Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 284 Immortal Emperor Puppet Incident

Chapter 284 Immortal Emperor Puppet Incident

Hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, the Immortal Emperor did not dare to show any signs of indifference and spoke immediately.

"Reporting to the Lord, I asked sideways. The other two Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World are actually not very interested in Master Tianxing. In principle, the Lingming Immortal Emperor and the Sapphire Immortal Emperor are willing to surrender to the Lord. superior."

During these thousand years, he has not been idle, and has been asking the two Immortal Emperors sideways. No one in this world who can cultivate to the level of Immortal Emperor is a fool.

The Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor and the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor have been so close during this period, how could they not guess something?

The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor fell in love with the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor and wanted to marry her and make her the Queen of Heaven. Haha, this is simply impossible. They were both Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World, so they knew each other somewhat.

Although Hua Ling Immortal Emperor's fighting power and appearance are good, her 3,000-faced male favorite is not acceptable to another Immortal Emperor. It is absolutely impossible for Hua Ling Immortal Emperor to marry someone of the same realm.

Then the answer is obvious. For some reason, the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor took refuge in the Feilong Immortal Emperor. After a very tacit exchange of ideas and understanding the whole story, the two Immortal Emperors were not very averse to joining the Feilong Immortal Emperor's team in principle. .

why? Are there any benefits to following Master Tianxing? The answer is absolutely nothing!

In terms of cultivation resources, Master Tianxing will not give them advanced skills, nor will he teach them to them. He will only convey orders to them and tell them to do what they want.

So after contacting the flower spirit Immortal Emperor. With the promise of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, a divine weapon can break through the Great Principle in the future and help the Integrated Union original Immortal World. This is very powerful.

At least this flying dragon Immortal Emperor is not writing a blank check, but actually telling them what they want and what I can give you.

"So the two of them are also willing to take refuge in me, right?" Zhou Tianfeng thought for a moment and asked.

"Yes, under the current situation, as long as you are willing to fly to the Immortal World, my lord, you can gain the hearts of the two of them, but there are some things that you have to discuss in person." Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor said.

After all, I am just a subordinate. There are some things that I cannot overcome and I can persuade him to surrender, but I absolutely cannot promise him. Therefore, Zhou Tianfeng, the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, has to go there in person for specific matters.

"I understand, you should fly back to Heavenly World first. Find a time to invite the other two Immortal Emperors flying to Immortal World together, and then let me know, and I will naturally show up when the time comes." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Very good. Now that the two Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World have let go, Zhou Tianfeng can easily deal with them. Otherwise, he can only use force to solve them.

Of course, this force does not refer to his own action, but to the two zombie Immortal Emperors, and then he just needs to frame the incident and blame others.

Now, Zhou Tianfeng has absolute power and does not need to reason with others if necessary.

"I know, I will arrange for you, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, to meet the other two flying Immortal World Immortal Emperors as soon as possible." The flower spirit Immortal Emperor nodded and said.

The two chatted for a few more words, and then the flower spirit Immortal Emperor tore open the space tunnel and returned to the Immortal World.

The clone of the ancestor of the blood demon who played the role of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor also nodded to Zhou Tianfeng and returned to the Black Demon World.

The avatar of the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor has the same mind and heart as his own, just like one person controlling two characters, and there is no need for communication at all.

During this trip to the Ancient Immortal Domain, I gained quite a lot. At least I got a handle on Master Tianxing, and I also learned some secrets of the Ancient Immortal Domain.

After the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor's clone left, Zhou Tianfeng did not hesitate, returned to Luotian Street, and placed 14 Immortal Emperor puppets in the Immortal Emperor's palace in a grand manner.

This matter must be made known to the whole world, so that everyone can know about it.

"Master Immortal Emperor, what are these?" Immortal King, one of Zhou Tianfeng's subordinates, looked at the Immortal Emperor puppet in front of him and asked in surprise.

At the same time, this huge movement and the auras of 14 Immortal Emperor levels also attracted several other demon kings and Immortal Kings to Zhou Tianfeng's palace.

What did Feilong Immortal Emperor do when he went out this time? How could it bring 14 Immortal Emperors?

"I brought these back from the ancient Immortal Domain. So these Immortal Emperor puppets are temporarily stored here." Zhou Tianfeng said in a calm tone.

"Immortal Emperor, do you want us to tell the world?" A demon king asked cautiously.

The Demon King and the Immortal King are not fools. Zhou Tianfeng said so. They naturally know what their Immortal Emperor wants to do. He obviously wants to be married to Guxian Yu, and even go against Master Tianxing!

However, if these ancient Immortal Emperor puppets were really secretly made by Master Tianxing, then it would indeed be a bit untrue.

"Please rest assured, Immortal Emperor, just leave this matter to us. We will definitely tell the world about this matter so that everyone will know the virtues of the ancient Immortal Domain." Mingxin Immortal King said.

Her position as Immortal King, as well as all her status today, were given by the man in front of her. No matter who the enemy the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor was to face, he had only one path to choose, and that was to stand firmly on the side of the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor. Be there to support all his actions.

Several other demon kings and the Immortal King looked at each other and knelt on the ground, expressing their loyalty to Zhou Tianfeng.

"I am willing to follow the Immortal Emperor and swear allegiance to him to the death."

His own Immortal Emperor does have the strength to challenge the ancient Immortal Domain. First of all, Immortal Domain's most powerful person, Master Tianxing, was seriously injured. The other five Immortal Emperors.

To put it bluntly, it is not enough to defeat the flying dragon Immortal Emperor, and the flying dragon Immortal Emperor is not alone. The black Heavenly Demon Emperor, the soul-eating Monster Emperor, and the flower spirit Immortal Emperor flying in the Immortal World are all standing beside the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. On the Emperor's side.

"Well! We are all smart people, so I don't want to say anything more. You can handle this matter yourself." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Soon, the incident began to ferment. First, news came out in Luo Heavenly World that Master Tianxing of the ancient Immortal Domain used some unknown means to refine some of the dead Immortal Emperor's remains into Immortal Emperor puppets. And hidden in a mausoleum.

As a result, when the Feilong Immortal Emperor went to investigate the matter, he accidentally discovered the tomb and killed all the 14 Immortal Emperor puppets inside.

The incident caused an uproar. Refining the corpses of companions into puppets. This kind of thing. If you did it in the black Demon World, no one would say anything, but if you did it in the Heavenly World or the Immortal World, it would be a lot of fun, and this is not an ordinary corpse, this is the Immortal Emperor level. The corpses of several Immortal Emperors died in the last battle with the Shatian Palace.

If at that time. If Master Tianxing releases these Immortal Emperor puppets, will it change the situation of the war?

Flying the Immortal World, and the Immortal Emperors from the ancient Immortal Domain, don’t they have to die?

They don't even need Low Level monks. And those Immortal Kings join the fight. Because more than just that peerless formation, only nine Immortal Emperor-level masters are needed, and all nine Immortal Emperors can now be put together.

After all, there are 14 Immortal Emperor puppets, and not only that, the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor also placed these 14 Immortal Emperor puppets outside his palace. Any immortal with a little bit of cultivation can watch these Immortal Emperor puppets up close.

Suddenly, there was an endless stream of voices criticizing Master Tianxing and the Ancient Immortal Domain.

Immediately after, the two realms that erupted were the Flying Immortal World, the Black Demon World, and the Heavenly Beast World. Over the past thousand years, a little bit of recovery has been achieved.

The three Immortal Emperors flying in Immortal World also tacitly began to increase the influence of this incident. Let monks from all walks of life begin. Verbal attacks. Master Tianxing.

Even some ancient immortals in the ancient Immortal Domain had quite a lot of complaints about Master Tianxing's actions. These puppet Immortal Emperors, some of the Immortal Emperors from the ancient Immortal Domain once went over and took a closer look. All of them were famous figures in the ancient Immortal Domain, and they were all ancestors who died heroically in that war, but now their remains are being played with. How can this be tolerated?

In a secret room in the ancient Immortal Domain.

"This flying dragon Immortal Emperor is not a son of man, and he actually made this matter known to the world. Now our ancient Immortal Domain has become the target of public criticism. Many ancient immortals have even left the ancient Immortal Domain and gone to Life in another prison." An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain said angrily.

At that time, they originally thought that the flying dragon Immortal Emperor just collected these Immortal Emperor puppets and stored them secretly, but they did not expect that the flying dragon Immortal Emperor actually made it known to everyone.

"What is the purpose of the other party? Don't you still understand? This flying dragon Immortal Emperor obviously intends to go against our ancient Immortal Domain!" Another Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain said.

"Isn't it? Now the Luo Heavenly World is the realm that accepts the most immortals and Immortal Kings from our ancient Immortal Domain.

As long as the ancient Immortal King in the Immortal King realm is willing to live in Luo Heavenly World, he will be directly rewarded with three immortal stars, and other ancient immortals will also get a good place to practice.

This flying dragon Immortal Emperor obviously wants to destroy the roots of my ancient Immortal Domain. "

"Damn it, we clearly agreed on this at that time. When Master Tianxing wakes up, we will naturally give him an explanation. But what does he mean by doing this now?" The ancient Immortal Emperor who was negotiating with Zhou Tianfeng at that time said. .

"What else can we do? The situation is stronger than the people. According to the description you brought back, one person can easily deal with 14 Immortal Emperor puppets. This kind of combat power has reached the level of evil, and it is simply not something we can fight against."

"This may be a good thing. We are not fools, and we should be able to guess something. What do you think of these puppets of the ancient Immortal Emperor? Master Tianxing, does she really not know? Or maybe he did it." Finally An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain expressed his different opinions.

"Ge Tian! What do you mean by this? Merchant Tianxing has been so kind to us. How can you doubt Master Tianxing?"

"Shouldn't I be suspicious? One of those 14 Immortal Emperor puppets is my father!

Besides, what you said is totally unreasonable, okay? What does it mean that if Master Tianxing needs it, you can donate your body of Immortal Emperor?

Can an ordinary Immortal Emperor body really be refined into an Immortal Emperor level puppet? How to implement the laws of the Immortal Emperor level? How did the soul come from? "Ge Tian said.

He now seriously doubts that refining these Immortal Emperor puppets requires the use of Immortal Emperor level flesh bodies, as well as some Primordial Spirits that have fallen from the Immortal Emperor level, otherwise. There is no way to refine such an Immortal Emperor puppet.

If there was such a way, where would an Immortal Emperor only need a dog? By practicing secretly, you can continuously produce these Immortal Emperor puppets. By then, one Immortal Emperor can dominate all walks of life, and each person will have several Immortal Emperor puppets.

Moreover, if this method can really be mass-produced, Master Tianxing should tell them earlier. At that time, hundreds of Immortal Emperor puppets will be prepared to fly to the Immortal World, and there will also be the death of several Immortal Emperors in the ancient Immortal Domain.

In the last battle, three Immortal Emperors from their ancient Immortal Domain died.

"You! You," the other four Immortal Emperors were a little angry for a moment, even too angry to speak.

"Ge Tian! Do you want to join the Feilong Immortal Emperor?"

"I will wait, I will wait for Master Tianxing to wake up, and then see what he says. If he can't give me an explanation, then I will stand firmly on the side of the flying dragon Immortal Emperor. After all, those 14 Immortal Emperors My father is inside the puppet. No matter what, Master Tianxing will give me an explanation." Ge Tian said.

"Bold! If you dare to do this, the four of us will seal you here right now without the Master taking action." Another Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain became furious and said.

"Shut up! Foreign enemies are looking around. Do you still want to fight in the nest now?" The leader of the Ancient Immortal Domain Immortal Emperor said angrily.

"It's not enough to say anything. I'm saying goodbye. If you guys want to stop me, feel free to try." Ge Tian said.

The last time the zombie Immortal Emperor attacked, he was not present, so his strength was not damaged. In the current situation, if a fight really breaks out, these ancient Immortal Emperors may not be able to keep themselves.

At the same time, the matter of the Immortal Emperor's puppet was also known to the southern Celestial Immortal Emperor forces in the new Heavenly World.

The Immortal King under the command of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor all gathered together.

"Everyone, tell me, should we tell the Immortal Emperor about this matter?" said the Immortal King of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor.

"This matter belongs to the Feilong Immortal Emperor and the Ancient Immortal Domain. It has nothing to do with our new Heavenly World. The Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor is still recovering. I don't think there is any need to tell the Immortal Emperor about this matter." The Immortal King spoke.

"It's better to tell the Immortal Emperor. You also know the Immortal Emperor's temper. If you don't tell him, when the Immortal Emperor finds out in the future, he will inevitably blame me for not being able to bear it!"

Several Immortal Kings nodded to each other, and then headed to the palace where the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor was training.

At the same time, the other two Immortal Emperors flying Immortal World also came to her palace under the invitation of Hua Ling Immortal Emperor.

The flying dragon Immortal Emperor played by Zhou Tianfeng is meeting here at this time, two Immortal Emperors flying in the Immortal World.

I've been sick for the past two days and I didn't talk to anyone yesterday.

(End of chapter)

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