Chapter 264 Relocating the Immortal Star

With 60% of the original energy, no one can compete with him for the position of the master of the original Immortal World.

After becoming the Lord of the original Immortal World. There are many benefits to be gained from Zhou Tianfeng. First and foremost, the aura of the original Immortal World. Flying in realms like Immortal World or Heavenly World is more than ten times.

The concentration of spiritual energy alone crushes all realms, even my own, the New Immortal World is far behind.

And after the original Immortal World plane is restored, Zhou Tianfeng will have greater room for maneuver. Here, he can improve his cultivation first, and when the time comes to go to the Divine Domain, he will not be too passive. He has suffered enough from his insufficient cultivation.

Due to insufficient cultivation, he is unable to do anything, and is even easily manipulated and controlled by some powerful people.

Why don't I stay there and improve my cultivation? Moreover, if you give yourself enough time, you should be able to perfect the method of gravitational magnetic field.

When the time comes to hold two original Tao spaces, your safety will be guaranteed. A Tao master can create a divine world with his own Tao space, and with two Tao original spaces, he can create two Spirit world.

"Feilong Immortal Emperor, or Lord Zhou Tianfeng, do you have any plans for me to take over the Heavenly World now?" Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor asked.

He also took the oath of heaven and handed over his soul mark. Now his fate is determined by the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. Whether he lives or dies, and even whether he makes money or loses in the future, all depends on this flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

"Don't worry. Are you still flying in the Immortal World? I want you to first contact the other two Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World and find out what they say." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I understand! Just leave this matter to me. I will ask the other two Immortal Emperors what they want." The Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor nodded and said.

"Don't expose it too obviously. Just ask them from the side about their attitude towards the ancient Immortal Domain Master Tianxing. You should understand what I mean, right?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

One cannot become fat in one go, so some things must be done slowly. The three Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World are not in a hurry now. They have already subdued a flower spirit Immortal Emperor this time.

Zhou Tianfeng was very satisfied this time. The remaining two Immortal Emperors wanted to test their voices first.

"Who does the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor think I am? I will naturally know this kind of thing. I will not tell anyone the secrets between us. I will ask them some things from the side, and then tell some of my guesses Let me tell you, as for how to judge and how to conquer them, it is your business." Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor said.

"If I give you two more magic weapons and let you hand them over to the two Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World, are you sure you can convince them alone?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor is joking. He can cultivate to the Immortal Emperor realm. Which one is the most economical lamp? I am conquered by you this time. A large part of the reason is because of your strength and the bargaining chip you have shown. If I lead it alone If you go with the magic weapon, the biggest possibility is that you will be suspected or even besieged by the two of them." The flower spirit Immortal Emperor rolled his eyes and said.

This flying dragon Immortal Emperor takes some things too much for granted. Do you think these Immortal Emperors are all fuel-efficient lamps? Let me convince them. I will go there with the magic weapon, and my cultivation level is similar to others. Maybe the two of them will besiege me, and then kill people and seize the treasure.

"They shouldn't dare to besiege you! If you name Heavenly Venerable in the upper realm, you will say that you are the same as the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor. Do they dare to embarrass you?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

After the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor revealed these things, it didn't seem to attract anyone's attention, right?

"If I had a realm of my own, where I could mobilize my original energy, and my cultivation was half a step beyond that of the Immortal Emperor, then I would naturally have the confidence. But unfortunately I don't, I am just an ordinary Immortal Emperor. Even his skill is not outstanding among the Immortal Emperors." Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor said.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded. It seemed that he had to take action on this matter himself. Otherwise, he would have to bring the finishing touches to the flower spirit Immortal Emperor. But the original Immortal World has not yet been restored, so it is still unrealistic to upgrade her to the Great Principle realm.

"Go down and arrange the things I tell you! The fairy star where the Jade Water Heavenly Palace is located must be settled soon. When you notify me, I will open the Heavenly World plane channel and guide the fairy star. Come here." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I understand, please rest assured Fei Long Immortal Emperor."

After talking to the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor for a while and understanding his situation, Zhou Tianfeng cut through the space and returned directly to Luo Heavenly World.

Then he began to wait quietly. It must be said that the efficiency of an Immortal Emperor is quite high. In just a few days, Hualing Immortal Emperor notified Zhou Tianfeng.

The fairy star at Jade Water Heavenly Palace has been prepared, and the Jade Water Heavenly Palace disciples, as well as people related to them, are all concentrated on the fairy star at Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

Other disciples from various sects who were preparing to go to Luo Heavenly World, and those who wanted to quit their sects and become Independent Cultivators, were all captured by the private armies of various Immortal Emperors.

The relocation is currently being carried out in an orderly manner. All the monks have now recognized the reality. This relocation to Heavenly World was negotiated by several Immortal Emperors, and they little shrimps have no room to resist.

You can only accept it passively. If you don't accept it, you are disobeying the Immortal Emperor's will. The thought of the Immortal Emperor will make your soul fly away.

After communicating with the spirit of the flower spirit Immortal Emperor across the air, Zhou Tianfeng immediately opened the passage to the Heavenly World. The flower spirit Immortal Emperor, who was far away in the Immortal World, also used his great magic power to wrap the entire The fairy star where Jade Water Heavenly Palace is located slowly sends it into Luo Heavenly World.

There are now hundreds of thousands of people in the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. The original disciples of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace were only tens of thousands, but all the people related to these disciples are now concentrated here by the flower spirit Immortal Emperor, so they were teleported here. There are a lot of people.

All the disciples, and even some of the disciples' relatives, fell into silence as they looked at the two huge figures in the sky. Is this a powerful man of the Immortal Emperor level?

Crossing one realm and moving them all like immortal stars into another realm, what a huge feat this is!

"What's this called? I thought that by leaving the sect and becoming an Independent Cultivator, I wouldn't have to go to Luo Heavenly World. But in the end, everyone who had anything to do with our Jade Water Heavenly Palace disciples was sent here." Shui Yun He said with a speechless expression.

"Don't say that, Shuiyun. Didn't we just watch an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse take action? Look at how big a move it was to move our entire fairy star from the Immortal World to the Luo Heavenly World. And I also heard that the flying dragon Immortal Emperor uses ten Apex Level fairy stars.

We exchanged the fairy star where our Jade Water Heavenly Palace is with the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor. "A female cultivator looked at Shui Yun and said.

"This time may be a blessing or a curse. Think about it, this is an Immortal Emperor-level boss, and he can kill Queen Ruoxi head-on.

Think about it, why would the other party trade ten Apex Level fairy stars for this ordinary fairy star from our Jade Water Heavenly Palace? We also ask all the disciples of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, and even the family members and friends of these disciples to come there. "Ming Yanshang said.

Looking at the two figures in the sky who had grown tens of thousands of times in size, she could guess with her toes who the mastermind behind this incident was. Needless to say? Of course it’s that guy Zhou Tianfeng.

What a generous act! We disciples of Jade Water Heavenly Palace are reluctant to part with this fairy star, so you can exchange ten Apex Level fairy stars with the flower spirit Immortal Emperor, and directly move the fairy star where our Jade Water Heavenly Palace is located to Luo Heavenly World. .

This huge movement did not last long, and soon the fairy star where Jade Water Heavenly Palace was located completely entered Luo Heavenly World. Zhou Tianfeng specially selected a place with very abundant spiritual energy, and next to the fairy star, There are also three blank Apex Level fairy stars.

"You disciples of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, I am the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. I have a very good relationship with a senior in your sect. This time it is me who makes the decision to move the fairy star where Jade Water Heavenly Palace is located into my Luo Heavenly World. Among them, you can rest assured.

The cultivation environment and resources here are several times more than what you are flying in the Immortal World. There are three blank fairy stars around it. The resources above are at your disposal. No one will invade you. You will be protected by me from now on. "Zhou Tianfeng appeared in front of everyone in the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, and the Immortal Emperor's pressure was fully activated, floating above everyone's heads. He said.

After bringing someone here, you should at least show up and explain.

Ming Yanshang stood in the crowd, looked at the superior Zhou Tianfeng, and rolled his eyes, this kid is so stinky!

However, the senior you are talking about should be me, but I am not a senior. In Jade Water Heavenly Palace, my seniority is considered to be very low.

"I thank Feilong Immortal Emperor." All the disciples of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, as well as relatives related to the disciples of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, all knelt on the ground and thanked Zhou Tianfeng.

"You're welcome, I just do it for the sake of an old friend." Zhou Tianfeng said.

But when everyone at Jade Water Heavenly Palace heard this, they looked at me and I looked at you.

All right! So that’s it, why did this Immortal Emperor spend so much money to move our entire fairy planet here?

But this seems to be good. With a strong man at the level of the Immortal Emperor protecting them, even if the Shatian Palace comes to attack, the situation for myself and others seems to be much better than flying in the Immortal World. This time it is really a blessing in disguise.

"I have seen the Feilong Immortal Emperor. I am the current head of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, Ming Xin. I wonder which one of the seniors and I, Jade Water Heavenly Palace, are the same?" The contemporary head of Jade Water Heavenly Palace stood up and said very He came to Zhou Tianfeng respectfully, then bowed and asked.

"The name is not important, he is just an old friend, a senior of your Jade Water Heavenly Palace." Zhou Tianfeng said.

What the flying dragon Immortal Emperor said made her feel very strange! It is related to an old friend of theirs at Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

Who is the senior you are talking about? Among the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, you should be considered the oldest, right?

I am the eldest disciple of my master. Among the several junior sisters, she is also the eldest sister. In the entire Jade Water Heavenly Palace, the only one who is senior to me is my master. The only one who can be my senior is my master. .

And her master, there is no such thing as a sister. She was an Independent Cultivator back then. She practiced step by step from the mortal world. She did not have any powerful master, so she said that she was the number one in Jade Water Heavenly Palace. On behalf of the disciples.

So after thinking about it, he probably wasn't his junior sister, so there was only one possibility. That old friend, his senior, was his master.

And she knew very well what kind of person her master was. Many Immortal Kings were her master's subordinates back then, and they were fascinated by her master.

The reason why they, Jade Water Heavenly Palace, survived the death of their master was because of the protection of an Immortal King who had a very good relationship with their master.

And I heard that this flying dragon Immortal Emperor has only recently broken through the Immortal Emperor's cultivation level, even in order to break through the Immortal Emperor's cultivation level. He didn't even participate in the great war that year.

So Mingxin directly made up a picture in her mind, which was exactly the same as the idea of ​​the flower spirit Immortal Emperor. This flying dragon Immortal Emperor also had an unclear relationship with his master.

That's really good. Master, you and your fellow disciples haven't learned your ability to seduce men!

It is estimated that the reason why this person was the first to kill Queen Ruoxi after her debut must be partly due to her master!

After all, it can be said that his master died directly in the hands of Queen Ruoxi.

Master! Master! If you are still alive now.

You will immediately get the protection of an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse, and he is also the most Apex Level Immortal Emperor, the Lord of a Realm!

"Okay, you can practice here from now on!" Zhou Tianfeng glanced at his master, his wife, and Ming Yanshang in the crowd, and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor! The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor is very kind to me, Jade Water Heavenly Palace. Immortal Emperor should lack some maids to serve tea and water around him. I wonder if I, the disciple of Jade Water Heavenly Palace, can Immortal Emperor take a fancy to?" "Ming Xin stepped forward and said.

"Oh! You mean you want to select a few of your Jade Water Heavenly Palace disciples to be my maids?" Zhou Tianfeng asked with interest.

This is a good idea. Why didn't I think of it before? In this way, he can legitimately keep his two junior sisters and Ming Yanshang by his side.

"The Feilong Immortal Emperor has just become emperor. He probably doesn't even have his own palace. We Jade Water Heavenly Palace disciples can also help build it." Mingxin added.

Anyway, there are hundreds of thousands of people in Jade Water Heavenly Palace now, and they have nothing to do, so why not try to please this Immortal Emperor?

"That's okay. I will place another fairy star here later. You can help me build an Immortal Emperor's palace on top of that fairy star. As for the candidates for the maids, it is up to you to choose! Wait! After you choose, I will choose another one." Zhou Tianfeng said.

My own Immortal Emperor palace is built right next to the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, which seems pretty good too!

(End of chapter)

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