Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 30: Iron-Armored Poisonous Evil Corpse (Please Read, Collect, Recommend And Invest, Thank Yo

Chapter 30: Iron Armor Poisonous Corpse (Seeking recommendations for continued reading, collection, and investment. Thank you.)

"The one soaking in the blood pool is my Blood Corpse Puppet, and the other one is for you. Originally, I wanted to train it into an Iron Armor Corpse Demon, forming a combination of offense and defense with the Blood Corpse Puppet. But since you've come, I can only reluctantly give it up," said Second Senior Brother Nie Yingji.

These two corpses of decent quality were obtained through great effort. One of them was a poor scholar born on a Yin year, Yin month, Yin day, and Yin hour. He died in a foreign land while rushing to the capital for the imperial examination, and I happened to obtain his body. Afterwards, I let the corpse cultivate in a place with concentrated Yin energy for over ten years, which allowed it to become a Blood Corpse Puppet.

The other corpse belonged to a Heavenly Guardian General of the Heaven Inspiring Army, trained internally by the army and not just a random disciple sent out for experience. He was considered one of the core forces of the Heaven Inspiring Army. However, he was later poisoned and killed by me and the eldest senior brother. If it were a one-on-one fight, neither me nor the eldest senior brother would necessarily be his match.

Of course, that was over ten years ago. Now, whether it's the eldest senior brother or myself, we should have no problem dealing with him individually.

This person can be considered a top-tier body cultivator with a strong physical body. After killing him over ten years ago, I deliberately found a place full of malevolent energy and kept the body there for over ten years. I only recently brought it back to the sect, intending to cultivate it into an Iron Armor Corpse Demon.

The Iron Armor Corpse Demon is a special type of puppet researched by our Blood Shadow Sect's predecessors, with extremely high requirements for the materials used in its refinement.

Firstly, the body must belong to the most apex-level body cultivator, with a cultivation level of at least Harmonious Spirit realm during their lifetime. They must also be killed under extreme suppression, resentment, and unwillingness.

After being killed, the body cannot suffer too much damage and must be immediately preserved. Then, the cultivation of malevolent energy and resentment within the body begins.

One must find a place with Yin energy or a battlefield with a high death toll, bury the body there, and let it cultivate malevolent energy for several years. Afterward, the body is taken out and refined using the method of refining iron and malevolent corpses together, turning it into an extremely rare Iron Armor Corpse Demon.

Once successfully refined, the Iron Armor Corpse Demon will possess an incredibly strong physical body, and the Yin energy contained within the malevolent corpse will enhance its attacking power. It is a very rare puppet that combines offense and defense.

After refining the Blood Corpse Puppet, Nie Yingji planned to refine this Iron Armor Corpse Demon through a sacrificial ritual.

However, now he can add a potent poison to the Iron Armor Corpse Demon, turning it into an unprecedented Iron Armor Poisonous Corpse.

For Nie Yingji, being able to create a larger and more powerful corpse demon is his lifelong wish. Whether he uses it himself is secondary.

After being coated with the potent poison, the combat power of this Iron Armor Poisonous Corpse will only become stronger, and its attacks will become even more insidious. Once scratched by it, the combination of poison, malevolent energy, and corpse energy will make it almost impossible for the victim to be saved.

Most importantly, he will be pioneering a new path, giving birth to a new variant of puppetry after the predecessors of the Blood Shadow Sect.

"Thank you, Second Senior Brother," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Zhou Tianfeng clearly felt that his senior brother was very excited at the moment, as if he wanted to give him this corpse demon, making him very happy.

It seems that this Second Senior Brother of mine belongs to the type of person who is into technology and enjoys conducting research everywhere. Whether the things he researches can be used by himself is not very important.

Such a person belongs to the scientific research type of talent. It is worth getting to know him well and building a good relationship with him in the future. Although the place where he lives is disgusting and abnormal at the Transcendent Level, it doesn't matter, I can tolerate it for a while.

"Alright, let's talk about your Poisonous Corpse next! I have an idea. The materials I have prepared for you this time are very special. This person was originally an Apex Level body cultivator in his lifetime, and I have been practicing and refining him for many years.

Originally, I wanted to refine him into an Iron Armor Corpse Demon, but now I think that adding a potent poison on top of the Iron Armor Corpse Demon will make this Corpse Puppet even stronger and its attack methods more bizarre. The combination of his corpse poison and demonic energy will undoubtedly be fatal to anyone who is hit." Nie Yingji's eyes lit up as he spoke.

He seemed to have already imagined how powerful this unprecedented Iron Armor Poisonous Corpse Demon would be once he refined it.

"Second Junior Brother, your idea is good. Refining an Iron Armor Corpse Demon and adding a potent poison to it, but such a powerful and bizarre Corpse Puppet will be a big trouble once it is refined! Moreover, this kind of Corpse Puppet is most prone to backlash." Blood Shadow Ancestor said from the side.

It's really strange. Originally, I just wanted to casually give this junior disciple another ordinary Poisonous Corpse, but this Second Junior Brother came up with such a powerful thing, and he even has such good materials on hand.

If this Apex Level zombie is refined, its strength will definitely be extraordinary.

Even his cultivation level of Soul Cultivation, if he is hit, he might be killed by the corpse poison, not to mention that his Fourth Junior Brother still has the Hundred Poison Beheading Immortal Blade in the future.

But the difference between this zombie and the Hundred Poison Beheading Immortal Blade is that it might rebel. This kind of High Level Corpse Puppet is likely to awaken the consciousness of its past life.

If it rebels, that would be bad. Although the probability is small, it still needs to be considered.

"Master, rest assured, disciple will first refine this Blood Corpse Puppet. It will take about a year before I start refining the Iron Armor Corpse Demon. After the Iron Armor Corpse Demon is refined, I will let Junior Brother handle the tempering and poisoning.

And I will also use the Soul Sealing Formation and the Soul Locking Bead to lock his soul. This guy was only at the Harmonious Spirit realm in his lifetime and did not achieve the Yin God of Soul Cultivation. These measures will not cause any trouble, and when Junior Brother's cultivation level improves, he won't be afraid of him either." Second Senior Brother said.

As long as his cultivation level reaches the Soul Cultivation level, he won't be afraid of his rebellion.

"You have considered it well! At that time, I will teach your Junior Brother a soul control technique and give him an extra layer of insurance to prevent this Iron Armor Poisonous Corpse Demon from rebelling." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Thank you, Master and Senior Brother, for your concern. Disciple will definitely control this Corpse Puppet. As for the refining process, I will trouble Second Senior Brother to take care of it." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Naturally, Junior Brother, you can rest assured and cultivate. Build your foundation quickly, and when the time comes, I will refine this Apex Level Iron Armor Corpse Demon for you." Second Senior Brother said.

He couldn't wait to get started. How powerful will the Iron Armor Poisonous Corpse Demon be once he refines it?

After exchanging with this Second Senior Brother for who knows how long, Blood Shadow Ancestor finally left the territory of Second Senior Brother with Zhou Tianfeng. By now, the sky outside had already turned pitch black, and they had spent a whole day in this Second Senior Brother's territory.

As for the little girl Cheng Xiaoyue, she was not waiting at the door for the two of them. She probably went back to her room at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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