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor is the strongest. After all, there is a new Heavenly World behind it.

"Oh! Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal has woken up. How is he doing now?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The two ancestors said that the situation is not very good, but it is much stronger than Tianxing Master and Huang Immortal Emperor, but it also requires thousands of years of cultivation." Mo Yunqi said.

"What do you mean? Let me go to Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal and tell him about this matter? Then let Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal help." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's right, don't worry, you can trust Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal absolutely. Even if you want to seek revenge from Master Tianxing and expose her true colors, you can discuss it with Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal first," Mo Yunqi said.

"I'm worried that the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor will prevent me from taking revenge. After all, this is a personal grudge and cannot be magnified to the entire realm." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Okay, then the people in the clan won't tell them either?" Mo Yunqi asked.

"I will tell you one now." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Although Emperor Nan Celestial Immortal has regained consciousness now, his condition is not very good. Let him continue to recuperate!

The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, Huang Immortal Emperor and others all knew that Master Tianxing wanted to seal him.

But Mo Yunqi and the others didn't know, that is to say, the two of them did not leak this matter.

After this stabbing in the back, Zhou Tianfeng learned one thing, that is, sometimes don't trust others easily.

"By the way, I see that your current cultivation level has reached the realm of gods. If you want to become a queen after practicing hard, you must at least have the cultivation level of an Immortal King." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Yes! I will definitely become the Immortal King." Mo Yunqi said.

Zhou Tianfeng is now the master of a realm, and his status is naturally rising. If he gives himself a little source of spiritual energy, it will be a matter of course for him to break through to the realm of Immortal King.

The only pity is that it can't be announced yet, but it's just time. For immortal-level existences like them, the most indispensable thing is time.

"Would you like to check out my new Immortal World?" Zhou Tianfeng said.


Zhou Tianfeng smiled, hugged Mo Yunqi and activated his space ability, directly entering the new Immortal World.

"Here, the spiritual energy here is so abundant! It is stronger than the Heart Heavenly World and the Flying Immortal World. It is not even inferior to the ancient Immortal Domain." Mo Yunqi felt the concentration of spiritual energy in the new Immortal World and said.

"Well, of course, after I take care of Master Tianxing, you can live here." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Well! By the way, do you want to see your two children?" Mo Yunqi asked.

"The child is just a gift, but actually you are the one I want to see the most." Zhou Tianfeng smiled, stretched out his hands and started groping up and down Mo Yunqi's body.

Please, I've been holding it in for more than ten thousand years. Why do you think I brought you here?

"Haha, then let me serve the Immortal Emperor as a concubine!" Mo Yunqi smiled charmingly, put her arms around Zhou Tianfeng's neck and said.

Luo Heavenly World, in the palace of Queen Ruoxi.

"Master Shenjun, what are your orders?" Queen Ruoxi knelt on the ground and said.

"How is the situation in Shatian now?"

(End of chapter)

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