Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 76 Fairy Shui Yun’S Plan (Please Vote For Me And Follow Up)

Chapter 76: Fairy Shui Yun's Plan (Seeking Monthly Votes and Continued Reading)

"Master, Master, disciple, disciple, it would be better for me to cultivate by your side and not trouble the Sect Master's senior disciple, right?" Zhou Tianfeng tentatively asked.

Please, my Master's Wife, can I rely on you? After all, you sent me here, and I am Blood Shadow Ancestor's closed-door disciple. Is it really okay for you to just hand me over to the Sect Master like this?

Moreover, except for the soundproof barrier set up by the Sect Master during our previous conversation, I heard everything clearly!

My Heavenly Rage Battle Body, which is so valuable, is only being accepted as your disciple, and I can even obtain three Spirit Medicines to break through the Transcending Mortality realm and one Spirit Medicine to break through the Immortal Transformation realm.

But the key is that there is still a big opportunity above Jade Water Heavenly Palace. It truly is a Transcendent Level sect.

But, Master's Wife, what do you really want to achieve? If you take me away, then my master will probably turn a blind eye.

But if you hand me over to the Sect Master, that's when things will go wrong!

"Master, I want to seclude myself and strive to break through to the Immortal Transformation realm. You, as a young disciple without guidance for over ten years, will hinder your growth. During this period, the only ones who can guide your cultivation are the Sect Master and the Peak Masters.

And the Sect Master is the best choice. Her current cultivation is at the Immortal Transformation Perfected Being level, making her a peerless genius of the Immortal Cultivation World. She can guide you effortlessly," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Yes, I understand the reasoning you mentioned. It would indeed be wonderful to cultivate by the side of such a beautiful elder sister.

This was also my dream when I just transmigrated, but the problem is, how do I explain it to my master?

If I had received such treatment right after transmigrating, I would have been grateful, but the fact is, I have already become a disciple, and Blood Shadow Ancestor has been good to me.

Although the sect is a bit small, the cultivation techniques are mediocre, and my master's cultivation level is low, and I am chased like a rat every day, I, Zhou Tianfeng, cannot look down on my master.

Hmm! Thinking about it, it seems like there isn't much future with my master! Ahem! No, no, my master has been good to me.

"You brat, agree quickly. I'll explain everything in detail when we return." Seeing that Zhou Tianfeng was still silent, Fairy Shui Yun became anxious and immediately transmitted her voice.

Since knowing that Zhou Tianfeng is a genuine Heavenly Rage Battle Body, Fairy Shui Yun has decided to go all out and tell her little junior sister everything about herself and Xue Feng.

Then, they made a secret deal. Her junior sister indeed wants to have this boy and sees him as a future partner, but feelings are not something she can control.

So they discussed and decided to give the Sect Master ten years to see if she can win over this boy.

After obtaining the Spirit Medicines to break through the Transcending Mortality and Immortal Transformation realms, they will cultivate together when Xue Feng arrives, striving to help him break through the Transcending Mortality realm.

This period might take more than ten years, and since Zhou Tianfeng will have no one to take care of him, they decided to leave him with her little junior sister.

The only regret is that Wanyan might feel a bit wronged. Her initial plan was to win over this boy, but sometimes plans cannot keep up with changes. However, Wanyan still has a chance to compete fairly!

Upon hearing this, Zhou Tianfeng could only grit his teeth and come before the Sect Master. He bowed and said, "Disciple pays respects to the Sect Master's senior disciple. Please take care of me in the future."

"Tianfeng, no need to be polite. After Senior Sister finishes her seclusion, you can move to the main peak and live with me," Ming Yanshang smiled coquettishly and said.

After a brief conversation, the several Elders were about to contact the main sect, while Fairy Shui Yun led Zhou Tianfeng and Lin Wan back to Jade Luan Peak.

"Wan'er, if Xiaofeng goes to live with the sect leader, it won't do without an acquaintance. At that time, you should go together to take care of the junior brother's daily life," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Even if we go to the sect leader's place, I have to let my precious disciple go with me. In the end, it's up to you whether you want to mooch off my disciple as your partner or if my disciple will take down this kid on his own. It all depends on your abilities.

"Yes, Master, I understand. When does Master plan to go into seclusion?" Lin Wan asked with a smile.

If things go quickly, it will be four months later. If it's slow, it will be half a year," Fairy Shui Yun said.

When? Of course, it's waiting for Xue Feng to come back and deal with him before going into seclusion!

"Master, there's something the disciple wants to discuss with you privately," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Mm! I understand. Feng'er, come in with me. Wan'er, you can go back first," Fairy Shui Yun said.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and followed his Master's Wife into the inner room, then closed the door.

Standing at the door, Lin Wan also summoned her sword light and returned to Zhou Tianfeng's residence.

As clever as she was, she also sensed the sect leader's intentions. This sect leader had the same idea as her.

Hmph, shameless. A woman over 400 years old actually has her eyes on a boy who hasn't even reached a hundred years old.

So what if she's the sect leader? I, this lady, will compete with her.

"Master's Wife, what are you thinking? I am the Master's disciple. It's fine for me to be half a disciple to you, but going to the sect leader's side..."

"Who said I want you to be the sect leader's disciple? It's just that during my seclusion, I want him to take care of you," Fairy Shui Yun said.

"But, but Master will be back soon. How will you explain it to Master then?"

"Feng'er, you've been in this sect for a while now. How does our sect compare to the Blood Shadow Sect?" Fairy Shui Yun lay on her luxurious bed, yawning lightly, not answering Zhou Tianfeng's question, but asking a strange question instead.

"Jade Water Heavenly Palace is far superior to the Blood Shadow Sect, like a rural farmer compared to a wealthy family in the capital," Zhou Tianfeng answered truthfully.

"Feng'er! If you were just an ordinary Transforming Poison Spirit Body and a second-generation awakened furious body, then it would be fine for you to stay in the Blood Shadow Sect.

But your physique is the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, an unparalleled physique of ancient times. The small Blood Shadow Sect and your Master cannot protect you. It's possible that it will bring disaster upon you and your Master, even killing you," Fairy Shui Yun said.

She wasn't exaggerating. If the outside world knew about Zhou Tianfeng's Heavenly Rage Battle Body, they would definitely threaten this kid to join their sect first.

If this kid refused, then in order to prevent the growth of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, they would definitely find ways to kill him. It's possible that even an Immortal Transformation-level old guy would come out to deal with him.

"If you and your Master leave, you will lose the protection of the sect. Without the cultivation resources provided by the sect, I, Master's Wife, will also be punished. Jade Water Heavenly Palace will also hunt you down.

Both of you will face endless pursuit, living in fear day and night, never knowing when you will be killed," Fairy Shui Yun said.

"...What does Master's Wife mean?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

To be continued next Wednesday, please subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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