Chapter 258 Killing Ruoxi

hehe! Do you want to take an oath?

I just won't let you stand. I'm here just to fight with you, or to kill you.

"Hahaha! You, the dark clan, come from the upper world. Who doesn't know your details? With your history in heaven, I don't even know your real names. I'm not even sure if you will be able to fulfill your destiny in one day. Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Swearing by the way of heaven is the most accurate, you can trust me completely." Queen Ruoxi said.

"Do you completely believe in you? Do you completely believe that your dark clan will occupy this world and massacre everyone in this world? Don't think that I don't know what you are doing. You want to occupy this origin plane. Then take this place Transformed into the Dark Realm, all living creatures will die by then, including those who have taken refuge in you." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Wait, how did this guy know about this? This secret should only be known to people in the upper world. Could it be that this guy comes from the upper world?

"I don't understand what you are talking about. There are great benefits to joining our clan. After our clan transforms into the Dark Realm in the future, all of you can live here. After Ascension, you can directly join the Dark God Clan. Why not do it? What?" Queen Ruoxi said.

"Bah! If others don't know what you are doing, how can I still not know? I have just made it very clear. I know everything you have done, so there is no need to hide it from me. We are simply fighting to the death. In this situation, those fools who take refuge in you will only be abandoned by you in the end and will die." Zhou Tianfeng said decisively.

"How did you know?" Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Queen Ruoxi simply asked with a gloomy face.

What is the origin of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor in front of me?

How does he know so many things? Only the Heavenly Venerable in the upper realm should know these things. The Heavenly Venerable in the upper realm must have intervened and told them some truth.

It stands to reason that if there are many Heavenly Venerables interfering in the affairs of the original plane, then they should abandon this original plane.

But the words of the Dark Lord forced her to continue to attack this place.

"To tell you the truth, Heavenly Venerable. I have noticed your movements thousands of years ago, and specially trained the Huang Immortal Emperor, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor, and me to deal with you, but I wanted to break through the Immortal Emperor. Realm, so I missed the last battle, otherwise Shaitian should be dead, but I guess he is almost alive now! I don’t believe that Shaitian still has any fighting power." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Then it's useless for us to talk more. Let's see the real skills under my hands. I want to see what your new Immortal Emperor is capable of." Queen Ruoxi pulled out a long black whip and threw it directly at Zhou Tianfeng.

Now that the other party already knows everything, he will definitely not be kind this time.

Queen Ruoxi took action this time and went all out, mobilizing all the dark power in her body in an attempt to severely injure or even kill Zhou Tianfeng with one blow.

But what is Zhou Tianfeng's current strength? An ordinary Immortal Emperor is not worth mentioning in his eyes. Adrenaline and Heavenly Rage Battle Body were directly activated. With the blessing of Immortal Emperor level strength, the vision of Heavenly Rage Battle Body reached an unprecedented level.

The crimson flames of war dyed the sky of the entire Luo Heavenly World. Zhou Tianfeng's whole body shone brightly. Since the birth of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, there has never been an Immortal Emperor-level existence.

Special physiques are not easy to appear. After they appear, they have to go through various tests and tribulations. Whether they can survive is still one thing. There are very few people who can successfully grow into Immortal Golden Immortal and Immortal King.

Therefore, in this world, there has never been an Immortal Emperor of Heavenly Rage Battle Body, and Zhou Tianfeng became the first Opening Heaven.

This is the first time to use Heavenly Rage Battle Body after breaking through the Immortal Emperor realm, with the blessing of the Immortal Emperor's law. Zhou Tianfeng's whole body is full of strength, and this strength is further strengthened in the adrenaline mode.

After just a face-to-face confrontation, Queen Ruoxi flew backwards. Zhou Tianfeng could see through all her attacks regardless of her physical defense or moves.

I wonder what will happen if I cast Kirin Law Manifestation in this state? But after thinking about it, Zhou Tianfeng still did not use the Qilin Law Manifestation. After all, his current identity cannot be exposed. He is just an ordinary Immortal Emperor. There must be no trace of a Taoist master here!

"Damn it! Dark Spirit Sword!" Queen Ruoxi flew out and snorted coldly. She waved an extremely dark sword with her right hand and appeared, then turned into a black light and attacked Zhou Tianfeng.

This black sword is of Divine Weapon level.

Zhou Tianfeng did not dare to be careless, and a crimson armor appeared on the surface of his body. This was the Divine Weapon that Heavenly Venerable built for him in the previous time and space.

Then he waved his left hand, and a dark blue spear appeared and attacked Queen Ruoxi. This spear was made by Yun Tianshuang for him.

Now Zhou Tianfeng has no shortage of Divine Weapon-level weapons.

Queen Ruoxi wanted to kill herself with the Divine Weapon attack, which was simply a wishful thinking. The black sword light collided with Zhou Tianfeng's armor, making a clanking sound, and then flew back.

"I'm afraid you are just wishful thinking if you want to break my armor. Since I dare to deal with you, I have already made all preparations. Queen Ruoxi, you are dead today and no one can save you." Zhou Tianfeng held a hand in his hand. The blue spear, wearing armor, charged at Queen Ruoxi. She didn't give the opponent a chance to breathe, and attacked fiercely with all her moves.

Even though she possesses the power of darkness, with her current physical body, Queen Ruoxi cannot exert much power. Her combat power is stronger than that of an ordinary Immortal Emperor, and she cannot pose any threat to Zhou Tianfeng at all.

However, dealing with the Heavenly Rage Battle Body reminded her of a person, a small chess piece that she had played casually.

However, that boy has the bloodline of the Qilin clan, and no matter how much he improves his cultivation, he will never surpass the Immortal King. He has not even reached the strength of the Immortal King. It is impossible to become such a powerful Immortal Emperor.

Shaking her head, Queen Ruoxi continued to resist Zhou Tianfeng's attack. This boy's strength simply exceeded her imagination!

This level of combat power is definitely not much worse than that of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and the Huang Immortal Emperor. If he had participated in that battle, Sha Tian wouldn't even be able to save his soul.

Under Zhou Tianfeng's fierce offensive. Queen Ruoxi was quickly defeated, gritted her teeth, and Queen Ruoxi launched her own special skill. I want to absorb the seeds I planted in various realms before, and then replenish my vitality.

Over the past 1,000 years, she has created several similar clones through the previous methods. Although the strength of these clones is not very high, sucking them over can at least temporarily improve her strength.

However, after activating her secret soul-absorbing technique, Queen Ruoxi's expression changed and she looked at Zhou Tianfeng with a livid face.

"I have been waiting for your move for a long time. Do you think you can still get out now? The entire Luo Heavenly World has been blocked by me." Zhou Tianfeng said with a sneer.

Just when he used the magnetic field to clear the area, Zhou Tianfeng sealed the entire Heavenly World. In order to prevent the Queen Ruoxi from escaping, he even secretly released two zombie Immortal Emperors.

"Are you sure you want to go against me, the Dark Clan? Let me tell you that the situation in the upper world is not as simple as you think. Do you think a small time and space Heavenly Venerable can protect you? Heavenly Venerable is not considered in the upper world. What, why not join my clan of darkness?" Queen Ruoxi said.

"Now that things have happened, do you still want to lie to me? If you, the Dark Clan, had the ability to transform our lower realm races into the Dark God Clan, you would have done it long ago. Why bother? After all, your purpose is to add new ones. clan members." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"It's exactly what you said, but after you ascend to the upper realm of Ascension, I can introduce you to the life of the Dark Clan. Our Dark Clan also has some practitioners who came up from Ascension in the lower realm to join us.

The cultivation environment of the last session is different from what you think. There are many gods and races, and many of them have bad intentions towards the cultivators of the next session. "The Queen of Heaven Ruoxi said while resisting Zhou Tianfeng's attack with all her strength.

"It's useless to talk more! Since you know that I was arranged by Heavenly Venerable, do you think I don't know about the situation in the Divine Domain? In the Divine Domain, you Divine Level forces don't treat the Ascensioners as human beings at all. Ascensioners The powerful Heavenly Venerables only occupy some broken divine realms.

I don’t need to worry about where I will go in the future. It’s time to send you on your way. "

After Zhou Tianfeng finished speaking, he ducked in front of Queen Ruoxi, grabbed her neck, and lifted her up high. At the same time, he waved the blue spear in his hand, stabbing her to the core.

"Ahem! You will regret it. The Dark Clan, the Dark God Lord, and even a few Divine Kings will not let you go, a little monk from the lower world. Someone else will come." Queen Ruoxi said.

"You don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Do you think you can really kill me? Let me tell you, this is just a split soul of mine. The existence of our Divine Domain means that people from the God Clan cannot come to the lower realm at all. When you reach the upper realm, I will kill you with my own hands. Queen Ruoxi said with a cold face.

"It's not yet certain who will kill whom. I hope you will remember what I said today." Zhou Tianfeng snorted coldly, stirring the blue spear, directly destroying the body of Queen Ruoxi, and then issued a slash, killing Queen Ruoxi. His soul was severely damaged.

The consciousness of her split soul was completely wiped out. In fact, if Zhou Tianfeng wanted to, he could use the power of the virus space to suck the split soul of Queen Ruoxi into the virus space.

But doing so will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the Divine King of the Dark Clan, so killing her by normal means and returning to the Dark Clan is the best option.

After killing Queen Ruoxi, Zhou Tianfeng waved away the seal of Luo Heavenly World, and then took back the two zombie Immortal Emperors into the new Immortal World.

Then he began to take over the entire Luo Heavenly World and told Di Honglei the news.

"The Queen Ruoxi was killed by me!"

(End of chapter)

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