Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 65 The Birth Of The Four Ancestors (Please Vote)

Chapter 65: The Birth of the Four Great Ancestors (Vote Request)

Over a year ago, when they were patrolling near the Heavenly Horn Mountain Range, they were suddenly attacked and captured by members of the Blood Shadow Sect.

For the next few months, it was like a nightmare for them. They were used by disciples of the Blood Shadow Sect as test subjects for poison.

At the moment of being poisoned, they all thought they were doomed. Once captured by these demonic sects like the Blood Shadow Sect and used for poison testing, members of the Heaven Inspiring Army or other righteous disciples usually wouldn't survive for more than a few days. They wouldn't give you the antidote, but instead watch you be tortured to death by the potent poison.

At first, he and his second brother, Xu Long, were tortured by a young man wearing a ghost mask and a red robe, using a kind of corpse poison. Both of them had severe reactions to the poison, along with other symptoms.

In just a few days, he and his second brother were tortured to the point of being covered in wounds, feeling like they were about to die.

But then something unexpected happened. The young man with the ghost mask didn't kill the four of them. Instead, he repeatedly made them test the poison and then provided the antidote.

During this period, they experienced countless life-threatening situations and were saved from the brink of death numerous times.

Several months later, the young man with the ghost mask stopped coming to see them. For the following year, they were left alone and only had some menial disciples from the Blood Shadow Sect come to deliver their meals.

However, just a month ago, a high-ranking member of the Blood Shadow Sect suddenly came to their prison cell.

And he said some strange things, like how the junior brother was careless, and how could these four people not be dealt with?

Very well, let me take care of you.

Afterwards, this man released a terrifying blood corpse. At that moment, the four of them had no power to resist.

They were instantly caught by the blood corpse, bitten one by one, infected with the corpse poison, and had their blood sucked.

Then the member of the Blood Shadow Sect nodded in satisfaction and left with his blood corpse.

Before leaving, Bai Zhan vaguely heard him say that they had been infected with the poison of his blood corpse, and they would die without a doubt. He would keep the four of them alive until the arrival of the Heaven Inspiring Army, and then let them turn into corpses.

Could it be that after they died, they would all turn into zombies?

Damn it, I won't allow it, I won't allow it!

At the moment of imminent death, Bai Zhan let out an extremely angry roar and firmly remembered the person who released the blood corpse to attack them.

When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves in the medical tent of the Heaven Inspiring Army, not the underworld. They had survived, miraculously survived.

The corpse poison from that blood corpse didn't kill them, and it seemed like none of the four of them had been infected with the corpse poison.

After resting in the medical tent of the Heaven Inspiring Army for nearly half a month, they each returned to their posts. Surviving a great calamity would surely bring good fortune.

So the four of them decided to have a good meal and celebrate. But when they were eating, they noticed something was wrong.

The delicious dishes prepared in the Royal Cuisine Tower of the capital city tasted like rotten vomit in their mouths.

The only thing they could taste was a plate of stir-fried pig's blood and duck blood tofu.

The four of them immediately vomited out the other dishes and called over the waiter, questioning what was wrong with the food. After all, they were members of the Heaven Inspiring Army, how could they be treated like this?

But the waiter looked innocent and even called the chef over. After the waiter and the chef tasted the food, everything seemed fine. Other customers were also discussing the four of them.

The waiter even suspected that the four of them were trying to eat without paying. Helpless, after paying the bill, the four of them hurriedly left.

Afterwards, the four of them returned to their respective homes and began to investigate what had happened to them.

After a series of struggles, the four of them were horrified to discover that they only had a craving for things like blood, while any other food was extremely repulsive to them.

There was no choice but for the four of them to satisfy their hunger with things like pig's blood and duck's blood.

After a period of time, the four of them became increasingly hungry. Even when walking on the street, they could smell a tempting fragrance coming from the passing people.

It was an extreme craving for fresh blood!

Even the fourth brother, Zhang Tianhai, almost went mad on the street. His eyes turned green and two sharp fangs grew out of his mouth.

This situation frightened the other three, who quickly supported Zhang Tianhai and took him away.

Afterwards, the four of them discovered that they could all transform into a state where their eyes turned green and fangs grew from their mouths.

In this state, they were filled with strength, strange abilities, and a craving for blood.

It was on that night that they couldn't resist their craving for blood and attacked several sleeping soldiers from the Heaven Inspiring Army, sucking their blood dry.

The four brothers had turned into monsters, complete and utter monsters.

At first, they thought they had been infected with corpse poison and turned into zombies, but that was impossible! Zombies were completely devoid of reason. Even the most powerful zombie was still an irrational monster.

Furthermore, zombies emitted a stench of decaying corpses, with copper skin, iron bones, a green face, and terrifying appearance.

They were complete and utter monsters, but the four of them looked exactly like normal people.

Even when they transformed into a zombie-like form, they only grew a pair of fangs and their eyes turned green.

So the four of them gathered together to discuss and decided that they must find the person who had released the blood corpse to attack them. What had that person done to them?

While the four of them were discussing their strategy, the soldiers from the Heaven Inspiring Army who had been bitten and killed suddenly opened their eyes. A hint of ink-blue light flashed in their pupils, and two fangs protruded from their mouths.

"What... what happened to us?" one of the resurrected soldiers said.

These dozen or so soldiers who had been bitten and killed, just like them, came back to life and turned into the same creatures.

Only the color of their eyes was slightly different.

Soon, the four of them had a strange feeling that these soldiers who had been turned into the same kind of creatures by their bites were being suppressed by them.

A new special race was born.

At the same time, the heavens and the earth also sensed something. Something invisible and intangible descended upon the four of them, as well as Jade Luan Peak in Yao Mountain and Snow Domain Spirit Mountain.

Nie Yingji felt like she was dreaming.

Last night, she was cultivating, but she didn't know what happened. Inexplicably, she felt as if something had fallen on her, and then she broke through to the Soul Cultivation level without any warning.

Her whole body became transparent, causing a phenomenon in the heavens and the earth. Later, the fox clan determined that she had the legendary Yin Body.

When did I become a Yin Body?

Really, everyone underestimated the understanding of viruses and the author's imagination! In fact, the greatest power of a virus is not killing, but creation and reproduction.

(End of this chapter)

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