Chapter 53: Master's Wife?

After receiving the flying sword transmission, the woman's whole demeanor changed, and she let out a cold laugh.

"Yun Shuang, come in!" the woman called out as she stood up.

With a creak, the door to the room was pushed open, and a beautiful female disciple dressed in the attire of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace walked in.

"Master, you called for me?" Yun Shuang looked at her master and asked.

Today, the tone of her master's speech was strange. Normally, her master was very gentle, so why did she suddenly feel a hint of killing intent today?

Just this morning, her master was fine, speaking and laughing with her, and even giving guidance on her and her junior sisters' cultivation.

But in just a moment, her master's mood changed drastically. It should have been sunny with a chance of clouds and thunder, right?

Yun Shuang discreetly looked up and glanced at her master. How could her master, who used to be dignified and beautiful, look like this now?

Her face was stern, her expression icy, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. She exuded an aura that said, "Don't mess with me, I'm angry."

But to be honest, her master's angry appearance was quite good-looking.

"I have some matters to attend to outside. During my absence, you will be in charge of guiding your junior sisters in their cultivation," her master said.

"Understood, Master. How long will you be away this time?" Yun Shuang asked.

"If it's fast, three to four days. If it's slow, maybe one or two months! Don't worry, as a Transcending Mortality-level Perfected Being, I just need you to supervise your junior sisters' cultivation. If any senior uncles or senior brothers come to visit, just tell them I'm not here," her master replied.

"Understood, Master. Your disciple knows," Yun Shuang nodded and said.

"I'm leaving."

Without any hesitation, the woman immediately turned into a streak of light and disappeared.

Watching her master disappear, Yun Shuang narrowed her eyes. She didn't know who was going to be unlucky, but she hoped her master would vent her anger outside and not take it out on them.

On a desolate mountain hundreds of miles away from the Heavenly Universe Imperial City, Blood Shadow Ancestor was resting here with Zhou Tianfeng.

"My disciple, when my good friend arrives later, he might not have a good temper. Don't say anything that might offend him, understand?" Blood Shadow Ancestor said with a very unnatural expression.

"Master, is your good friend also a powerful figure in the demonic path?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Previously, Blood Shadow Ancestor had mentioned that the only decent demonic sect within the Heavenly Universe Dynasty was their Blood Shadow Sect. But even so, the Blood Shadow Sect was treated like a street rat, right?

Other sects have either been wiped out or left with only a few members, like a couple of cats and dogs. Since she is a friend of the Blood Shadow Ancestor, she should also be a powerful figure in the demonic path, maybe even from a place outside the Heavenly Universe Dynasty.

I wonder if the demonic forces of the other dynasties are as miserable as they are here.

"Cough! She, she is a disciple of the righteous path. We had some interactions a few hundred years ago. It has been over 200 years since we last met. But I have always been keeping an eye on her. Now she is considered a Grandmaster and has become an elder of a palace." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

A disciple of the righteous path? And an elder too? And it has been over 200 years since they last met? My esteemed master, are you reliable at all? Don't you know your own identity? Why are you contacting her at this critical moment?

How many people have been betrayed by their friends? And especially by a disciple of the righteous path who is not on our side? Are you just handing over your precious disciple to her? Aren't you afraid she will kill me?

Zhou Tianfeng felt it was necessary to advise the Blood Shadow Ancestor and persuade his master to give up this unrealistic idea. Who knows, maybe she is coming with the Heaven Inspiring Army or the Grandmasters of several major righteous sects to besiege us. It's dangerous.

"Cough! Disciple thinks this matter is inappropriate. What if, I mean what if your old friend sells our information to the Heaven Inspiring Army? That would be very bad, wouldn't it?" Zhou Tianfeng hurriedly approached the Blood Shadow Ancestor and said.

Is it easy for me? With my extraordinary human physique, as long as I find a place to cultivate and improve, I will definitely become a powerful figure in the future! My esteemed master, don't give me such dangerous tasks.

Why don't we find a place to hide and wait for me, your disciple, to achieve great accomplishments in my cultivation, and then come out and dominate the world?

But after hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, the Blood Shadow Ancestor's face turned serious, and he fiercely hit Zhou Tianfeng's head.

"What do you know? Everyone in this world may betray me, but she won't." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Cough! Master, what does disciple mean? One should not have malicious intentions, but one should not be without caution either." Zhou Tianfeng rubbed the lump on his head and spoke up.

Damn, master, you hit me hard! I'm your precious disciple!

"Hmph! Do I need a reason to harm others? Do I need to guard against others? It has always been others guarding against me." Blood Shadow Ancestor said with great dominance.

"Is that so, Xue Feng? I didn't expect you to be so powerful. But over these years, your cultivation hasn't improved at all!" Just then, a mocking female voice sounded from the sky.

Zhou Tianfeng was startled and looked up, only to see a beautiful female cultivator standing in the sky, stepping on a water-blue flying sword. At this moment, this female cultivator was looking at the Blood Shadow Ancestor with a mocking gaze, completely ignoring Zhou Tianfeng below.

"Cough! You, you've come. I knew you would come to see me, Shui Yun." Suddenly, the Blood Shadow Ancestor seemed to have lost his former majesty. He turned into a silly old man, scratching his head and looking at the woman in the sky, who seemed like an immortal.

"Hehe! Xue Feng, it has been 200 years since we last met, and you have fallen to this state. Among the old folks of our generation, you now have the weakest cultivation. 200 years have passed, and you still haven't broken through to the Transcending Mortality realm. You probably have less than a hundred years of lifespan left, right?" Shui Yun sighed and spoke.

Seeing the appearance of the Blood Shadow Ancestor, who now looked like a sixty-year-old old man, she came with resentment, anger, and killing intent, but it seemed to dissipate instantly.

"Haha! I didn't want to meet you in this state either. I also wanted to meet you in my prime, but I couldn't resist the passage of time! I haven't been able to break through to the Transcending Mortality realm, and I have started to age." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Hmph! I don't care what you look like now. If you need something from me, get down on your knees right now and let me whip you a hundred times to vent my anger before we talk." The woman's tone changed, and she took out a red whip with various spikes.

Zhou Tianfeng looked at the red whip in the woman's hand, then looked at his obedient master.

Damn! Master is amazing! Are you some kind of special enthusiast? Were you this good at playing when you were young, master?

(End of this chapter)

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