Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 91 Causes And Consequences, The Creative Ability Of Viruses (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 91: Cause and Effect, Virus Creation Ability (Seeking Subscriptions)

"Oh! It's your second senior brother. So, you're Xue Feng's disciple?" Ming Yanshang asked.

She only found out about Xue Feng's existence a few days ago. Shui Yun, her senior sister, had kept this group of sisters in the dark for so long. It's been hundreds of years, and not a single word leaked out.

If it weren't for Zhou Tianfeng's Heavenly Rage Battle Body, she might have continued hiding. But now that Xue Feng has joined the Jade Water Heavenly Palace and become an honorary elder, is this second disciple of his here to seek refuge with her master? Should she arrange a position for him as an honorary member? She wonders about his cultivation level.

"It is indeed my second senior brother," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Where is he now? Should I open the barrier and take you to see him?" Ming Yanshang asked.

How should he answer this? Should he tell the sect leader that his second senior brother sneaked in without anyone noticing and is currently hiding on the peak where Master's Wife resides? Zhou Tianfeng knows better than anyone about the defensive capabilities of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. Even Blood Shadow Ancestor wouldn't dare to barge in. So how did his second senior brother manage to sneak in unnoticed?

"Sect leader, my second senior brother and I have a special way of communicating. I will go and fetch him myself. Please grant me a travel token," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Very well! Here you go. Go and bring your second senior brother here. You can let him stay in your former residence on Jade Luan Peak, or he can come to my place. I will arrange a place for him," Ming Yanshang said.

"Thank you, sect leader. I will have my senior brother stay in my former residence on Jade Luan Peak," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright, go ahead," Ming Yanshang said.

"Sect leader, it has been a long time since disciple and senior brother last met. May I have the permission to catch up with him for one night and come to pay my respects to you tomorrow morning?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

Given the current situation, he absolutely cannot let the sect leader discover how his second senior brother managed to sneak into Jade Mountain unnoticed. He needs to create some disguises; otherwise, his second senior brother might be captured and interrogated to find out how he managed to sneak in.

"Since you haven't seen each other for a long time, I will allow you to spend one night with your senior brother. Come and pay your respects to me tomorrow morning," Ming Yanshang nodded and said.

It's only natural for brothers who haven't seen each other for a long time to catch up for one night. She is not in a hurry either.

If it weren't for the fact that she is considering Zhou Tianfeng's face, she would have dismissed a disciple from the demonic path without a second thought.

Zhou Tianfeng took the travel token handed to him by the sect leader and bid farewell before leaving.

He swiftly flew on his sword all the way and arrived at his former residence on Jade Luan Peak. As soon as he reached his doorstep, he saw his second senior brother sitting at the table, waiting for him.

"Junior brother, long time no see."

"Second senior brother, let's not talk about that for now. Let's go out first and then come back in. Otherwise, there will be a big mess," Zhou Tianfeng said, grabbing his senior brother's hand, intending to leave.

They should put off catching up for now. It's crucial to establish his senior brother's identity first.

"I know what you're worried about, but rest assured, when I sent you the flying sword message, I made sure no one saw it. Let's go out and come back in," Nie Yingji said, using his magical powers to turn into a black wind and directly leave Jade Mountain, arriving outside the barrier.

Having already reached the second level of the Profound Heaven Demon Codex in his cultivation, Nie Yingji has long surpassed his previous self. Sneaking into a sect's barrier that isn't operating at full power is effortless for him.

"Senior brother, your cultivation level seems to have surpassed the Harmonious Spirit realm, right?" This way of flying together is somewhat similar to their master.

"Haha! Junior brother has sharp eyes. Not long ago, I obtained a tremendous opportunity. Not only did my cultivation reach the Soul Cultivation realm, but even my Mortal Physique has become the Extreme Yin Body," Nie Yingji said.

Zhou Tianfeng froze in place upon hearing this. His cultivation breakthrough to the Soul Cultivation realm and obtaining the legendary Extreme Yin Body? His second senior brother's experience seems to be exactly the same as his a few days ago!

He himself inexplicably broke through to the Foundation Building realm and then inexplicably obtained the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

Is there some connection or hidden secret between them?

Wait a minute, let's think this through. Those four members of the Heaven Inspiring Army were experimented on by him, and their bodies underwent some kind of mutation after being exposed to his saliva and blood.

And his second senior brother was sent by their master to deal with those four tails! Suddenly, Zhou Tianfeng seems to have connected all the dots.

"Second senior brother, let me ask you something. Several months ago, one night during your cultivation, did you suddenly obtain the Extreme Yin Body?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"That's right. It seems like you're the same. You also obtained a special physique, right?" Nie Yingji nodded.

If it weren't for that mysterious woman telling him everything earlier, he would never have made these connections. His junior brother is truly intelligent.

However, how exactly did this Acquired Merit come about? He has no idea! The mysterious woman didn't tell him either.

"To be honest, Second Senior Brother, I have also obtained the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body. Did your Blood Corpses bite these four Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers, but not kill them completely?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"That's right, I infected them with the Blood Corpse's corpse poison. I planned to let them cause some trouble for the Heaven Inspiring Army when they attacked my Blood Shadow Sect. Did something happen?" Listening to his tone, it seems like his junior martial brother knows how this Acquired Merit came about, and knows more than he does!

"Let me think, Senior Brother." Zhou Tianfeng rubbed his chin and connected all the events in his mind.

Their special physique, both his and Second Senior Brother's, was indeed a gift from heaven.

Similar to a reward mechanism, it should be like the heavenly merit of the primordial times.

As for how to obtain this merit, it should be because of those four Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers. They completely transcended the concept of the Human Race and became a new race. And this world sensed it, so it rewarded both him and Second Senior Brother.

His blood should have changed the physique of the Human Race in this world, but the effect is not obvious, as it is in an extremely latent state. It should still need to combine with something from this world to make a thorough change.

These creatures called Blood Monsters have characteristics very similar to Blood Corpses. They can create zombies, control zombies, and have almost abnormal regenerative abilities.

As for their ability to turn other Human Race individuals into their own kind, it should come from the virus's infectiousness or reproductive ability.

Because Blood Corpses can only turn those they bite into ordinary controlled zombies, it is absolutely impossible for them to turn the bitten person into their own kind.

Only a virus has this terrifying replication ability. Their ability to create companions comes from my virus.

As for their powerful combat abilities, terrifying regenerative abilities, and the ability to control and create zombies, these abilities should come from Blood Corpses.

His blood, combined with Second Senior Brother's Blood Corpse, along with various unexpected factors, created the birth of this new race, so this world rewarded both him and Second Senior Brother.

All of this has been connected.

Hahaha, it's really interesting!

Does my blood still have such miraculous abilities? In that case, can I use this method to create other things and obtain more rewards from the world?

Previously, I was only a Qi Condensation cultivator. With my blood combined with Second Senior Brother's Blood Corpse poison, I created the Blood Monster. If my cultivation reaches Soul Cultivation, Transcending Mortality, Immortal Transformation...

Or let's be bolder, what kind of power will my blood have after I become an immortal?

"Junior Martial Brother, Junior Martial Brother, what are you thinking about?" Nie Yingji patted Zhou Tianfeng, who was lost in thought, and asked.

"I'm fine, Second Senior Brother. I think there's something you must see. Perhaps this thing can explain why we obtained our gifted physiques." Zhou Tianfeng said.

He should let his Senior Brother see the Blood Monster captured by their Master.

But he doesn't plan to reveal the abilities of his blood. The special abilities of his blood must be kept hidden.

It's just too shocking and must be concealed.

As for the reason, he has already figured it out. He used hundreds of different poisons on these few Heaven Inspiring Army soldiers before.

So their bodies underwent some kind of mutation, and combined with Second Senior Brother's Blood Corpse bites, they became Blood Monsters.

Anyway, it was just an unrepeatable accident.


"Senior Brother, please follow me." This time, Zhou Tianfeng openly led his Second Senior Brother, using the token given by the Sect Master to enter the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. They flew on their swords to his room, opened a secret room, and released the Blood Monster ancestor sealed by their Master.

"Take a look at this, Second Senior Brother. This creature is called a Blood Monster." Zhou Tianfeng gave a very detailed introduction of the Blood Monster to his Second Senior Brother.

"This, this fellow, isn't this the Heaven Inspiring Army that I released the Blood Corpses to bite and kill? It actually turned into this kind of thing, possessing all the characteristics and advantages of Blood Corpses, but still retaining the appearance and characteristics of the Human Race, and can turn Human Race individuals into their own kind through their blood!" Nie Yingji examined the sealed Blood Monster ancestor on the ground with great interest.

This is great, it's definitely a Supreme Grade material. If this thing is refined into a new Blood Corpse, it will be even more powerful than the one before.

And this thing also has the ability to transform others into their own kind.

Really, if it weren't for already obtaining the Extreme Yin Body, he would want to transform into this race.

But it doesn't matter, refining this Blood Monster ancestor into my exclusive corpse puppet will be the same.

"Junior Martial Brother, there's something I don't understand. The Blood Corpses I refined shouldn't have this ability, right? How did they become like this?" Nie Yingji asked.

If subscriptions reach 1500 today, I will release an extra chapter tomorrow. If the average subscriptions reach 2000, I will release another bonus chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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