Chapter 74: Xue Feng's Plan

Half a month had passed, and during this time, the Blood Monsters had gone into hiding, disappearing as if they had never appeared before.

The Heaven Inspiring Army also came out to deny the existence of any mysterious Blood Monsters. They claimed that it was just a disciple from an evil sect causing trouble by creating zombies. They assured the public that the culprit would soon be apprehended by the Heaven Inspiring Army. Since the Heaven Inspiring Army started patrolling the streets, there had been no more incidents of blood-sucking murders. Gradually, the once fearful capital city began to regain its liveliness, and people started walking the streets again. The streets were once again brightly lit.

During this half month, Xue Feng also learned about the creature he had captured, the Blood Monster. He obtained all the information he wanted from this Blood Monster.

The Blood Monster Race suddenly appeared over a month ago, with four mysterious ancestors who possessed unimaginable power. According to the ancestors, this power was a divine gift from heaven, and the Blood Monster Race was chosen by the heavens as their new favorite.

However, Blood Shadow Ancestor absolutely did not believe in this nonsense about divine power.

So, Blood Shadow Ancestor used a soul-searching technique on this Blood Monster and immediately understood the whole situation.

He also figured out the identities and origins of these four ancestors.

"This is really unfortunate. So, this matter is related to our Blood Shadow Sect? Could it be something created by the second senior? Has the second senior become so powerful?" Blood Shadow Ancestor muttered to himself.

Divine power? The power possessed by these four individuals now had an inseparable connection with their Blood Shadow Sect.

Zhou Tianfeng knew about the incident where the four Heaven Inspiring Army captives were used for poison testing.

When he left with Zhou Tianfeng, he specifically asked the second senior to take care of them and kill the four Heaven Inspiring Army captives.

But he didn't expect the second senior to be so incompetent. Not only did these four individuals not die, but they had now become lively and turned into a kind of creature that was neither human nor ghost.

No! No! These four individuals could no longer be described as neither human nor ghost. Apart from feeding on blood, these four individuals were not much inferior in terms of aptitude compared to those with special Body Refining qualifications.

During these days, he had fully demonstrated his level as the ancestor of the demonic path and thoroughly examined this Blood Monster inside and out.

Finally, he had a rough understanding of this new race, the Blood Monsters.

How should he put it? Their abilities were extremely special, but they were still immature. Even the four ancestors were the same. However, their potential was unprecedented! He wondered what realm these four individuals could reach.

The ability to directly transform ordinary people into another race was unheard of and unseen before!

After being transformed, ordinary people would not have any improvement in their spiritual roots.

But after the transformation, the situation was completely different. Their combat power could be said to increase exponentially, and they also possessed various special abilities of zombies.

Rather than calling them zombies, it would be more accurate to say that they leaned towards being blood corpses. The ability to control blood and their terrifying regenerative abilities were exactly the abilities of blood corpses.

Similarly, they preserved the weakness of blood corpses, which was their fear of objects with extreme yang energy.

They also possessed the ability to create and control zombies, just like blood corpses.

He was really curious about what the second senior had done to them, or rather, what the fourth senior had done to them before using them for poison testing, and then what the second senior did to them to turn them into these four monsters.

In summary, they were like a fusion of blood corpses and the Human Race's physical integration.

"Please kill me! I beg you, kill me!" The unfortunate Blood Monster captured by Blood Shadow Ancestor let out a painful groan.

"It would be a pity to kill you. So, I'll give you a chance. I'll accept you as my named disciple, and in return, you'll help me with some tasks," Blood Shadow Ancestor sneered and said.

This kid is quite useful! If we can't rescue the third senior brother, we might have to rely on these Blood Monsters.

"Disciple pays respects to Master." This Blood Monster didn't hesitate at all and immediately kowtowed to become a disciple.

Although I really want to free myself and just die, it's better to stay alive!

"I didn't say I would accept you as my direct disciple, just a named disciple. Just call me 'Teacher'," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

Being only a Low Grade Spirit Root, in the Blood Shadow Sect, you can only be an outer disciple. You're not qualified to be my direct disciple.

"Disciple pays respects to Teacher. May I ask what instructions Teacher has?"

Only then did Blood Shadow Ancestor nod in satisfaction, waving his hand to release the restraints on this Blood Monster.

"The task I have for you is simple. I want you to expose your entire clan to the Heaven Inspiring Army. Your ability to convert humans into your kind, your ability to control zombies, and your four ancestors, all need to be exposed to the Heaven Inspiring Army," Blood Shadow Ancestor's eyes flashed with a glimmer as he spoke.

He wanted to completely stir up trouble in the capital city.

It's best to fish in troubled waters. This so-called Blood Monster Race can conveniently attract the attention of the Heaven Inspiring Army.

The ability to turn ordinary humans into their own kind is absolutely terrifying. The upper echelons of the Heaven Inspiring Army will definitely not sit idly by. They will surely come out in full force to completely eliminate this so-called Blood Monster Race.

And during that time, he can secretly infiltrate the prison of the Heaven Inspiring Army and rescue the third senior brother.

"T-Teacher, if we expose our identities and reveal our entire clan, won't I be doomed as well?" the Blood Monster said.

What's the difference between this and throwing myself into death? No! I can't do this. I'll deceive this ancestor first and then find a way to escape.

"Hmph! If you follow my plan, I guarantee your safety," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Disciple obeys. I will definitely follow Teacher's instructions," the Blood Monster said with his head lowered.

After I leave, I'll report to the four ancestors.

"Hehe! Let me give you a little insurance first," Blood Shadow Ancestor raised his hand and cast a black-red spell, imprinting it on the body of the Blood Monster.

Immediately, the Blood Monster let out a miserable scream. His whole body began to tremble, and his eyes gradually lost their luster, becoming like a walking corpse.

Even if you just move your toe, I can know what you're thinking! Originally, if you had obediently listened, I was planning to spare your life and accept you as a named disciple in the future.

But since you refused the toast and chose to be punished, don't blame me for using the Soul Control Technique on you.

Next, all I need to do is let this Blood Monster attract the attention of the Heaven Inspiring Army, and then find all these hidden Blood Monsters one by one.

That day, Zhou Tianfeng had just finished his meditation when Lin Wan hurriedly walked in.

"What happened, Senior Sister Lin?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Junior Brother, get ready quickly. We need to go see the Sect Master. There's something important," Lin Wan said.

Go see the Sect Master? Something important!

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng didn't dare to delay and immediately got up, flying with Lin Wan towards the main peak of Yao Mountain.

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