Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 28 Second Senior Brother: Corpse Puppet (Part 2)

Chapter 28: Second Senior Brother: Corpse Puppet (Part 2)

"This is where I store materials. To refine a Corpse Puppet, besides high-quality corpses, various materials are needed as well, such as medicinal herbs for refining corpses and the blood of Demonic Beasts." Nie Yingji pointed to a larger room and said.

Inside, there were numerous humanoid corpses covered in various talismans. Some were even wrapped in blood-red cloth, resembling mummies.

There were also some medicinal herbs that I couldn't recognize, and of course, some could only be obtained by suppressing them, all of which were highly toxic substances.

In addition to the corpses of the Human Race, there were also the corpses of Demonic Beasts.

"Second Senior Brother! Can you also use the corpses of Demonic Beasts to refine Corpse Puppets?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Yes! But usually, when Low-Level Demonic Beasts are brought here, we first drain their blood and then refine them into Corpse Puppets. However, the Corpse Puppets refined in this way have little spirituality and are generally treated as consumables or given as rewards to outer disciples." Second Senior Brother Nie Yingji said.

Alright! It seems that not only the Human Race but also Demonic Beasts can be used to refine Corpse Puppets. However, in terms of spirituality, the corpses of the Human Race should be better.

"Second... Second Senior Uncle, I... I'd rather not look." Cheng Xiaoyue covered her slightly reddened nose and spoke.

I can't stand it anymore, the pungent smell of blood and the stench of corpses. My nose is going to break.

"Oh! Good niece, your Second Uncle has just started. There are still many treasures I haven't shown you, such as the Iron Corpse Puppet and the Evil Corpse Puppet." Nie Yingji said.

"Second Senior Uncle, I think I'll focus on studying poison techniques in the future! Master, I'd like to leave first." the little girl said.

Cheng Xiaoyue's entire nose had turned red from the fumes. At this moment, she covered her nose with both hands, looking very uncomfortable.

"Go ahead, little girl. Master has already told you that you girls won't like this stuff, but you didn't listen." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Cheng Xiaoyue bowed to Blood Shadow Ancestor and quickly ran out of the room.

The pungent smell of blood and the rotting smell of internal organs in this room is really unbearable!

Damn it! If I, Second Senior Brother, were to make a horror movie on Earth, it would definitely be a hit. The level of disgust is comparable to that of American blockbusters!

Looking at Zhou Tianfeng's appearance, Blood Shadow Ancestor was quite satisfied. This was his first time in Second Junior Brother's room, and he was able to maintain such a calm demeanor. His mental resilience was strong!

However, the room of Second Junior Brother did have an unusually strong smell today. The usual smell of blood was tolerable, but the smell of blood today was too intense.

"Second Junior Brother, although your house usually has a strong smell of blood, it's not usually this intense. What happened today that made it so disgusting?" After the little girl left, Blood Shadow Ancestor looked at his second disciple and asked.

"You know, Master? Over a decade ago, I obtained two excellent corpses. Over the years, I used various precious materials and finally cultivated these two corpses. Recently, I collected a lot of fresh blood and planned to refine one of them into a Blood Corpse Puppet." Nie Yingji said.

"If you want to refine a Blood Corpse Puppet, it does indeed require a considerable amount of resources. Is there enough blood?" Blood Shadow Ancestor nodded and asked.

The Blood Corpse Puppet is different from ordinary Corpse Puppets. It is a more difficult type of Corpse Puppet to refine. During the refining process, not only does the original corpse material need to be perfect, but there is also a great demand for certain auxiliary materials.

As for these auxiliary materials, besides some Law Weapons and evil objects, a large amount of fresh blood is needed, whether it is the blood of the Human Race or the blood of Demonic Beasts.

"Isn't that right? A few days ago, those outer disciples were willing to come and donate some blood to me, and in return, I gave them some Demonic Beasts and low-level corpses. The blood was used to refine the Blood Puppet. But ever since Senior Brother left with a large number of disciples two months ago, I've been running out of blood. I had no choice but to use the blood of some Demonic Beasts as a substitute," Nie Yingji said.

The blood of ordinary mortals is of course not comparable to the blood of cultivators. In order to refine this Blood Puppet, my second senior brother made those outer disciples lose a lot of blood.

Damn, I thought you were killing people for their blood. It turns out you're just selling blood.

"There are also quite a few Independent Cultivators nearby who are affiliated with our Blood Shadow Sect. You can use the Blood Puppets you've refined to exchange for some blood from them. That should be enough," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Thank you, Master, for your concern. I have gathered enough blood. Now I just need to set up the formation and then I can start refining," Nie Yingji said.

He didn't want his master to worry about this matter. He had already solved the problem. As for the blood, he just had the outer disciples donate a little more and take some more medicine, and everything would be fine.

"Good! It's good that you've taken care of it yourself. If you can successfully refine the Blood Puppet, its combat power will be very strong," Blood Puppet has an extremely powerful invincibility characteristic, and it can also absorb blood to restore itself. In general, in battles with opponents of the same level, the Blood Puppet can drag them to death.

The combat power of the Blood Puppet is not as good as that of the Corpse Puppet, and its defense rate is not as good as that of the Iron Puppet.

But in terms of blood thickness and recovery rate, the Blood Puppet is quite formidable.

"Master, rest assured, I am fully confident. After this closed-door cultivation for forty-nine days, I will be able to refine this Blood Puppet," Nie Yingji said.

"As long as you are confident, that's good. There is one more thing I need you to arrange for me when Master came to find you," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Please tell me, Master. I will obey," Nie Yingji said.

For Nie Yingji, Blood Shadow Ancestor was like his reborn parents. He would definitely do his best to carry out any orders from his master.

"You, my little junior brother, have an extremely rare Transforming Poison Spirit Body. So I have the intention to cultivate you well. I want you to help your junior brother refine a Poison Puppet for self-defense," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

For this second disciple, he had great trust in him. Zhou Tianfeng's Transforming Poison Spirit Body could tell him the truth, but the growth-type spiritual root could not be mentioned.

"Master, could it be that my junior brother has the legendary Transforming Poison Spirit Body that can neutralize all poisons? He actually has such a heaven-defying special physique," Nie Yingji asked.

"Yes! Regarding the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, you must never tell anyone else. Otherwise, if the righteous sects find out, they will definitely not let your junior brother grow up, but instead try to kill him," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Master, rest assured, I will definitely protect my junior brother well. I will definitely refine the Poison Puppet for him," Nie Yingji said.

Having a Transforming Poison Spirit Body and controlling a Poison Puppet is indeed quite advantageous.

Coincidentally, he already had the ready-made materials.

"Then I thank you, Second Senior Brother," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Poison Puppet! The name sounds quite powerful. Do I need to come and visit and take a zombie back with me? A zombie that plays with poison.

Thanks to Xao Zhang, Forgetful-sama, Captain's Smile, and the three readers for their support with monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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