Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 56 Xue Feng Leaves (Please Vote For Further Reading)

Chapter 56: Xue Feng's Departure (Seeking Monthly Votes for Continued Reading)

"Mm! Well, you do your best. If you can't save your third disciple, then so be it. Don't worry too much and put yourself in danger. I know about the Cloud Slashing Portrait, but with your level of Soul Cultivation, you won't be able to control it if it's opened." Fairy Shui Yun said.

By the way, we can also manipulate the Cloud Slashing Portrait. The Heavenly Universe Dynasty's top three sects all know that the Heaven Inspiring Army has captured Xue Feng's third disciple.

However, Xue Feng's current cultivation level probably can't handle the Cloud Slashing Portrait. Fortunately, there are still more than ten years until the treasure opens. During this time, as long as he can break through to the Transcending Mortality stage, he will have the qualifications to get involved.

Help Jade Water Heavenly Palace obtain the contents of the Cloud Slashing Portrait, and with his talented disciple, there shouldn't be any major problems.

Looking at Fairy Shui Yun's current appearance, Blood Shadow Ancestor suddenly had a bad feeling. He wondered if it was a good idea to entrust his fourth disciple to her.

The reason he kept this junior disciple by his side and brought him to Shui Yun instead of leaving him with the Fox Clan in Snow Domain Spirit Mountain was because he had deeper considerations.

It didn't matter for his second disciple and the little fox, but he was afraid that if this junior disciple went over, his eldest brother would harm Zhou Tianfeng.

He couldn't afford to be careless about this matter! That side was the eldest brother's territory, and his wife was an elder of the Fox Clan. Moreover, her cultivation level was not much weaker than his, and she was even stronger in some aspects.

The two of them were not good people, and if they really wanted to harm the fourth disciple, he would have no power to resist.

That's why he had no choice but to bring the fourth disciple to his confidante, Shui Yun. Everyone in the world might harm him, but Shui Yun would never harm him.

He was absolutely at ease leaving this junior disciple with Shui Yun.

Blood Shadow Ancestor pulled Zhou Tianfeng aside and handed him a storage ring with a very serious expression.

"My good disciple, if you can break through to the Foundation Building Stage within half a year, then you can open this storage ring. Inside, there are precious scriptures, secret techniques, the Hundred Poison Immortal Blade, and the Iron Armored Poison Corpse, all left for you by me, the Blood Shadow Sect. If I haven't returned after half a year, then you will become the sect master of the Blood Shadow Sect. But remember, if your eldest brother doesn't recognize your position and declares himself as the Blood Shadow Ancestor, don't confront him head-on.

Just stay obediently by Shui Yun, your Master's Wife, and cultivate. She will protect you. If necessary, you can even become her disciple. After you have achieved success in your cultivation, you can go out and rebuild our Blood Shadow Sect." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Master, what do you mean? It sounds like you won't be coming back." Zhou Tianfeng furrowed his brows and spoke.

Come on, why does it sound like a dying man's last words? When necessary, he can become Fairy Shui Yun's disciple and has been entrusted with so many things.

"I'm just being cautious. Don't worry, with my cultivation level, even if I can't win, I can still escape." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Master, if it's dangerous, then don't go. Focus on nurturing your disciples and let us, the Blood Shadow Sect, flourish." Zhou Tianfeng spoke up.

Really, isn't it better to play it safe? Why must he wander around everywhere?

"No, there are too many things involved in this matter. I have to go, and I want to remind you of one thing. It's good to be cautious and careful in the cultivation world, but excessive caution and care can be a bad thing." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Master, you've mentioned this before, but I still think it's better to be cautious." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You brat! Since I've said it, why didn't you remember?" Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"But disciple feels that you're really in danger this time. I can tell that you have the intention of entrusting me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Me too, I'm just entrusting you with some things just in case." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Forget it, I can't persuade you anymore. Master, you have to take care of yourself. If you really lose your life, don't worry, your disciple will definitely inherit your mantle.

After a few hundred years of cultivation in the future, once I have achieved sufficient strength, I will seek revenge for you.

"Cough! Xue Feng, take this from me. This is the Law Treasure Blue Cloud Bead that I refined after breaking through Transcending Mortality. It is a High Grade Law Treasure that combines offense and defense. Take it to protect yourself!" Fairy Shui Yun, who was standing aside, became more and more uncomfortable as she listened. She gritted her teeth and took out a light blue bead from her bosom, handing it to Blood Shadow Ancestor.

Among the Heaven Inspiring Army, the only ones who can defeat Xue Feng are the Three Evil Stars. The other Big Dipper Seven Star Generals, when fighting alone, are not Xue Feng's match.

But with the Law Treasure I gave him, even if he faces the Three Evil Stars, he can fight them evenly and there shouldn't be any problem with his survival.

"Shui Yun, how can I take your things? Quickly take it back," Blood Shadow Ancestor frowned and said.

If it were someone else, with his personality, he would have taken the treasure and run away long ago, but he didn't want Shui Yun's things.

"Who said it's for you? It's just borrowed. Remember to return it to me," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Just when things were starting to look up between us, how could I let you, this bastard, get into trouble? Really, I have to worry about everything for you.

You must take it!

I don't want it!

Take it!

I don't want it!

If you don't take it, I'll whip you a hundred times and make sure you can't leave. Fairy Shui Yun's expression changed as she took out her blood-red whip and said.

I... I'll just borrow it. In the future, I will definitely find a better Law Treasure to give you. Seeing Fairy Shui Yun getting angry, Blood Shadow Ancestor immediately backed down.

Zhou Tianfeng, who was standing aside, suppressed his laughter and dared not speak. Well, being afraid of one's wife is the same in any world, right?

After the two of them forcefully fed Zhou Tianfeng some dog food, Blood Shadow Ancestor reluctantly left.

"Master's Wife, rest assured, Master has always been careful and cautious. There won't be any problems this time," Zhou Tianfeng came to Fairy Shui Yun and said.

Hmm! Feng'er, for safety's sake, you should go to Jade Water Heavenly Palace with Master's Wife for the next six months. Fairy Shui Yun turned her head and smiled gently.

Everything is up to Master's Wife.

Of course, wherever it's safe, we'll go there.

Hmm! Just to be safe and avoid arousing suspicion from others, from now on, you will pretend to be Master's Wife's newly accepted direct disciple. Is there any problem with that? Fairy Shui Yun squinted her eyes and looked at Zhou Tianfeng as she spoke.

Just now, Xue Feng said that in critical moments, this kid can become my disciple, so I won't be polite.

Anyway, Xue Feng's belongings are mine, and mine are still mine, hahaha.

Please continue reading! Can any experts help me out? The next chapter will be updated at 12 o'clock tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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